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* li₃: the most RAD framework for PHP (
* Copyright 2009, Union of RAD. All rights reserved. This source
* code is distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
* The full license text can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
namespace lithium\storage\cache\adapter;
use Memcached;
use lithium\util\Set;
use lithium\storage\Cache;
use lithium\net\HostString;
* Memcache (libmemcached) cache adapter implementation using `pecl/memcached`.
* This adapter requires `pecl/memcached` to be installed. The extension
* must be enabled according to the extension documention and a running
* memcached server instance must be available.
* This adapter natively handles multi-key reads/writes/deletes, natively
* provides serialization and key scoping features and supports atomic
* increment/decrement operations as well as clearing the entire cache.
* Delegation of method calls to the connection object is available.
* Cached item persistence is not guaranteed. Infrequently used items will
* be evicted from the cache when there is no room to store new ones.
* A simple configuration can be accomplished as follows:
* ```
* Cache::config([
* 'default' => [
* 'adapter' => 'Memcached',
* 'host' => ''
* ]
* ]);
* ```
* The `'host'` key accepts entries in multiple formats, depending on the number of
* Memcache servers you are connecting to. See the `__construct()` method for more
* information.
* @link
* @link
* @see lithium\storage\cache\adapter\Memcache::__construct()
* @see lithium\storage\Cache::key()
* @see lithium\storage\Cache::adapter()
class Memcache extends \lithium\storage\cache\Adapter {
* The default host used to connect to the server.
const DEFAULT_HOST = '';
* The default port used to connect to the server.
const DEFAULT_PORT = 11211;
* `Memcached` object instance used by this adapter.
* @var object
public $connection = null;
* Constructor. Instantiates the `Memcached` object, adds appropriate servers to the pool,
* and configures any optional settings passed (see the `_init()` method).
* @see lithium\storage\Cache::config()
* @param array $config Configuration for this cache adapter. These settings are queryable
* through `Cache::config('name')`. The available options are as follows:
* - `'scope'` _string_: Scope which will prefix keys; per default not set.
* - `'expiry'` _mixed_: The default expiration time for cache values, if no value
* is otherwise set. Can be either a `strtotime()` compatible tring or TTL in
* seconds. To indicate items should not expire use `Cache::PERSIST`. Defaults
* to `+1 hour`.
* - `'host'` _string|array_: A string in the form of `'<host>'`, `'<host>:<port>'` or
* `':<port>'` indicating the host and/or port to connect to. When one or both are
* not provided uses general server defaults.
* Use the array format for multiple hosts (optionally with server selection weights):
* `array('', '')`
* `array('' => 200, '')`
* @return void
public function __construct(array $config = []) {
$defaults = [
'scope' => null,
'expiry' => '+1 hour',
'host' => static::DEFAULT_HOST . ':' . static::DEFAULT_PORT
parent::__construct(Set::merge($defaults, $config));
* Generates safe cache keys.
* As per the protocol no control characters or whitespace is allowed
* in the key name. There's also a limit of max. 250 characters which is
* checked and enforced here. The limit is actually lowered to 250 minus
* the length of an crc32b hash minus separator (241) minus scope length
* minus separator (241 - x).
* @param array $keys The original keys.
* @return array Keys modified and safe to use with adapter.
public function key(array $keys) {
$length = 241 - ($this->_config['scope'] ? strlen($this->_config['scope']) + 1 : 0);
return array_map(
function($key) use ($length) {
$result = substr(preg_replace('/[[:cntrl:]\s]/u', '_', $key), 0, $length);
return $key !== $result ? $result . '_' . hash('crc32b', $key) : $result;
* Handles the actual `Memcached` connection and server connection
* adding for the adapter constructor and sets prefix using the scope
* if provided.
* @return void
protected function _init() {
$this->connection = $this->connection ?: new Memcached();
if ($this->_config['scope']) {
$this->connection->setOption(Memcached::OPT_PREFIX_KEY, "{$this->_config['scope']}:");
* Dispatches a not-found method to the connection object. That way, one can
* easily use a custom method on the adapter. If you want to know, what methods
* are available, have a look at the documentation of memcached.
* ```
* Cache::adapter('memcache')->methodName($argument);
* ```
* @link
* @param string $method Name of the method to call.
* @param array $params Parameter list to use when calling $method.
* @return mixed Returns the result of the method call.
public function __call($method, $params = []) {
return call_user_func_array([&$this->connection, $method], $params);
* Determines if a given method can be called.
* @deprecated
* @param string $method Name of the method.
