// event bindings jQuery(function($){ var vortexStates = Array(); vortexStates[0] = 'Waiting'; vortexStates[1] = 'Downloading'; vortexStates[2] = 'Downloaded'; vortexStates[3] = 'Saving'; vortexStates[4] = 'Saved'; vortexStates[5] = 'Skipped'; // browse.tpl, search.tpl -- show icons on hover var orig_opac = $('table.data tr').children('td.icons').children('div.icon').css('opacity'); $('table.data tr').hover( function(){ $(this).children('td.icons').children('div.icon').css('opacity',1); }, function(){ $(this).children('td.icons').children('div.icon').css('opacity',orig_opac); } ); $(".forumpostsubmit").click(function(e) { if ($.trim($("#addMessage").val()) == "" || $.trim($("#addSubject").val()) == "") { alert ("Please enter a subject and message."); return false; } }); $(".forumreplysubmit").click(function(e) { if ($.trim($("#addReply").val()) == "") { alert ("Please enter a message."); return false; } }); $(".check").click(function(e) { if (!$(e.target).is('input')) $(this).children(".nzb_check").attr('checked', !$(this).children(".nzb_check").attr('checked')); }); $(".descmore").click(function(e) { $(this).prev(".descinitial").hide(); $(this).next(".descfull").show(); $(this).hide(); return false; }); $('.nzb_check_all').change(function(){ if($(this).attr('checked')) { $('table.data tr td input:checkbox').attr('checked',$(this).attr('checked')); } else { $('table.data tr td input:checkbox').removeAttr('checked'); } }); $('.nzb_check_all_season').change(function(){ var season = $(this).attr('name'); $('table.data tr td input:checkbox').each( function(i, row) { if ($(row).attr('name') == season) { $(row).attr('checked', !$(row).attr('checked')); } }); }); // browse.tpl, search.tpl $('.icon_cart').click(function(e){ if ($(this).hasClass('icon_cart_clicked')) return false; var guid = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id').substring(4); $.post( SERVERROOT + "cart?add=" + guid, function(resp){ $(e.target).addClass('icon_cart_clicked').attr('title','Added to Cart'); cart_notify(); }); return false; }); $('.icon_nzbvortex').click(function(event) { if ($(this).hasClass('icon_nzbvortex_clicked')) return false; var guid = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id').substring(4); if (guid && guid.length > 0) { $.ajax ({ url: SERVERROOT + '/nzbvortex?addQueue='+ guid +'&isAjax', cache: false }).done(function(html) { var message = 'Added ' + guid + ' to queue.'; $(event.target).addClass('icon_nzbvortex_clicked').attr('title', message); notify(message, 'top'); }).fail(function(response) { alert(response.responseText); }); } return false; }); $('a.vortex-resume').live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#vortex-overlay-' + $(this).attr('href')).show(); $.get(SERVERROOT + "nzbvortex?resume=" + $(this).attr('href') + '&isAjax'); $(this).removeAttr('href'); return false; }); $('a.vortex-pause').live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#vortex-overlay-' + $(this).attr('href')).show(); $.get(SERVERROOT + "nzbvortex?pause=" + $(this).attr('href') + '&isAjax'); $(this).removeAttr('href'); return false; }); $('a.vortex-moveup').live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#vortex-overlay-' + $(this).attr('href')).show(); $.get(SERVERROOT + "nzbvortex?moveup=" + $(this).attr('href') + '&isAjax'); $(this).removeAttr('href'); return false; }); $('a.vortex-movedown').live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#vortex-overlay-' + $(this).attr('href')).show(); $.get(SERVERROOT + "nzbvortex?movedown=" + $(this).attr('href') + '&isAjax'); $(this).removeAttr('href'); return false; }); $('a.vortex-movetop').live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#vortex-overlay-' + $(this).attr('href')).show(); $.get(SERVERROOT + "nzbvortex?movetop=" + $(this).attr('href') + '&isAjax'); $(this).removeAttr('href'); return false; }); $('a.vortex-movebottom').live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#vortex-overlay-' + $(this).attr('href')).show(); $.get(SERVERROOT + "nzbvortex?movebottom=" + $(this).attr('href') + '&isAjax'); $(this).removeAttr('href'); return