
Here lives the documentation for the api for accessing nzb and index data. Api functions can be called by either logged in users, or by providing an apikey.

{if $loggedin=="true"}

API Credentials

Your credentials should be provided as ?apikey={$userdata.rsstoken}


Available Functions

Use the parameter ?t= to specify the function being called.

Capabilities ?t=caps
Reports the capabilities if the server. Includes information about the server name, available search categories and version number of the newznab protocol being used.
Capabilities does not require any credentials in order to be ran.

Register ?t=register&email=user@example.com
Registers a new user account. Does not require any credentials in order to be ran.
Returns either the registered username and password if successful or an error code.

Search ?t=search&q=linux
Returns a list of nzbs matching a query. You can also filter by site category by including a comma separated list of categories as follows ?t=search&cat={$catClass::GAME_ROOT},{$catClass::MOVIE_ROOT}. Include &extended=1 to return extended information in the search results.

TV ?t=tvsearch&q=law and order&season=7&ep=12
Returns a list of nzbs matching a query, category, tvrageid, season or episode. You can also filter by site category by including a comma separated list of categories as follows: ?t=tvsearch&cat={$catClass::GAME_ROOT},{$catClass::MOVIE_ROOT}. Include &extended=1 to return extended information in the search results.
You can also supply the following parameters to do site specfic ID searches: &rid=25056 (TVRage) &tvdbid=153021 (TVDB) &traktid=1393 (Trakt) &tvmazeid=73 (TVMaze) &imdbid=1520211 (IMDB) &tmdbid=1402 (TMDB).

Movies ?t=movie&imdbid=1418646
Returns a list of nzbs matching a query, an imdbid and optionally a category. Filter by site category by including a comma separated list of categories as follows ?t=movie&imdbid=1418646&cat={$catClass::MOVIE_SD},{$catClass::MOVIE_HD}. Include &extended=1 to return extended information in the search results.

Details ?t=details&id=9ca52909ba9b9e5e6758d815fef4ecda
Returns detailed information about an nzb.

Info ?t=info&id=9ca52909ba9b9e5e6758d815fef4ecda
Returns NFO contents for an NZB. Retrieve the NFO as file by specifying o=file in the request URI.

Get ?t=get&id=9ca52909ba9b9e5e6758d815fef4ecda
Downloads the nzb file associated with an Id.

Output Format

Obviously not appropriate to functions which return an nzb/nfo file.

Xml (default) ?t=search&q=linux&o=xml
Returns the data in an xml document.

Json ?t=search&q=linux&o=json
Returns the data in a json object.