security->sign()` before generating your form. In the controller, you * may then validate the request by passing `$this->request` to the `check()` method. * * @see lithium\template\helper\Security::sign() */ class FormSignature { /** * Class dependencies. * * @var array */ protected static $_classes = [ 'hash' => 'lithium\security\Hash' ]; /** * Must be set manually to a unique string i.e. * `wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY` * * @var string */ protected static $_secret = null; /** * Configures the class or retrieves current class configuration. * * @param array $config Available configuration options are: * - `'classes'` _array_: May be used to inject dependencies. * - `'secret'` _string_: *Must* be provided. * @return array|void If `$config` is empty, returns an array with the current configurations. */ public static function config(array $config = []) { if (!$config) { return [ 'classes' => static::$_classes, 'secret' => static::$_secret ]; } if (isset($config['classes'])) { static::$_classes = $config['classes'] + static::$_classes; } if (isset($config['secret'])) { static::$_secret = $config['secret']; } } /** * Generates form signature string from form data. * * @param array $data An array of fields, locked fields and excluded fields. * @return string The form signature string. */ public static function key(array $data) { $data += [ 'fields' => [], 'locked' => [], 'excluded' => [] ]; return static::_compile( array_keys(Set::flatten($data['fields'])), $data['locked'], array_keys($data['excluded']) ); } /** * Validates form data using an embedded form signature string. The form signature string * must be embedded in `security.signature` alongside the other data to check against. * * Note: Will ignore any other data inside `security.*`. * * @param array|object $data The form data as an array or an * object with the data inside the `data` property. * @return boolean `true` if the form data is valid, `false` if not. */ public static function check($data) { if (is_object($data) && isset($data->data)) { $data = $data->data; } if (!isset($data['security']['signature'])) { throw new Exception('Unable to check form signature. Cannot find signature in data.'); } $signature = $data['security']['signature']; unset($data['security']); $parsed = static::_parse($signature); $data = Set::flatten($data); if (array_intersect_assoc($data, $parsed['locked']) != $parsed['locked']) { return false; } $fields = array_diff( array_keys($data), array_keys($parsed['locked']), $parsed['excluded'] ); return $signature === static::_compile($fields, $parsed['locked'], $parsed['excluded']); } /** * Compiles form signature string. Will normalize input data and `urlencode()` it. * * The signature is calculated over locked and exclude fields as well as a hash * of $fields. The $fields data will not become part of the final form signature * string. The $fields hash is not signed itself as the hash will become part * of the form signature string which is already signed. * * @param array $fields * @param array $locked * @param array $excluded * @return string The compiled form signature string that should be submitted * with the form data in the form of: * `::::`. */ protected static function _compile(array $fields, array $locked, array $excluded) { $hash = static::$_classes['hash']; sort($fields, SORT_STRING); ksort($locked, SORT_STRING); sort($excluded, SORT_STRING); foreach (['fields', 'excluded', 'locked'] as $list) { ${$list} = urlencode(serialize(${$list})); } $hash = $hash::calculate($fields); $signature = static::_signature("{$locked}::{$excluded}::{$hash}"); return "{$locked}::{$excluded}::{$signature}"; } /** * Calculates signature over given data. * * Will first derive a signing key from the secret key and current date, then * calculate the HMAC over given data. This process is modelled after Amazon's * _Message Signature Version 4_ but uses less key derivations as we don't have * more information at our hands. * * During key derivation the strings `li3,1` and `li3,1_form` are inserted. `1` * denotes the version of our signature algorithm and should be raised when the * algorithm is changed. Derivation is needed to not reveal the secret key. * * Note: As the current date (year, month, day) is used to increase key security by * limiting its lifetime, a possible sideeffect is that a signature doen't verify if it is * generated on day N and verified on day N+1. * * @link * @param string $data The data to calculate the signature for. * @return string The signature. */ protected static function _signature($data) { $hash = static::$_classes['hash']; if (empty(static::$_secret)) { $message = 'Form signature requires a secret key. '; $message .= 'Please see documentation on how to configure a key.'; throw new ConfigException($message); } $key = 'li3,1' . static::$_secret; $key = $hash::calculate(date('YMD'), ['key' => $key, 'raw' => true]); $key = $hash::calculate('li3,1_form', ['key' => $key, 'raw' => true]); return $hash::calculate($data, ['key' => $key]); } /** * Parses form signature string. * * Note: The parsed signature is not returned as it's not needed. The signature * is verified by re-compiling the form signature string with the retrieved * signature. * * @param string $string * @return array */ protected static function _parse($string) { if (substr_count($string, '::') !== 2) { throw new Exception('Possible data tampering: form signature string has wrong format.'); } list($locked, $excluded) = explode('::', $string, 3); return [ 'locked' => unserialize(urldecode($locked)), 'excluded' => unserialize(urldecode($excluded)) ]; } } ?>