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include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../sfvinfo.php';
* Test case for SfvInfo.
* @group sfv
class SfvInfoTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected $fixturesDir;
* This method is called before each test is executed.
protected function setUp()
$this->fixturesDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/fixtures/sfv');
* SFV files can cover individual files and whole directory trees with simple
* CRC32 checksums, and can include comments. Parsing should handle spaces and
* different directory separators, and all line ending types.
* @dataProvider providerSfvFileRecords
* @param string $filename sample sfv filename
* @param string $filelist parsed file list
public function testListsAllFilesWithChecksums($filename, $filelist)
$source = $this->fixturesDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename;
$filecount = count($filelist);
$sfv = new SfvInfo;
$this->assertEmpty($sfv->error, $sfv->error);
$this->assertSame($filecount, $sfv->fileCount);
// Comments should be stored
// With full file paths, including dirs
$list = $sfv->getFileList();
for ($i = 0; $i < $filecount; $i++)
$this->assertSame($filelist[$i][0], $list[$i]['name']);
$this->assertSame($filelist[$i][1], $list[$i]['checksum']);
// With filenames only, ignoring dirs
$list = $sfv->getFileList(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $filecount; $i++)
$this->assertSame($filelist[$i][2], $list[$i]['name']);
$this->assertSame($filelist[$i][1], $list[$i]['checksum']);
// Summary should return the same list with source info
$summary = $sfv->getSummary(true, true);
$this->assertSame($source, $summary['file_name']);
$this->assertSame($list, $summary['file_list']);
$this->assertSame($filecount, $summary['file_count']);
$this->assertSame(filesize($source), $summary['file_size']);
$this->assertSame('0-'.($summary['file_size'] - 1), $summary['use_range']);
// The same results should be returned when data is set directly
$sfv = new SfvInfo;
$data = file_get_contents($source);
$this->assertSame($filecount, $sfv->fileCount);
$summary = $sfv->getSummary(true, true);
$this->assertSame($list, $summary['file_list']);
$this->assertSame($filecount, $summary['file_count']);
$this->assertSame(filesize($source), $summary['data_size']);
$this->assertSame('0-'.($summary['data_size'] - 1), $summary['use_range']);
* Provides test data for comparison with sample files.
public function providerSfvFileRecords()
return array(
array('test001.sfv', array(
array('testrar.r00', 'f6d8c75f', 'testrar.r00'),
array('testrar.r01', '1e9ba708', 'testrar.r01'),
array('testrar.r02', 'fb171746', 'testrar.r02'),
array('testrar.r03', '1ddbb63a', 'testrar.r03'),
array('testrar.rar', '36fbdd27', 'testrar.rar'))
array('test002.sfv', array(
array('test 1.txt', 'f6d8c75f', 'test 1.txt'),
array('subdir\test_2.txt', '1e9ba708', 'test_2.txt'),
array('subdir\test 3.txt', 'fb171746', 'test 3.txt'),
array('subdir/test 4.txt', '1ddbb63a', 'test 4.txt'),
array('subdir1/subdir 2/test 5.txt', '36fbdd27', 'test 5.txt'))
* We should be able to verify simply that any passed data or file only
* contains valid SFV info.
public function testNonSfvDataShouldReturnError()
$sfv = new SfvInfo;
$sfv->setData(";could be a comment\r\ninvalid sfv daT4GHIJ\r\n");
$this->assertSame('Not a valid SFV file', $sfv->error);
// RAR
$source = $this->fixturesDir.'/../rar/4mb.rar';
$sfv = new SfvInfo;
$this->assertSame('Not a valid SFV file', $sfv->error);
// PAR2
$source = $this->fixturesDir.'/../par2/testdata.par2';
$sfv = new SfvInfo;
$this->assertSame('Not a valid SFV file', $sfv->error);
// ZIP (contains readable uncompressed SFV file)
$source = $this->fixturesDir.'/';
$sfv = new SfvInfo;
$this->assertSame('Not a valid SFV file', $sfv->error);
* All line ending types, including mixed types, should be supported.
* @dataProvider providerSfvMixedLineEndings
* @param string $data sample sfv data
public function testSupportsAllLineEndingTypes($data)
$sfv = new SfvInfo;
$this->assertEmpty($sfv->error, $sfv->error);
$this->assertSame(2, $sfv->fileCount);
$this->assertSame("example comment\n", $sfv->comments);
'name' => 'testrar.r00',
'checksum' => 'f6d8c75f'
'name' => 'testrar.r01',
'checksum' => '1e9ba708'
), $sfv->getFileList());
* Provides test data with different line ending types.
public function providerSfvMixedLineEndings()
return array(
// Unix
array("; example comment\ntestrar.r00 f6d8c75f\ntestrar.r01 1e9ba708\n"),
// Windows
array("; example comment\r\ntestrar.r00 f6d8c75f\r\ntestrar.r01 1e9ba708\r\n"),
// Mac
array("; example comment\rtestrar.r00 f6d8c75f\rtestrar.r01 1e9ba708\r"),
// Mixed
array("; example comment\ntestrar.r00 f6d8c75f\r\ntestrar.r01 1e9ba708\r"),
* We should be able to access any file comments simply, stripped of ; and padding.
public function testStoresFileComments()
$source = $this->fixturesDir.'/test002.sfv';
$sfv = new SfvInfo;
$comments = "filenames with spaces\nfiles in subdirectories\n";
$this->assertSame($comments, $sfv->comments);
} // End SfvInfoTest