[ [ 'file' => [ 'name' => 'MyFile.txt', 'type' => 'text/plain', 'tmp_name' => '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 'error' => '0', 'size' => '123' ] ], [ 'file' => new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 123, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'MyFile.txt', 'text/plain' ) ] ], 'Empty file' => [ [ 'image_file' => [ 'name' => '', 'type' => '', 'tmp_name' => '', 'error' => '4', 'size' => '0' ] ], [ 'image_file' => new UploadedFile( '', 0, UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE, '', '' ) ] ], 'Already Converted' => [ [ 'file' => new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 123, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'MyFile.txt', 'text/plain' ) ], [ 'file' => new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 123, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'MyFile.txt', 'text/plain' ) ] ], 'Already Converted array' => [ [ 'file' => [ new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 123, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'MyFile.txt', 'text/plain' ), new UploadedFile( '', 0, UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE, '', '' ) ], ], [ 'file' => [ new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 123, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'MyFile.txt', 'text/plain' ), new UploadedFile( '', 0, UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE, '', '' ) ], ] ], 'Multiple files' => [ [ 'text_file' => [ 'name' => 'MyFile.txt', 'type' => 'text/plain', 'tmp_name' => '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 'error' => '0', 'size' => '123' ], 'image_file' => [ 'name' => '', 'type' => '', 'tmp_name' => '', 'error' => '4', 'size' => '0' ] ], [ 'text_file' => new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 123, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'MyFile.txt', 'text/plain' ), 'image_file' => new UploadedFile( '', 0, UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE, '', '' ) ] ], 'Nested files' => [ [ 'file' => [ 'name' => [ 0 => 'MyFile.txt', 1 => 'Image.png', ], 'type' => [ 0 => 'text/plain', 1 => 'image/png', ], 'tmp_name' => [ 0 => '/tmp/php/hp9hskjhf', 1 => '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', ], 'error' => [ 0 => '0', 1 => '0', ], 'size' => [ 0 => '123', 1 => '7349', ], ], 'nested' => [ 'name' => [ 'other' => 'Flag.txt', 'test' => [ 0 => 'Stuff.txt', 1 => '', ], ], 'type' => [ 'other' => 'text/plain', 'test' => [ 0 => 'text/plain', 1 => '', ], ], 'tmp_name' => [ 'other' => '/tmp/php/hp9hskjhf', 'test' => [ 0 => '/tmp/php/asifu2gp3', 1 => '', ], ], 'error' => [ 'other' => '0', 'test' => [ 0 => '0', 1 => '4', ], ], 'size' => [ 'other' => '421', 'test' => [ 0 => '32', 1 => '0', ] ] ], ], [ 'file' => [ 0 => new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/hp9hskjhf', 123, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'MyFile.txt', 'text/plain' ), 1 => new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 7349, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'Image.png', 'image/png' ), ], 'nested' => [ 'other' => new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/hp9hskjhf', 421, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'Flag.txt', 'text/plain' ), 'test' => [ 0 => new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/asifu2gp3', 32, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'Stuff.txt', 'text/plain' ), 1 => new UploadedFile( '', 0, UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE, '', '' ), ] ] ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataNormalizeFiles */ public function testNormalizeFiles($files, $expected) { $result = ServerRequest::normalizeFiles($files); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } public function testNormalizeFilesRaisesException() { $this->expectException('InvalidArgumentException', 'Invalid value in files specification'); ServerRequest::normalizeFiles(['test' => 'something']); } public function dataGetUriFromGlobals() { $server = [ 'REQUEST_URI' => '/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', 'SERVER_PORT' => '443', 'SERVER_ADDR' => '', 'SERVER_NAME' => 'www.example.org', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'POST', 'QUERY_STRING' => 'id=10&user=foo', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/path/to/your/server/root/', 'HTTP_HOST' => 'www.example.org', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '', 'REMOTE_PORT' => '5390', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/blog/article.php', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/path/to/your/server/root/blog/article.php', 'PHP_SELF' => '/blog/article.php', ]; return [ 'HTTPS request' => [ 'https://www.example.org/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', $server, ], 'HTTPS request with different on value' => [ 'https://www.example.org/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', array_merge($server, ['HTTPS' => '1']), ], 'HTTP request' => [ 'http://www.example.org/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', array_merge($server, ['HTTPS' => 'off', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80']), ], 'HTTP_HOST missing -> fallback to SERVER_NAME' => [ 'https://www.example.org/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', array_merge($server, ['HTTP_HOST' => null]), ], 'HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME missing -> fallback to SERVER_ADDR' => [ '', array_merge($server, ['HTTP_HOST' => null, 'SERVER_NAME' => null]), ], 'Query string with ?' => [ 'https://www.example.org/path?continue=https://example.com/path?param=1', array_merge($server, ['REQUEST_URI' => '/path?continue=https://example.com/path?param=1', 'QUERY_STRING' => '']), ], 'No query String' => [ 'https://www.example.org/blog/article.php', array_merge($server, ['REQUEST_URI' => '/blog/article.php', 'QUERY_STRING' => '']), ], 'Host header with port' => [ 'https://www.example.org:8324/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', array_merge($server, ['HTTP_HOST' => 'www.example.org:8324']), ], 'IPv6 