You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

231 lines
8.0 KiB

1 year ago
require_once './config.php';
use app\models\Settings;
use nzedb\Category;
use nzedb\SABnzbd;
use nzedb\db\DB;
use nzedb\utility\Misc;
// new to get information on books groups
$page = new AdminPage();
$id = 0;
$error = '';
$category = new Category();
// Set the current action.
$action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'view';
switch ($action) {
case 'submit':
$error = "";
if (!empty($_POST['book_reqids'])) {
// book_reqids is an array it needs to be a comma separated string, make it so.
$_POST['book_reqids'] = is_array($_POST['book_reqids']) ?
implode(', ', $_POST['book_reqids']) : $_POST['book_reqids'];
// update site table as always
$ret = $page->settings->settingsUpdate($_POST);
if (is_int($ret)) {
// TODO convert to switch
if ($ret == Settings::ERR_BADUNRARPATH) {
$error = "The unrar path does not point to a valid binary";
} else {
if ($ret == Settings::ERR_BADFFMPEGPATH) {
$error = "The ffmpeg path does not point to a valid binary";
} else {
if ($ret == Settings::ERR_BADMEDIAINFOPATH) {
$error = "The mediainfo path does not point to a valid binary";
} else {
if ($ret == Settings::ERR_BADNZBPATH) {
$error = "The nzb path does not point to an existing directory";
} else {
if ($ret == Settings::ERR_DEEPNOUNRAR) {
$error = "Deep password check requires a valid path to unrar binary";
} else {
if ($ret == Settings::ERR_BADTMPUNRARPATH) {
$error = "The temp unrar path is not a valid directory";
} else {
if ($ret == Settings::ERR_BADNZBPATH_UNREADABLE) {
$error = "The nzb path cannot be read from. Check the permissions.";
} else {
if ($ret == Settings::ERR_BADNZBPATH_UNSET) {
$error = "The nzb path is required, please set it.";
} else {
if ($ret == Settings::ERR_BAD_COVERS_PATH) {
$error = 'The covers&apos; path is required and must exist. Please set it.';
} else {
if ($ret == Settings::ERR_BAD_YYDECODER_PATH) {
$error = 'The yydecoder&apos;s path must exist. Please set it or leave it empty.';
if ($error == "") {
$site = $ret;
$returnid = $site['id'];
header("Location:" . WWW_TOP . "/site-edit.php?id=" . $returnid);
} else {
$page->smarty->assign('error', $error);
$page->smarty->assign('settings', $page->settings->rowsToArray($_POST));
case 'view':
$page->title = "Site Edit";
$site = $page->settings;
$page->smarty->assign('site', $site);
$page->smarty->assign('settings', $site->getSettingsAsTree());
if ($error === '') {
$page->smarty->assign('error', '');
$page->smarty->assign('yesno_ids', [1, 0]);
$page->smarty->assign('yesno_names', ['Yes', 'No']);
$page->smarty->assign('passwd_ids', [1, 0]);
$page->smarty->assign('passwd_names', ['Deep (requires unrar)', 'None']);
/*0 = English, 2 = Danish, 3 = French, 1 = German*/
$page->smarty->assign('langlist_ids', [0, 2, 3, 1]);
$page->smarty->assign('langlist_names', ['English', 'Danish', 'French', 'German']);
'en', 'da', 'nl', 'fi', 'fr', 'de', 'it', 'tlh', 'no', 'po', 'ru', 'es',
'English', 'Danish', 'Dutch', 'Finnish', 'French', 'German', 'Italian',
'Klingon', 'Norwegian', 'Polish', 'Russian', 'Spanish', 'Swedish'
$page->smarty->assign('imdb_urls', [0, 1]);
$page->smarty->assign('imdburl_names', ['', '']);
$page->smarty->assign('menupos_ids', [0, 1, 2]);
$page->smarty->assign('menupos_names', ['Right', 'Left', 'Top']);
