You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1551 lines
73 KiB

This file details which changes to the code are in which release version. It is a complement to the
ChangeLog file which list *when* changes are made to the dev branches. 2020-06-01
* Updated dependencies. Mainly to fix a securoty issue with PHPMailer. 2020-01-06
* Updated IMDb covers URL.
* Database creation script not handling remote servers correctly. 2019-10-07
* Updated Lithium Framework to v1.2 and other dependencies.
* Issue 2637. Problem with cover image links having leading zeroes in the name.
* Install should now correctly create PROCEDUREs in database setup. 2019-09-06
* PHP 7.3 compatibility changes. 2019-07-19
* Issue 2633. SQL Error when updating binaries. Hopefully reduces overhead formatting
'Message-Id'. 2019-07-18
* Issue 2632. Debug: Postdate retried when updating binaries or backfilling.
*NOTE* This is the same problem as the reported Missing "Subject", "Date", etc indexes for
users of certain USPs. 2019-07-18
* 'Optimisations' for NNTP::getXOVER().
* Remove include_once that was made superfluous. 2019-07-18
* Add newznab:apilimit to API and RSS XML response with limits and current api hits and grabs.
* Increase size of imdbid fields in movieinfo, releases, and user_movies tables to bring us
inline with IMDb's latest entries.
* Update movie-add.php for larger IMDb IDs (PR 2631).
* Broken include_once in DB.php 2019-06-03
* Typo in variable name. 2019-06-03
* Improvements to how TSV files are handled to make LOAD INFILE less problematic.
* Update some regexes that were using invalid syntax. This will prevent them from being flagged
as the errors they are with PCRE2 in PHP 7.3+.
* Reduce the size of tmux table's 'value' column from 19000 to a more reasonable size (1000). 2019-03-04
* Issue 2623. Use absolute paths for version specific configuration files, in tmux.conf.
* Issue 2625. Trying to get duration of video on a null value. 2019-02-04
* Update search suffix for poppcorn searches. Closes issue 2620. 2019-01-07
* Add 'z' to regexes detecting RAR parts i.e. z01 as a suffix.
* Increased size of xref field in collections and multigroup_collections to avoid truncation.
**NOTE** There is no patch for existing installs yet. This will be coming when I get my
backup server fixed as it handles validating the SQL etc.
* PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to nzedb\NameFixer::nzedb.
* Inserting of new mediainfo xml into releaseextrafull table (Closes issue 2609).
* Correct pd.predate to pd.created in viewnzb.tpl file for Alpha and Default themes.
* Removed extra tab in categories tsv file that caused XXX->UHD to have incorrect parent ID.
* null where string expected for NameFixer::matchPredbFiles().
* Invalid object type in ProcessAdditional::getMediaInfo. 2018-12-03
* Improved accuracy of PreDb matching. Closes issue 2568.
* Add pagination links in Browse Groups for Alpha, Charisma, Gamma, Gentele, and Omicron Themes.
* Corrected categories table data for Book entries. This caused books (Comics, etc.) to be
listed in the wrong subcategory.
* New groups not respecting number of days/posts to initialise with and then starting from
the first header on the server. 2018-11-05
* New anime title regex in PPA to capture more titles correctly.
* Support for mediaInfo's new format in v17.12+
* Renamed 'Complete Sequential' to 'Custom Sequential' in tmux settings, to avoid confusion of
people thinking it is more complete than Simple.
* Make sure newly activated groups have TPG tables, if TPG mode is enabled and MGR mode is not.
* Fix anime last updated check to correctly return if an update was attempted 'recently'.
* Correct generic music regex to actually match the example.
* Corrected counter on predb import daily script, so it no longer reports -1 remaining. 2018-10-02
* Updated scripts in .../misc/testing/DB to use modern require_once syntax (instead of nesting
multiple dirname() calls. Also added a new require_once to two scripts that need
.../configuration/settings.php to run. Note they will cause an error if the file does not
exist, but it should be obvious to the user what the problem is.
If any other scripts are complaining about missing nZEDb_* or other constants let me know
and I'll update them as well. 2018-09-03
* Support for PHP 7.2
***NOTE*** You *must* run `composer install` manually as the lithium framework version has
changed and your current one will not have some of the new stuff that this update requires.
Also, there is currently no version of the php-yenc extension for PHP 7.2. I'm in the process
of rewriting it in C/C++, but I do not expect this to be quick, as my spare time is very short
currently. 2018-08-06
* Removed release counts, for the themes that used it, on group list templates.
* Strip '00-' from searchname (mostly music titles) when parsing Par2 for a better name.
* Search for all other/unknown categories (not just Misc>Other) when trying to fix names using
* Add categorization for a.b.sounds.
* Typo in querying database timezone.
* When fetching RecordSet, check it is valid. If it is, return it; otherwise return an empty
* app\models\Groups::getBackfilling() to return array of groups filtered by active and backfill
* Undefined index 'groupname' for Admin grouplist active/inactive pages.
* Admin grouplist inactive page returning active groups.
* \app\models\Groups::getRange() to correctly handle pagination and filtering by a groupname.
* Query string for group (in)active pages pagination.
* Quotation marks around $groupname need to be double, not single. Filtering should work again. 2018-07-04
* Alpha/Charisma/Gamma/Gentele/Omicron templates for browsing groups. 2018-07-03
***NOTE*** After updating you may have to do `composer install && ./zed update nzedb` to get things
working again.