false; }); $('a.vortex-trash').live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#vortex-overlay-' + $(this).attr('href')).show(); $.get(SERVERROOT + "nzbvortex?delete=" + $(this).attr('href') + '&isAjax'); $(this).removeAttr('href'); return false; }); $('a.vortex-filelist').live('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).attr('href'); $('#vortex-overlay-' + id).show(); $.colorbox({}); $.ajax ({ url: SERVERROOT + '/nzbvortex?filelist='+ id +'&isAjax', cache: false }).done(function(response) { $('#cboxLoadingGraphic').hide(); var json = $.parseJSON(response); console.log(json); $.each(json.files, function(k, v) { $('#cboxContent').append('' + v.fileName + ' ('+ vortexStates[v.state] +')
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guids.push(guid); cart_notify() // consider doing this only upon success and maybe placing it outside of the loop } $(this).attr('checked', false); }); var guidstring = guids.toString(); // alert (guidstring); // This is just for testing shit $.post( SERVERROOT + "cart?add=" + guidstring); }); $('input.nzb_multi_operations_sab').click(function(){ $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']:checked").each( function(i, row) { var $sabIcon = $(row).parent().parent().children('td.icons').children('.icon_sab'); var guid = $(row).val(); //alert(guid); if (guid && !$sabIcon.hasClass('icon_sab_clicked')) { var nzburl = SERVERROOT + "sendtoqueue/" + guid; // alert(nzburl); $.post( nzburl, function(resp){ $sabIcon.addClass('icon_sab_clicked').attr('title','Added to Queue'); notify('NZB added to queue', 'top'); }); } $(this).attr('checked', false); }); }); $('input.nzb_multi_operations_nzbget').click(function(){ $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']:checked").each( function(i, row) { var $nzbgetIcon = $(row).parent().parent().children('td.icons').children('.icon_nzbget'); var guid = $(row).val(); if (guid && !$nzbgetIcon.hasClass('icon_nzbget_clicked')) { var nzburl = SERVERROOT + "sendtoqueue/" + guid; $.post( nzburl, function(resp){ $nzbgetIcon.addClass('icon_nzbget_clicked').attr('title','Added to Queue'); notify('NZB added to queue', 'top'); }); } $(this).attr('checked', false); }); }); //front end admin functions $('input.nzb_multi_operations_edit').click(function(){ var ids = ""; $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']:checked").each( function(i, row) { if ($(row).val()!="on") ids += '&id[]='+$(row).val(); }); if (ids) $('input.nzb_multi_operations_edit').colorbox({ href: function(){ return SERVERROOT + "ajax_release-admin?action=edit"+ids+"&from="+encodeURIComponent(window.location); }, title: 'Edit Release', innerWidth:"400px", innerHeight:"250px", initialWidth:"400px", initialHeight:"250px", speed:0, opacity:0.7 }); }); $('input.nzb_multi_operations_delete').click(function(){ var ids = ""; $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']:checked").each( function(i, row) { if ($(row).val()!="on") ids += '&id[]='+$(row).val(); 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}); } } }); $('input.nzb_multi_operations_cartsab').click(function(){ var ids = new Array(); $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']:checked").each( function(i, row) { var guid = $(row).val(); var nzburl = SERVERROOT + "sendtoqueue/" + guid; $.post( nzburl, function(resp){ notify('NZB added to queue', 'top'); }); }); }); // headermenu.tpl $('#headsearch') .focus(function(){if(this.value == 'Search...') this.value = ''; else this.select(); }) .blur (function(){if(this.value == '') this.value = 'Search...';}); $('#headsearch_form').submit(function(){ $('#headsearch_go').trigger('click'); return false; }); $('#headsearch_go').click(function(){ if ($('#headsearch').val() && $('#headsearch').val() != 'Search...') { var sText = $('#headsearch').val(); var sCat = ($("#headcat").val()!=-1 ? "?t="+$("#headcat").val() : ""); document.location= WWW_TOP + "/search/" + sText + sCat; } }); // search.tpl $('#search_search_button').click(function(){ if ($('#search').val()) document.location=WWW_TOP + "/search/" + $('#search').val() + ($("#search_cat").val()!