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1 year ago
<h3>Edit your profile</h3>
{if $error != ''}
<div class="error"><strong style="color:#B22222">ERROR: {$error}</strong></div>
<form class="form-group" action="profileedit?action=submit" method="post">
<legend>User Details</legend>
<table class="table table-condensed input">
<col style="width: 150px;">
<tr><th>First Name:</th><td><input id="firstname" class="form-control" name="firstname" type="text" value="{$user.firstname}"></td></tr>
<tr><th>Last Name:</th><td><input id="lastname" class="form-control" name="lastname" type="text" value="{$user.lastname}"></td></tr>
<td><input id="email" class="form-control" name="email" type="text" value="{$|escape:"htmlall"}"></td>
<input autocomplete="off" class="form-control" id="password" name="password" type="password" value="">
<span class="help-block">Only enter a password if you want to change it.</span>
<th>Confirm Password:</th>
<td><input autocomplete="off" class="form-control" id="confirmpassword" name="confirmpassword" type="password" value="">
<th>Site Api/Rss Key:</th>
<td>{$user.rsstoken}<br/><a class="confirm_action" href="?action=newapikey">Generate</a></td>
<legend>Site Preferences</legend>
<table class="table table-condensed input">
<col style="width: 150px;">
<th>Site theme:</th>
{html_options id="style" name='style' values=$themelist output=$themelist selected=$}
<span class="help-block">Change the site theme, None will use the theme the administrator set.</span>
<th>View Movie Page:</th>
<input id="movieview" name="movieview" value="1" type="checkbox" {if $user.movieview == "1"}checked="checked"{/if}>
<span class="help-block">Browse movie covers. Only shows movies with known IMDB info.</span>
<th>View XXX Page:</th>
<input id="xxxview" name="xxxview" value="1" type="checkbox" {if $user.xxxview == "1"}checked="checked"{/if}>
<span class="help-block">Browse XXX covers. Only shows xxx releases with known lookup info.</span>
<th>View Music Page:</th>
<input id="musicview" name="musicview" value="1" type="checkbox" {if $user.musicview == "1"}checked="checked"{/if}>
<span class="help-block">Browse music covers. Only shows music with known lookup info.</span>
<th>View Game Page:</th>
<input id="gameview" name="gameview" value="1" type="checkbox" {if $user.gameview == "1"}checked="checked"{/if}>
<span class="help-block">Browse game covers. Only shows games with known lookup info.</span>
<th>View Console Page:</th>
<input id="consoleview" name="consoleview" value="1" type="checkbox" {if $user.consoleview == "1"}checked="checked"{/if}>
<span class="help-block">Browse console covers. Only shows games with known lookup info.</span>
<th>View Book Page:</th>
<input id="bookview" name="bookview" value="1" type="checkbox" {if $user.bookview == "1"}checked="checked"{/if}>
<span class="help-block">Browse book covers. Only shows books with known lookup info.</span>
<th>Excluded Categories:</th>
{html_options multiple=multiple class="form-control" name="exccat[]" options=$catlist selected=$userexccat}
<span class="help-block">Use Ctrl and click to exclude multiple categories.</span>
{if $page->getSettingValue('apps.sabnzbplus.integrationtype') != 1}
<legend>Queue Type</legend>
<table class="table table-condensed input">
<col style="width: 150px;">
<th>Queue type:</th>
{html_options id="queuetypeids" name='queuetypeids' values=$queuetypeids output=$queuetypes selected=$user.queuetype}
<span class="help-block">Pick the type of queue you wish to use, once you save your profile, the page will reload, the box will appear and you can fill out the details.</span>
{if $user.queuetype == 2 && ($page->getSettingValue('apps.sabnzbplus.integrationtype') == 0 || $page->getSettingValue('apps.sabnzbplus.integrationtype') == 2)}
<legend>NZBGet Integration</legend>
<table class="table table-condensed input">
<col style="width: 150px;">
<th><label for="nzbgeturl">NZBGet Url:</label></th>
<input id="nzbgeturl" class="form-control" name="nzbgeturl" type="text" value="{$user.nzbgeturl}" />
<span class="help-block">The url of the NZBGet installation, for example:</span>
<th><label for="nzbgetusername">NZBGet Username:</label></th>
<input id="nzbgetusername" class="form-control" name="nzbgetusername" type="text" value="{$user.nzbgetusername}" />
<span class="help-block">The user name for the NZBGet installation.</span>
<th><label for="nzbgetpassword">NZBGet Password:</label></th>
<input id="nzbgetpassword" class="form-control" name="nzbgetpassword" type="text" value="{$user.nzbgetpassword}" />
<span class="help-block">The password for the NZBGet installation.</span>
{if $user.queuetype == 1 && $page->getSettingValue('apps.sabnzbplus.integrationtype') == 2}
<legend>SABnzbd Integration</legend>
<table class="table table-condensed input">
<col style="width: 150px;">
<th><label for="saburl">SABnzbd Url:</label></th>
<input id="saburl" class="form-control" name="saburl" type="text" value="{$saburl_selected}" />
<span class="help-block">The url of the SAB installation, for example: http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd/</span>
<th><label for="sabapikey">SABnzbd Api Key:</label></th>
<input id="sabapikey" class="form-control" name="sabapikey" type="text" value="{$sabapikey_selected}" />
<span class="help-block">The api key of the SAB installation. Can be the full api key or the nzb api key (as of SAB 0.6)</span>
<th><label for="sabapikeytype">Api Key Type:</label></th>
{html_radios id="sabapikeytype" name='sabapikeytype' values=$sabapikeytype_ids output=$sabapikeytype_names selected=$sabapikeytype_selected separator='<br />'}
<span class="help-block">Select the type of api key you entered in the above setting. Using your full SAB api key will allow you access to the SAB queue from within this site.</span>
<th><label for="sabpriority">Priority Level:</label></th>
{html_options id="sabpriority" class="form-control" name='sabpriority' values=$sabpriority_ids output=$sabpriority_names selected=$sabpriority_selected}
<span class="help-block">Set the priority level for NZBs that are added to your queue</span>
<th><label for="sabsetting">Setting Storage:</label></th>
{html_radios id="sabsetting" name='sabsetting' values=$sabsetting_ids output=$sabsetting_names selected=$sabsetting_selected separator='&nbsp;&nbsp;'}{if $sabsetting_selected == 2}&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a class="confirm_action" href="?action=clearcookies">Clear Cookies</a>]{/if}
<span class="help-block">Where to store the SAB setting.<br />&bull; <b>Cookie</b> will store the setting in your browsers coookies and will only work when using your current browser.<br/>&bull; <b>Site</b> will store the setting in your user account enabling it to work no matter where you are logged in from.<br /><span class="warning"><b>Please Note:</b></span> You should only store your full SAB api key with sites you trust.</span>
<legend>CouchPotato Integration</legend>
<table class="table table-condensed input">
<th><label for="cp_url">CouchPotato Url:</label></th>
<input id="cp_url" class="form-control" name="cp_url" type="text" value="{$cp_url_selected}" />
<span class="help-block">The CouchPotato url. Used for 'Add To CouchPotato', for example:</span>
<th><label for="cp_api">CouchPotato Api Key:</label></th>
<input id="cp_api" class="form-control" name="cp_api" type="text" value="{$cp_api_selected}" />
<span class="help-block">The CouchPotato api key. Used for 'Send To CouchPotato'.</span>
<input type="submit" value="Save Profile" />