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* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 2.0.0
* @license MIT License
namespace Cake\Core;
use Cake\Core\Exception\MissingPluginException;
use DirectoryIterator;
* Plugin is used to load and locate plugins.
* It also can retrieve plugin paths and load their bootstrap and routes files.
* @link
class Plugin
* Holds a list of all loaded plugins and their configuration
* @var \Cake\Core\PluginCollection|null
protected static $plugins;
* Class loader instance
* @var \Cake\Core\ClassLoader
protected static $_loader;
* Loads a plugin and optionally loads bootstrapping,
* routing files or runs an initialization function.
* Plugins only need to be loaded if you want bootstrapping/routes/cli commands to
* be exposed. If your plugin does not expose any of these features you do not need
* to load them.
* This method does not configure any autoloaders. That must be done separately either
* through composer, or your own code during config/bootstrap.php.
* ### Examples:
* `Plugin::load('DebugKit')`
* Will load the DebugKit plugin and will not load any bootstrap nor route files.
* However, the plugin will be part of the framework default routes, and have its
* CLI tools (if any) available for use.
* `Plugin::load('DebugKit', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true])`
* Will load the bootstrap.php and routes.php files.
* `Plugin::load('DebugKit', ['bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => true])`
* Will load routes.php file but not bootstrap.php
* `Plugin::load('FOC/Authenticate')`
* Will load plugin from `plugins/FOC/Authenticate`.
* It is also possible to load multiple plugins at once. Examples:
* `Plugin::load(['DebugKit', 'ApiGenerator'])`
* Will load the DebugKit and ApiGenerator plugins.
* `Plugin::load(['DebugKit', 'ApiGenerator'], ['bootstrap' => true])`
* Will load bootstrap file for both plugins
* ```
* Plugin::load([
* 'DebugKit' => ['routes' => true],
* 'ApiGenerator'
* ],
* ['bootstrap' => true])
* ```
* Will only load the bootstrap for ApiGenerator and only the routes for DebugKit
* ### Configuration options
* - `bootstrap` - array - Whether or not you want the $plugin/config/bootstrap.php file loaded.
* - `routes` - boolean - Whether or not you want to load the $plugin/config/routes.php file.
* - `ignoreMissing` - boolean - Set to true to ignore missing bootstrap/routes files.
* - `path` - string - The path the plugin can be found on. If empty the default plugin path (App.pluginPaths) will be used.
* - `classBase` - The path relative to `path` which contains the folders with class files.
* Defaults to "src".
* - `autoload` - boolean - Whether or not you want an autoloader registered. This defaults to false. The framework
* assumes you have configured autoloaders using composer. However, if your application source tree is made up of
* plugins, this can be a useful option.
* @param string|array $plugin name of the plugin to be loaded in CamelCase format or array or plugins to load
* @param array $config configuration options for the plugin
* @throws \Cake\Core\Exception\MissingPluginException if the folder for the plugin to be loaded is not found
* @return void
* @deprecated 3.7.0 This method will be removed in 4.0.0. Use Application::addPlugin() instead.
public static function load($plugin, array $config = [])
'Plugin::load() is deprecated. ' .
'Use Application::addPlugin() instead. ' .
'This method will be removed in 4.0.0.'
if (is_array($plugin)) {
foreach ($plugin as $name => $conf) {
list($name, $conf) = is_numeric($name) ? [$conf, $config] : [$name, $conf];
static::load($name, $conf);
$config += [
'autoload' => false,
'bootstrap' => false,
'routes' => false,
'console' => true,
'classBase' => 'src',
'ignoreMissing' => false,
'name' => $plugin,
if (!isset($config['path'])) {
$config['path'] = static::getCollection()->findPath($plugin);
$config['classPath'] = $config['path'] . $config['classBase'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if (!isset($config['configPath'])) {
$config['configPath'] = $config['path'] . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$pluginClass = str_replace('/', '\\', $plugin) . '\\Plugin';
if (class_exists($pluginClass)) {
$instance = new $pluginClass($config);
} else {
// Use stub plugin as this method will be removed long term.
$instance = new BasePlugin($config);
if ($config['autoload'] === true) {
if (empty(static::$_loader)) {
static::$_loader = new ClassLoader();
str_replace('/', '\\', $plugin),
$config['path'] . $config['classBase'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
str_replace('/', '\\', $plugin) . '\Test',
$config['path'] . 'tests' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
if ($config['bootstrap'] === true) {
* Will load all the plugins located in the default plugin folder.
* If passed an options array, it will be used as a common default for all plugins to be loaded
* It is possible to set specific defaults for each plugins in the options array. Examples:
* ```
* Plugin::loadAll([
* ['bootstrap' => true],
* 'DebugKit' => ['routes' => true],
* ]);
* ```
* The above example will load the bootstrap file for all plugins, but for DebugKit it will only load the routes file
* and will not look for any bootstrap script.
* If a plugin has been loaded already, it will not be reloaded by loadAll().
* @param array $options Options.