* @param boolean $internal Provide `true` to perform check from inside the
* class/object. When `false` checks also for public visibility;
* defaults to `false`.
* @return boolean Returns `true` if the method can be called, `false` otherwise.
public function respondsTo($method, $internal = false) {
$message = '`' . __METHOD__ . '()` has been deprecated. ';
$message .= 'Use `is_callable([$adapter->connection, \'<method>\'])` instead.';
trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED);
if (parent::respondsTo($method, $internal)) {
return true;
return is_callable([$this->connection, $method]);
* Formats standard `'host:port'` strings into arrays used by `Memcached`.
* @param mixed $host A host string in `'host:port'` format, or an array of host strings
* optionally paired with relative selection weight values.
* @return array Returns an array of `Memcached` server definitions.
protected function _formatHostList($host) {
$hosts = [];
foreach ((array) $this->_config['host'] as $host => $weight) {
$host = HostString::parse(($hasWeight = is_integer($weight)) ? $host : $weight) + [
'host' => static::DEFAULT_HOST,
'port' => static::DEFAULT_PORT
$host = [$host['host'], $host['port']];
if ($hasWeight) {
$host[] = $weight;
$hosts[] = $host;
return $hosts;
* Write values to the cache. All items to be cached will receive an
* expiration time of `$expiry`.
* Expiration is always based off the current unix time in order to gurantee we never
* exceed the TTL limit of 30 days when specifying the TTL directly.
* @param array $keys Key/value pairs with keys to uniquely identify the to-be-cached item.
* @param string|integer $expiry A `strtotime()` compatible cache time or TTL in seconds.
* To persist an item use `\lithium\storage\Cache::PERSIST`.
* @return boolean `true` on successful write, `false` otherwise.
public function write(array $keys, $expiry = null) {
$expiry = $expiry || $expiry === Cache::PERSIST ? $expiry : $this->_config['expiry'];
if (!$expiry || $expiry === Cache::PERSIST) {
$expires = 0;
} elseif (is_int($expiry)) {
$expires = $expiry + time();
} else {
$expires = strtotime($expiry);
if (count($keys) > 1) {
return $this->connection->setMulti($keys, $expires);
return $this->connection->set(key($keys), current($keys), $expires);
* Read values from the cache. Will attempt to return an array of data
* containing key/value pairs of the requested data.
* @param array $keys Keys to uniquely identify the cached items.
* @return array Cached values keyed by cache keys on successful read,
* keys which could not be read will not be included in
* the results array.
public function read(array $keys) {
if (count($keys) > 1) {
if (!$results = $this->connection->getMulti($keys)) {
return [];
} else {
$result = $this->connection->get($key = current($keys));
if ($result === false && $this->connection->getResultCode() === Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND) {
return [];
$results = [$key => $result];
return $results;
* Will attempt to remove specified keys from the user space cache.
* @param array $keys Keys to uniquely identify the cached items.
* @return boolean `true` on successful delete, `false` otherwise.
public function delete(array $keys) {
if (count($keys) > 1) {
return $this->connection->deleteMulti($keys);
return $this->connection->delete(current($keys));
* Performs an atomic decrement operation on specified numeric cache item.
* Note that, as per the Memcached specification:
* "If the item's value is not numeric, it is treated as if the value were 0.
* If the operation would decrease the value below 0, the new value will be 0."
* @link
* @param string $key Key of numeric cache item to decrement.
* @param integer $offset Offset to decrement - defaults to `1`.
* @return integer|boolean The item's new value on successful decrement, else `false`.
public function decrement($key, $offset = 1) {
return $this->connection->decrement($key, $offset);
* Performs an atomic increment operation on specified numeric cache item.
* Note that, as per the Memcached specification:
* "If the item's value is not numeric, it is treated as if the value were 0."
* @link
* @param string $key Key of numeric cache item to increment.
* @param integer $offset Offset to increment - defaults to `1`.
* @return integer|boolean The item's new value on successful increment, else `false`.
public function increment($key, $offset = 1) {
return $this->connection->increment($key, $offset);
* Clears entire cache by flushing it. All cache keys using the
* configuration but *without* honoring the scope are removed.
* Internally keys are not removed but invalidated. Thus this
* operation doesn't actually free memory on the instance.
* The behavior and result when removing a single key
* during this process fails is unknown.
* @return boolean `true` on successful clearing, `false` otherwise.
public function clear() {
return $this->connection->flush();
* Determines if the `Memcached` extension has been installed.
* @return boolean Returns `true` if the `Memcached` extension is installed and enabled, `false`
* otherwise.
public static function enabled() {
return extension_loaded('memcached');