local loopback address' => [ 'https://[::1]:8000/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', array_merge($server, ['HTTP_HOST' => '[::1]:8000']), ], 'Invalid host' => [ 'https://localhost/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', array_merge($server, ['HTTP_HOST' => 'a:b']), ], 'Different port with SERVER_PORT' => [ 'https://www.example.org:8324/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', array_merge($server, ['SERVER_PORT' => '8324']), ], 'REQUEST_URI missing query string' => [ 'https://www.example.org/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', array_merge($server, ['REQUEST_URI' => '/blog/article.php']), ], 'Empty server variable' => [ 'http://localhost', [], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataGetUriFromGlobals */ public function testGetUriFromGlobals($expected, $serverParams) { $_SERVER = $serverParams; $this->assertEquals(new Uri($expected), ServerRequest::getUriFromGlobals()); } public function testFromGlobals() { $_SERVER = [ 'REQUEST_URI' => '/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo', 'SERVER_PORT' => '443', 'SERVER_ADDR' => '', 'SERVER_NAME' => 'www.example.org', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'POST', 'QUERY_STRING' => 'id=10&user=foo', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/path/to/your/server/root/', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'text/plain', 'HTTP_HOST' => 'www.example.org', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html', 'HTTP_REFERRER' => 'https://example.com', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'My User Agent', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '', 'REMOTE_PORT' => '5390', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/blog/article.php', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/path/to/your/server/root/blog/article.php', 'PHP_SELF' => '/blog/article.php', ]; $_COOKIE = [ 'logged-in' => 'yes!' ]; $_POST = [ 'name' => 'Pesho', 'email' => 'pesho@example.com', ]; $_GET = [ 'id' => 10, 'user' => 'foo', ]; $_FILES = [ 'file' => [ 'name' => 'MyFile.txt', 'type' => 'text/plain', 'tmp_name' => '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'size' => 123, ] ]; $server = ServerRequest::fromGlobals(); $this->assertSame('POST', $server->getMethod()); $this->assertEquals([ 'Host' => ['www.example.org'], 'Content-Type' => ['text/plain'], 'Accept' => ['text/html'], 'Referrer' => ['https://example.com'], 'User-Agent' => ['My User Agent'], ], $server->getHeaders()); $this->assertSame('', (string) $server->getBody()); $this->assertSame('1.1', $server->getProtocolVersion()); $this->assertEquals($_COOKIE, $server->getCookieParams()); $this->assertEquals($_POST, $server->getParsedBody()); $this->assertEquals($_GET, $server->getQueryParams()); $this->assertEquals( new Uri('https://www.example.org/blog/article.php?id=10&user=foo'), $server->getUri() ); $expectedFiles = [ 'file' => new UploadedFile( '/tmp/php/php1h4j1o', 123, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, 'MyFile.txt', 'text/plain' ), ]; $this->assertEquals($expectedFiles, $server->getUploadedFiles()); } public function testUploadedFiles() { $request1 = new ServerRequest('GET', '/'); $files = [ 'file' => new UploadedFile('test', 123, UPLOAD_ERR_OK) ]; $request2 = $request1->withUploadedFiles($files); $this->assertNotSame($request2, $request1); $this->assertSame([], $request1->getUploadedFiles()); $this->assertSame($files, $request2->getUploadedFiles()); } public function testServerParams() { $params = ['name' => 'value']; $request = new ServerRequest('GET', '/', [], null, '1.1', $params); $this->assertSame($params, $request->getServerParams()); } public function testCookieParams() { $request1 = new ServerRequest('GET', '/'); $params = ['name' => 'value']; $request2 = $request1->withCookieParams($params); $this->assertNotSame($request2, $request1); $this->assertEmpty($request1->getCookieParams()); $this->assertSame($params, $request2->getCookieParams()); } public function testQueryParams() { $request1 = new ServerRequest('GET', '/'); $params = ['name' => 'value']; $request2 = $request1->withQueryParams($params); $this->assertNotSame($request2, $request1); $this->assertEmpty($request1->getQueryParams()); $this->assertSame($params, $request2->getQueryParams()); } public function testParsedBody() { $request1 = new ServerRequest('GET', '/'); $params = ['name' => 'value']; $request2 = $request1->withParsedBody($params); $this->assertNotSame($request2, $request1); $this->assertEmpty($request1->getParsedBody()); $this->assertSame($params, $request2->getParsedBody()); } public function testAttributes() { $request1 = new ServerRequest('GET', '/'); $request2 = $request1->withAttribute('name', 'value'); $request3 = $request2->withAttribute('other', 'otherValue'); $request4 = $request3->withoutAttribute('other'); $request5 = $request3->withoutAttribute('unknown'); $this->assertNotSame($request2, $request1); $this->assertNotSame($request3, $request2); $this->assertNotSame($request4, $request3); $this->assertSame($request5, $request3); $this->assertSame([], $request1->getAttributes()); $this->assertNull($request1->getAttribute('name')); $this->assertSame( 'something', $request1->getAttribute('name', 'something'), 'Should return the default value' ); $this->assertSame('value', $request2->getAttribute('name')); $this->assertSame(['name' => 'value'], $request2->getAttributes()); $this->assertEquals(['name' => 'value', 'other' => 'otherValue'], $request3->getAttributes()); $this->assertSame(['name' => 'value'], $request4->getAttributes()); } public function testNullAttribute() { $request = (new ServerRequest('GET', '/'))->withAttribute('name', null); $this->assertSame(['name' => null], $request->getAttributes()); $this->assertNull($request->getAttribute('name', 'different-default')); $requestWithoutAttribute = $request->withoutAttribute('name'); $this->assertSame([], $requestWithoutAttribute->getAttributes()); $this->assertSame('different-default', $requestWithoutAttribute->getAttribute('name', 'different-default')); } }