/dev/null 2>&1 ; (unix) Scrapes PRE with no text output, in the background (you can close your terminal window).' . PHP_EOL . 'php ' . $argv[0] . ' true false true ; Scrapes PRE with text output and debug output.' . PHP_EOL . 'php ' . $argv[0] . ' true true true ; Scrapes PRE with debug but no text output.' . PHP_EOL ); } require_once IRC_SCRAPER_CONFIG; if (!defined('SCRAPE_IRC_NICKNAME')) { exit('ERROR! You must update settings.php using settings_example.php.'); } if (SCRAPE_IRC_NICKNAME == '') { exit("ERROR! You must put a username in settings.php" . PHP_EOL); } $silent = ((isset($argv[2]) && $argv[2] === 'true') ? true : false); $debug = ((isset($argv[3]) && $argv[3] === 'true') ? true : false); // Start scraping. new IRCScraper($silent, $debug);