# TVMaze-PHP-API-Wrapper An easier way to interact with TVMaze's endpoints. Developed in PHP. ### Installing VIA Composer * composer require joshpinkney/tv-maze-php-api dev-master ### Goal * The goal of this API Wrapper is to turn TVMaze's endpoints into something more object orientated and readable * Provide a simple, open source project that anybody can contribute to Supported Methods with full example below. Simple example found in Examples.php. ```php TVMaze->search("Arrow"); //Return the most relevant tv show to the given input $Client->TVMaze->singleSearch("The Walking Dead"); //Allows show lookup by using TVRage or TheTVDB ID $Client->TVMaze->getShowBySiteID("TVRage", 33272); //Return all possible actors relating to the given input $Client->TVMaze->getPersonByName("Nicolas Cage"); //Return all the shows in the given country and/or date $Client->TVMaze->getSchedule(); //Return all information about a show given the show ID $Client->TVMaze->getShowByShowID(1); //Return all episodes for a show given the show ID $Client->TVMaze->getEpisodesByShowID(1); //Return the cast for a show given the show ID $Client->TVMaze->getCastByShowID(1); //Return a master list of TVMazes shows given the page number $Client->TVMaze->getAllShowsByPage(2); //Return an actor given their ID $Client->TVMaze->getPersonByID(50); //Return an array of all the shows a particular actor has been in $Client->TVMaze->getCastCreditsByID(25); //Return an array of all the positions a particular actor has been in $Client->TVMaze->getCrewCreditsByID(100); ?> ``` ### Open Source Projects using this * [nZEDb](https://github.com/nZEDb/nZEDb) Website Link: http://www.nzedb.com/ * [newznab-tmux](https://github.com/DariusIII/newznab-tmux)