Edit your profile

{if $error != ''}
ERROR: {$error}

User Details
First Name:
Last Name:
Only enter a password if you want to change it.
Confirm Password:
Site Api/Rss Key:{$user.rsstoken}
Site Preferences
Site theme: {html_options id="style" name='style' values=$themelist output=$themelist selected=$user.style} Change the site theme, None will use the theme the administrator set.
View Movie Page:
Browse movie covers. Only shows movies with known IMDB info.
View Music Page:
Browse music covers. Only shows music with known lookup info.
View Console Page:
Browse console covers. Only shows games with known lookup info.
View Book Page:
Browse book covers. Only shows books with known lookup info.
Excluded Categories: {html_options style="height:105px;" multiple=multiple name="exccat[]" options=$catlist selected=$userexccat}
Use Ctrl and click to exclude multiple categories.
{if $page->getSettingValue('apps.sabnzbplus.integrationtype') != 1}
Queue Type
Queue type: {html_options id="queuetypeids" name='queuetypeids' values=$queuetypeids output=$queuetypes selected=$user.queuetype} Pick the type of queue you wish to use, once you save your profile, the page will reload, the box will appear and you can fill out the details.
{/if} {if $user.queuetype == 2 && ($page->getSettingValue('apps.sabnzbplus.integrationtype') == 0 || $page->getSettingValue('apps.sabnzbplus.integrationtype') == 2)}
NZBGet Integration
The url of the NZBGet installation, for example:
The user name for the NZBGet installation.
The password for the NZBGet installation.
{/if} {if $user.queuetype == 1 && $page->getSettingValue('apps.sabnzbplus.integrationtype') == 2}
SABnzbd Integration
The url of the SAB installation, for example: http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd/
The api key of the SAB installation. Can be the full api key or the nzb api key (as of SAB 0.6)
{html_radios id="sabapikeytype" name='sabapikeytype' values=$sabapikeytype_ids output=$sabapikeytype_names selected=$sabapikeytype_selected separator='
Select the type of api key you entered in the above setting. Using your full SAB api key will allow you access to the SAB queue from within this site.
{html_options id="sabpriority" name='sabpriority' values=$sabpriority_ids output=$sabpriority_names selected=$sabpriority_selected}
Set the priority level for NZBs that are added to your queue
{html_radios id="sabsetting" name='sabsetting' values=$sabsetting_ids output=$sabsetting_names selected=$sabsetting_selected separator='  '}{if $sabsetting_selected == 2}  [Clear Cookies]{/if}
Where to store the SAB setting.
Cookie will store the setting in your browsers coookies and will only work when using your current browser.
Site will store the setting in your user account enabling it to work no matter where you are logged in from.
Please Note: You should only store your full SAB api key with sites you trust.
CouchPotato Integration
The CouchPotato api key. Used for 'Add To CouchPotato'.
The CouchPotato url. Used for 'Add To CouchPotato', for example: