You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

150 lines
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* This file is part of the Fxp Composer Asset Plugin package.
* (c) François Pluchino <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Fxp\Composer\AssetPlugin\Util;
use Composer\Composer;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Package\Package;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
use Composer\Repository\RepositoryManager;
use Fxp\Composer\AssetPlugin\Assets;
use Fxp\Composer\AssetPlugin\Config\Config;
use Fxp\Composer\AssetPlugin\Installer\AssetInstaller;
use Fxp\Composer\AssetPlugin\Installer\BowerInstaller;
use Fxp\Composer\AssetPlugin\Repository\AssetRepositoryManager;
use Fxp\Composer\AssetPlugin\Repository\VcsPackageFilter;
* Helper for FxpAssetPlugin.
* @author François Pluchino <>
class AssetPlugin
* Adds asset installers.
* @param Config $config
* @param Composer $composer
* @param IOInterface $io
public static function addInstallers(Config $config, Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
$im = $composer->getInstallationManager();
$im->addInstaller(new BowerInstaller($config, $io, $composer, Assets::createType('bower')));
$im->addInstaller(new AssetInstaller($config, $io, $composer, Assets::createType('npm')));
* Creates the asset options.
* @param array $config The composer config section of asset options
* @param string $assetType The asset type
* @return array The asset registry options
public static function createAssetOptions(array $config, $assetType)
$options = array();
foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
if (0 === strpos($key, $assetType.'-')) {
$key = substr($key, strlen($assetType) + 1);
$options[$key] = $value;
return $options;
* Create the repository config.
* @param AssetRepositoryManager $arm The asset repository manager
* @param VcsPackageFilter $filter The vcs package filter
* @param Config $config The plugin config
* @param string $assetType The asset type
* @return array
public static function createRepositoryConfig(AssetRepositoryManager $arm, VcsPackageFilter $filter, Config $config, $assetType)
return array(
'asset-repository-manager' => $arm,
'vcs-package-filter' => $filter,
'asset-options' => static::createAssetOptions($config->getArray('registry-options'), $assetType),
'vcs-driver-options' => $config->getArray('vcs-driver-options'),
* Adds asset registry repositories.
* @param AssetRepositoryManager $arm
* @param VcsPackageFilter $filter
* @param Config $config
public static function addRegistryRepositories(AssetRepositoryManager $arm, VcsPackageFilter $filter, Config $config)
foreach (Assets::getRegistryFactories() as $registryType => $factoryClass) {
$ref = new \ReflectionClass($factoryClass);
if ($ref->implementsInterface('Fxp\Composer\AssetPlugin\Repository\RegistryFactoryInterface')) {
call_user_func(array($factoryClass, 'create'), $arm, $filter, $config);
* Sets vcs type repositories.
* @param RepositoryManager $rm
public static function setVcsTypeRepositories(RepositoryManager $rm)
foreach (Assets::getTypes() as $assetType) {
foreach (Assets::getVcsRepositoryDrivers() as $driverType => $repositoryClass) {
$rm->setRepositoryClass($assetType.'-'.$driverType, $repositoryClass);
* Adds the main file definitions from the root package.
* @param Config $config
* @param PackageInterface $package
* @param string $section
* @return PackageInterface
public static function addMainFiles(Config $config, PackageInterface $package, $section = 'main-files')
if ($package instanceof Package) {
$packageExtra = $package->getExtra();
$rootMainFiles = $config->getArray($section);
foreach ($rootMainFiles as $packageName => $files) {
if ($packageName === $package->getName()) {
$packageExtra['bower-asset-main'] = $files;
return $package;