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include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../pipereader.php';
* Test case for PipeReader.
* @group pipe
class PipeReaderTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $fixturesDir;
protected $testFile;
* This method is called before each test is executed.
protected function setUp()
$this->fixturesDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/fixtures');
$this->testFile = $this->fixturesDir.$ds.'rar'.$ds.'4mb.rar';
* When dealing with the piped output of a shell command, we should be able
* to seek/read the same as with file/data sources, although with the option
* to read all of the output without knowing its size in advance.
public function testHandlesBasicSeekingAndReading()
$command = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\'
? 'type '.escapeshellarg($this->testFile).' 2>nul'
: 'cat '.escapeshellarg($this->testFile);
$filesize = filesize($this->testFile);
$reader = new TestPipeReader;
$this->assertSame(0, $reader->tell());
// Seeking
$this->assertSame(0, $reader->tell());
$this->assertSame($filesize, $reader->tell());
$this->assertSame(15, $reader->tell());
$this->assertSame($reader->offset, $reader->tell());
$this->assertSame(15, $reader->tell());
$this->assertSame($reader->offset, $reader->tell());
$this->assertSame(100, $reader->tell());
$this->assertSame($reader->offset, $reader->tell());
try {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {}
$this->assertSame(100, $reader->tell());
try {
$reader->seek($filesize + 1);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {}
$this->assertSame($filesize, $reader->tell());
// Reading (with known size)
$data = $reader->read($filesize);
$this->assertSame($filesize, strlen($data));
$this->assertSame($filesize, $reader->tell());
$this->assertSame($reader->offset, $reader->tell());
try {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {}
$this->assertSame($filesize, $reader->tell());
$data = $reader->read(100);
$this->assertSame(100, strlen($data));
$this->assertSame(100, $reader->tell());
$data = $reader->read(1);
$this->assertSame(1, strlen($data));
$this->assertSame(101, $reader->tell());
try {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {}
$this->assertSame($filesize, $reader->tell());
// Reading (with unknown size)
$data = '';
while ($read = $reader->read(8192, false)) {
$data .= $read;
$this->assertSame($filesize, strlen($data));
$this->assertSame($filesize, $reader->tell());
$data = $reader->readAll();
$this->assertSame($filesize, strlen($data));
$this->assertSame($filesize, $reader->tell());
* We also need to be able to read one line at a time, with the line ending
* included in the output.
* @depends testHandlesBasicSeekingAndReading
public function testReadsSingleLines()
$file = realpath($this->fixturesDir.'/sfv/test001.sfv');
$command = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\'
? 'type '.escapeshellarg($file).' 2>nul'
: 'cat '.escapeshellarg($file);
$reader = new TestPipeReader;
$line = $reader->readLine();
$this->assertSame("; example comment\r\n", $line);
while ($data = $reader->readLine()) {
$line = $data;
$this->assertSame("testrar.rar 36fbdd27\r\n", $line);
$this->assertSame($reader->offset, $reader->tell());
} // End PipeReaderTest
class TestPipeReader extends PipeReader
// Made public for test convenience
public $offset = 0;