$page->smarty->assign('sabintegrationtype_names', ['User', 'Site-wide', 'None (Off)']);
$page->smarty->assign('sabapikeytype_ids', [SABnzbd::API_TYPE_NZB, SABnzbd::API_TYPE_FULL]);
$page->smarty->assign('sabapikeytype_names', ['Nzb Api Key', 'Full Api Key']);
$page->smarty->assign('sabpriority_names', ['Force', 'High', 'Normal', 'Low']);
$page->smarty->assign('newgroupscan_names', ['Days', 'Posts']);
$page->smarty->assign('registerstatus_names', ['API Only', 'Open', 'Invite', 'Closed']);
$page->smarty->assign('passworded_ids', [0, 2, 1, 10]);
$page->smarty->assign('passworded_names', [
'Hide passworded or potentially passworded (*yes)',
'Hide passworded or potentially passworded (*no)',
'Show non-passworded and potentially passworded (*no)',
'Show everything (*no)'
//$page->smarty->assign('grabnzbs_ids', array(0,1,2));
//$page->smarty->assign('grabnzbs_names', array('Disabled', 'Primary NNTP Provider', 'Alternate NNTP Provider'));
$page->smarty->assign('missed_parts_ids', [0, 1, 2]);
$page->smarty->assign('missed_parts_names', ['Disabled', 'Part Repair', 'Part Repair Threaded']);
$page->smarty->assign('lookupbooks_ids', [0, 1, 2]);
['Disabled', 'Lookup All Books', 'Lookup Renamed Books']);
$page->smarty->assign('lookupgames_ids', [0, 1, 2]);
['Disabled', 'Lookup All Consoles', 'Lookup Renamed Consoles']);
$page->smarty->assign('lookupmusic_ids', [0, 1, 2]);
['Disabled', 'Lookup All Music', 'Lookup Renamed Music']);
$page->smarty->assign('lookupmovies_ids', [0, 1, 2]);
['Disabled', 'Lookup All Movies', 'Lookup Renamed Movies']);
$page->smarty->assign('lookuptv_ids', [0, 1, 2]);
$page->smarty->assign('lookuptv_names', ['Disabled', 'Lookup All TV', 'Lookup Renamed TV']);
$page->smarty->assign('lookup_reqids_ids', [0, 1, 2]);
['Disabled', 'Lookup Request IDs', 'Lookup Request IDs Threaded']);
$page->smarty->assign('coversPath', nZEDb_COVERS);
// return a list of audiobooks, ebooks, technical and foreign books
$result = $page->settings->query("SELECT id, title FROM categories WHERE id IN ({$category->getCategoryValue('MUSIC_AUDIOBOOK')}, {$category->getCategoryValue('BOOKS_EBOOK')}, {$category->getCategoryValue('BOOKS_TECHNICAL')}, {$category->getCategoryValue('BOOKS_FOREIGN')})");
// setup the display lists for these categories, this could have been static, but then if names changed they would be wrong
$book_reqids_ids = [];
$book_reqids_names = [];
foreach ($result as $bookcategory) {
$book_reqids_ids[] = $bookcategory["id"];
$book_reqids_names[] = $bookcategory["title"];
// convert from a string array to an int array as we want to use int
$book_reqids_ids = array_map(
return (int)$value;
$page->smarty->assign('book_reqids_ids', $book_reqids_ids);
$page->smarty->assign('book_reqids_names', $book_reqids_names);
// convert from a list to an array as we need to use an array, but teh sites table only saves strings
$books_selected = explode(",", Settings::value('..book_reqids'));
// convert from a string array to an int array
$books_selected = array_map(
return (int)$value;
$page->smarty->assign('book_reqids_selected', $books_selected);
$page->smarty->assign('loggingopt_ids', [0, 1, 2, 3]);
['Disabled', 'Log in DB only', 'Log both DB and file', 'Log only in file']);
$page->smarty->assign('themelist', Misc::getThemesList());
$page->content = $page->smarty->fetch('site-edit.tpl');