* @return void
* @throws \Cake\Core\Exception\MissingPluginException
* @deprecated 3.7.0 This method will be removed in 4.0.0.
public static function loadAll(array $options = [])
$plugins = [];
foreach (App::path('Plugin') as $path) {
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$dir = new DirectoryIterator($path);
foreach ($dir as $dirPath) {
if ($dirPath->isDir() && !$dirPath->isDot()) {
$plugins[] = $dirPath->getBasename();
if (Configure::check('plugins')) {
$plugins = array_merge($plugins, array_keys(Configure::read('plugins')));
$plugins = array_unique($plugins);
$collection = static::getCollection();
foreach ($plugins as $p) {
$opts = isset($options[$p]) ? $options[$p] : null;
if ($opts === null && isset($options[0])) {
$opts = $options[0];
if ($collection->has($p)) {
static::load($p, (array)$opts);
* Returns the filesystem path for a plugin
* @param string $name name of the plugin in CamelCase format
* @return string path to the plugin folder
* @throws \Cake\Core\Exception\MissingPluginException if the folder for plugin was not found or plugin has not been loaded
public static function path($name)
$plugin = static::getCollection()->get($name);
return $plugin->getPath();
* Returns the filesystem path for plugin's folder containing class folders.
* @param string $name name of the plugin in CamelCase format.
* @return string Path to the plugin folder container class folders.
* @throws \Cake\Core\Exception\MissingPluginException If plugin has not been loaded.
public static function classPath($name)
$plugin = static::getCollection()->get($name);
return $plugin->getClassPath();
* Returns the filesystem path for plugin's folder containing config files.
* @param string $name name of the plugin in CamelCase format.
* @return string Path to the plugin folder container config files.
* @throws \Cake\Core\Exception\MissingPluginException If plugin has not been loaded.
public static function configPath($name)
$plugin = static::getCollection()->get($name);
return $plugin->getConfigPath();
* Loads the bootstrapping files for a plugin, or calls the initialization setup in the configuration
* @param string $name name of the plugin
* @return mixed
* @see \Cake\Core\Plugin::load() for examples of bootstrap configuration
* @deprecated 3.7.0 This method will be removed in 4.0.0.
public static function bootstrap($name)
'Plugin::bootstrap() is deprecated. ' .
'This method will be removed in 4.0.0.'
$plugin = static::getCollection()->get($name);
if (!$plugin->isEnabled('bootstrap')) {
return false;
// Disable bootstrapping for this plugin as it will have
// been bootstrapped.
return static::_includeFile(
$plugin->getConfigPath() . 'bootstrap.php',
* Loads the routes file for a plugin, or all plugins configured to load their respective routes file.
* If you need fine grained control over how routes are loaded for plugins, you
* can use {@see Cake\Routing\RouteBuilder::loadPlugin()}
* @param string|null $name name of the plugin, if null will operate on all
* plugins having enabled the loading of routes files.
* @return bool
* @deprecated 3.6.5 This method is no longer needed when using HttpApplicationInterface based applications.
* This method will be removed in 4.0.0
public static function routes($name = null)
'You no longer need to call `Plugin::routes()` after upgrading to use Http\Server. ' .
'See ' .
'for upgrade information.'
if ($name === null) {
foreach (static::loaded() as $p) {
return true;
$plugin = static::getCollection()->get($name);
if (!$plugin->isEnabled('routes')) {
return false;
return (bool)static::_includeFile(
$plugin->getConfigPath() . 'routes.php',
* Check whether or not a plugin is loaded.
* @param string $plugin The name of the plugin to check.
* @return bool
* @since 3.7.0
public static function isLoaded($plugin)
return static::getCollection()->has($plugin);
* Return a list of loaded plugins.
* If a plugin name is provided, the return value will be a bool
* indicating whether or not the named plugin is loaded. This usage
* is deprecated. Instead you should use Plugin::isLoaded($name)
* @param string|null $plugin Plugin name.
* @return bool|array Boolean true if $plugin is already loaded.
* If $plugin is null, returns a list of plugins that have been loaded
public static function loaded($plugin = null)
if ($plugin !== null) {
'Checking a single plugin with Plugin::loaded() is deprecated. ' .
'Use Plugin::isLoaded() instead.'
return static::getCollection()->has($plugin);
$names = [];
foreach (static::getCollection() as $plugin) {
$names[] = $plugin->getName();
return $names;
* Forgets a loaded plugin or all of them if first parameter is null
* @param string|null $plugin name of the plugin to forget
* @deprecated 3.7.0 This method will be removed in 4.0.0. Use PluginCollection::remove() or clear() instead.
* @return void
public static function unload($plugin = null)
deprecationWarning('Plugin::unload() will be removed in 4.0. Use PluginCollection::remove() or clear()');
if ($plugin === null) {
} else {
* Include file, ignoring include error if needed if file is missing
* @param string $file File to include
* @param bool $ignoreMissing Whether to ignore include error for missing files
* @return mixed
protected static function _includeFile($file, $ignoreMissing = false)
if ($ignoreMissing && !is_file($file)) {
return false;
return include $file;
* Get the shared plugin collection.
* This method should generally not be used during application
* runtime as plugins should be set during Application startup.
* @return \Cake\Core\PluginCollection
public static function getCollection()
if (!isset(static::$plugins)) {
static::$plugins = new PluginCollection();
return static::$plugins;