language: php env: global: - GH_REPO="${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git" - BUILD_LEAD=0 - SYNTAX_TEST=0 matrix: fast_finish: true include: - php: 7.2 env: SYNTAX_TEST=1 - php: 7.1 - php: 7.2 env: BUILD_LEAD=1 branches: only: - master before_install: - | # Disable XDebug # # XDebug makes PHPUnit and PHP-CS-Fixer slow. # We need it only for generating the code coverage report, # so we disable it everywhere but for the build lead. if [ $BUILD_LEAD == 0 ] then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini fi install: - | # Install dependencies # We don't need to install dependencies when doing the syntax check. if [ $SYNTAX_TEST == 0 ] then composer install fi script: - | # PHPUnit tests if [ $SYNTAX_TEST == 0 ] then php vendor/bin/phpunit --stop-on-error --stop-on-failure -v fi - | # Syntax tests # # We use PHP-CS-Fixer to check for syntax and style errors, # but we run a separate build for that to take advantage of build parallelism. if [ $SYNTAX_TEST == 1 ] then wget -q -O php-cs-fixer.phar php php-cs-fixer.phar fix --dry-run --stop-on-violation -v fi after_success: - | # Upload code coverage # # The code coverage report is only generated when BUILD_LEAD is 1. if [ $BUILD_LEAD == 1 ] then travis_retry bash <(curl -s -f build/logs/clover.xml fi