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namespace Composer\Installers\Test;
use Composer\Installers\BitrixInstaller;
use Composer\Package\Package;
use Composer\Composer;
* Tests for the BitrixInstaller Class
* @coversDefaultClass Composer\Installers\BitrixInstaller
class BitrixInstallerTest extends TestCase
/** @var BitrixInstaller */
private $installer;
/** @var Composer */
private $composer;
* Sets up the fixture, for example, instantiate the class-under-test.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
final function setUp()
$this->composer = new Composer();
* @param string $vars
* @param string $expectedVars
* @covers ::inflectPackageVars
* @dataProvider provideExpectedInflectionResults
final public function testInflectPackageVars($vars, $expectedVars)
$this->installer = new BitrixInstaller(
new Package($vars['name'], '4.2', '4.2'),
$actual = $this->installer->inflectPackageVars($vars);
$this->assertEquals($actual, $expectedVars);
* Provides various parameters for packages and the expected result after inflection
* @return array
final public function provideExpectedInflectionResults()
return array(
//check bitrix-dir is correct
array('name' => 'Nyan/Cat'),
array('name' => 'Nyan/Cat', 'bitrix_dir' => 'bitrix')
array('name' => 'Nyan/Cat', 'bitrix_dir' => 'bitrix'),
array('name' => 'Nyan/Cat', 'bitrix_dir' => 'bitrix')
array('name' => 'Nyan/Cat', 'bitrix_dir' => 'local'),
array('name' => 'Nyan/Cat', 'bitrix_dir' => 'local')