=-1 ? "?t="+$("#search_cat").val() : ""); return false; }); $('#search') .focus(function(){this.select(); }) // searchraw.tpl $('#searchraw_search_button').click(function(){ if ($('#search').val()) document.location=WWW_TOP + "/searchraw/" + $('#search').val(); return false; }); $('#searchraw_download_selected').click(function(){ if ($('#dl input:checked').length) $('#dl').trigger('submit'); return false; }); // login.tpl, register.tpl, search.tpl, searchraw.tpl if ($('#username').length) $('#username').focus(); if ($('#search').length) $('#search').focus(); // viewfilelist.tpl $('#viewfilelist_download_selected').click(function(){ if ($('#fileform input:checked').length) $('#fileform').trigger('submit'); return false; }); // misc $('.confirm_action').click(function(){ return confirm('Are you sure?'); }); // play audio preview $('.audioprev').click(function(){ var a = document.getElementById($(this).next('audio').attr('ID')); if (a != null) { if ($(this).text() == "Listen") { a.play(); $(this).text("Stop"); } else { a.pause(); a.currentTime = 0; $(this).text("Listen"); } } a.addEventListener('ended', function () { $(this).prev().text("Listen"); } ); return false; }); // mmenu $('.mmenu').click(function(){ document.location=$(this).children('a').attr('href'); return false; }); // mmenu_new $('.mmenu_new').click(function(){ window.open($(this).children('a').attr('href')); return false; }); // searchraw.tpl, viewfilelist.tpl -- checkbox operations // selections var last1, last2; $(".checkbox_operations .select_all").click(function(){ $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']").attr('checked', true).trigger('change'); return false; }); $(".checkbox_operations .select_none").click(function(){ $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']").attr('checked', false).trigger('change'); return false; }); $(".checkbox_operations .select_invert").click(function(){ $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']").each( function() { $(this).attr('checked', !$(this).attr('checked')).trigger('change'); }); return false; }); $(".checkbox_operations .select_range").click(function(){ if (last1 && last2 && last1 < last2) $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']").slice(last1,last2).attr('checked', true).trigger('change'); else if (last1 && last2) $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']").slice(last2,last1).attr('checked', true).trigger('change'); return false; }); $('table.data td.check INPUT[type="checkbox"]').click(function(e) { // range event interaction -- see further above var rowNum = $(e.target).parent().parent()[0].rowIndex ; if (last1) last2 = last1; last1 = rowNum; // perform range selection if (e.shiftKey && last1 && last2) { if (last1 < last2) $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']").slice(last1,last2).attr('checked', true).trigger('change'); else $("table.data INPUT[type='checkbox']").slice(last2,last1).attr('checked', true).trigger('change'); } }); $('table.data a.data_filename').click(function(e) { // click filenames to select // range event interaction -- see further above var rowNum = $(e.target).parent().parent()[0].rowIndex ; if (last1) last2 = last1; last1 = rowNum; var $checkbox = $('table.data tr:nth-child('+(rowNum+1)+') td.selection INPUT[type="checkbox"]'); $checkbox.attr('checked', !$checkbox.attr('checked')); return false; }); // show/hide previews $('#showmoviepreviews').click(function() { $('#moviepreviews').next('form').toggle('fast'); $('#moviepreviews').toggle('fast', function() { $('#showmoviepreviews').text(($('#moviepreviews').is(":visible") ? 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Refresh"); }, timeout:5000 }); } function getNzbGetQueue() { $.ajax({ url: "queuedata?type=nzbget&id=" + $.now(), cache: false, success: function(html) { $(".nzbget_queue").html(html); setTimeout("getNzbGetQueue()", 2500); }, error: function () { $(".nzbget_queue").html("Could not contact your queue. Refresh"); }, timeout:5000 }); } function getHistory() { $.ajax({ url: "queuedata?type=history&id=" + $.now(), cache: false, success: function(html) { $(".sab_history").html(html); setTimeout("getHistory()", 10000); }, error: function () { //$(".sab_history").html("Could not contact your queue. Refresh"); }, timeout:5000 }); }