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include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../par2info.php';
* Test case for Par2Info.
* @group par2
class Par2InfoTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $fixturesDir;
* This method is called before each test is executed.
protected function setUp()
$this->fixturesDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/fixtures/par2');
* PAR2 files consist of self-contained packets with their own checksums, of
* various types. Redundancy means that details of the recovery set are repeated
* across multiple files, and within files. Packets should only be added to the
* list if they pass the internal checksum test.
* @dataProvider providerTestFixtures
* @param string $filename sample par2 filename
* @param string $packets expected list of valid packets
public function testStoresListOfAllValidPackets($filename, $packets)
$par2 = new Par2Info;
$this->assertEmpty($par2->error, $par2->error);
$packetList = $par2->getPackets(true);
$this->assertEquals(count($packets), count($packetList));
$this->assertEquals($packets, $packetList);
* Provides test data from sample files.
public function providerTestFixtures()
$fixturesDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/fixtures/par2');
$fixtures = array();
foreach (glob($fixturesDir.$ds.'*.par2') as $par2file) {
$fname = pathinfo($par2file, PATHINFO_BASENAME).'.packets';
$fpath = $fixturesDir.$ds.$fname;
if (file_exists($fpath)) {
$packets = include $fpath;
$fixtures[] = array('filename' => $par2file, 'packets' => $packets);
return $fixtures;
* PAR2 files can be inspected to provide a full list of the files included
* in their recovery set, with hashes for checking file integrity. Because
* of redundancy, the same File Description packets can be repeated within a
* single file, so we need to ignore duplicates.
public function testListsAllRecoverySetFilesWithHashes()
$par2 = new Par2Info;
$this->assertEmpty($par2->error, $par2->error);
$files = $par2->getFileList();
$this->assertEquals(2, $par2->blockCount);
$this->assertEquals(10, $par2->fileCount);
$this->assertCount(10, $files);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('4631d494bc34ae0b3131291eeb3238f6', $files);
$this->assertEquals($files['4631d494bc34ae0b3131291eeb3238f6'], array(
'name' => '',
'size' => 142129,
'hash' => '9e44a776f7a1fac4a3569bf734bacb01',
'hash_16K' => 'bd1a58ae2f233491c450623596c322eb',
'blocks' => 27,
'next_offset' => 5576
// Check the hash of the whole file contents
$data = file_get_contents($this->fixturesDir.'/');
$this->assertSame($files['4631d494bc34ae0b3131291eeb3238f6']['hash'], md5($data));
// Check the hash of the first 16KB of the file
$data = substr($data, 0, 16384);
$this->assertSame($files['4631d494bc34ae0b3131291eeb3238f6']['hash_16K'], md5($data));
* We should be able to report on the client used to create the PAR2 file.
public function testReportsClientInfo()
$par2 = new Par2Info;
$this->assertSame('Created by QuickPar 0.4', $par2->client);
} // End Par2InfoTest