* Switched Group handling to use a model. Some functiionality is still handled by the old
/nzedb/Groups class.
* Removed 'releases' column from groups listing and browse group.
* Updated Lithium framework to v1.2.
* Removed support for simple_php_yenc_decode extension as it does not support PHP 7+. 2018-06-04
* Increase size of 'xref' column in collections' tables due to some larger sizes reported.
* Replacing last use of each() in nZEDb code. Note that two libraries (forkdaemon and
guzzlehttp/promises) still use it however. 2018-05-07
* tpg' option (to './zed verify tables' sub-command), which checks for missing tables of active
groups and creates them. It does not delete tables of inactive groups.
* Issue where the date after 'release have been disabled/terminated by Releases' was printed as
the format string instead of the formatted numbers. 2018-04-05
* Actually merge in the PHPMailer fix. 2018-04-05
* PHPMailer 'Call to a member function isHTML() on null' error. 2018-04-02
* PHPMailer namespace issue causing it to not be found.
* Issue where sendEmail defaults to using the site's admin address for the 'from' on the
contact-us page. 2018-03-05
* Updated dependencies.
* Refactored the Verify command to make some new coming stuff easier. Note: Check command's help
for any changes to syntax.
* Updated PHPMailer from v5.1 to v6.0
* Issue where updating failed because of git detached head. Correctly detects branch now.
Closes issue 2530. 2018-01-08
* Added an option in settings to allow ALL groups to be treated as MultiGroup releases. Enabling
this will make the indexer check across all groups to look for matches. This will increase the
possiblity of finding some releases, at the expense of additional processing overhead.
** NOTE ** You do not need to change the poster's list if this is enabled. It will perform the
checking for all posters.
* Removed misc/testing/Tests/verify_time_settings script as differences in various settings is
irrelevant now that timezones have to be specified for PHP and the database.
* Removed some obsolete sources for IRCScraper settings.
* Added a check in the connection detection code, to only display "No connection configured"
message when debug mode is enabled. This prevents it being shown during the install procedure
by default. 2017-12-18
* Additional info for debugging timezone problems. 2017-12-15
* Prevented display of "No connection configured", by default, during install process. Closes Issue 2559. 2017-12-08
* Bad logic that caused "No connection defined" message for valid configurations. Closes Issue 2558 2017-12-04
* settings.example.php has new constants for a maintenance mode. If the mode is set to true
then the API/web site return a status of 503 with the message "Maintenance Mode". The page
returned by the server should be defined with the MAINTENANCE_MODE_HTML_PATH constant.
* Removed the logged in user check, during API key checking. This prevents incorrect keys from
being used.
* Corrected status code for "Missing parameter (apikey)" redirect.
* Made username check be case-sensitive, as they should *always* be.
* Not found exception some users were experiencing. 2017-11-06
* Composer post install script now copies settings.example.php to settings.php automatically, IF
it doesn't already exist.
* Defaults for logging, in settings.example.php, are now enabled.
* TMDb not found error. Closes issue 2526.
* Properly categorize sports related releases. Fixes issue 2527.
* Quick fix for bad status being returned, when Request limit is exceeded. This will probably
cause other issues as it sets the HTTP Response status to whatever code the API creates, most
if not all of which are incorrect. This code needs a complete rewrite, which we'll do later.
* Added the missing constant names in the checks for creating them
(app/config/bootstrap/connections.php). 2017-10-02
***NOTE*** This version removes support of PHP 5.6
* Post-Processing of Adult releases has been refactored. This should improve identifying posts.
* Disable caching in php-tmdb library.
* Remove nZEDbPre2 channel from ircscraper_settings_example.php.
* Restored sort order of PreDB model to be by creation date.
* `./zed update` always updates dependencies, even when code base hasn't changed.
* Quick fix for some XSS vulnerabilities.
* Make sure page count is set, even when there are no entries. Avoids an unset variable error.
* predb_import_daily_batch.php had a bug which prevented matching of timestamps in some
circumstances. 2017-08-07
***NOTE*** As the latest version of Debian (Debian 9) now supports PHP 7.0, PHP 5.6 is now
deprecated. We will be removing support for it before the end of the year, probably within 2-3
months, so update as soon as you can.
* New TMDb library code. Switching to use php-tmdb/api library from github.
* Updated steamfront version.
* Set 'updated' date to zero value when inserting new IRCScraper entries. Should help prevent
certain errors cause by bad SQL modes. ***NOTE*** Make sure your SQL_MODE does not include
NO_NON_ZERO DATES or similar options.
* Move location for predb-progress.txt to the standard configuration directory. If you use the
'progress' setting for importing predb files, you will have to move this manually.
* Removed check for tpg in collection_regexes-test.php's template, which caused problems with
* Version checks in .../nzedb/NZB.php and .../nzedb/Tmux.php use the XML file instead of the
repository, so that non-dev installs work without the repository.
* Replace spaces with tab, causing steam_app last_update setting to fail on insertion.
* Check for existing apikey before sending request to GiantBomb. Prevent authentication errors
showing up in PPA.
* Check that '*filestoformreleases' index exists before checking its value for new group
creation. This was preventing nzb importing from handling new groups. 2017-06-21
* SQL patch 0482 to update release_renaming_regexes entries. 2017-06-20
* Predb entries not being updated because of error in method signature. This prevented
IRCScraper from working correctly.
* Replace overlooked occurences of 'predate' with 'created' in queries. Closes Issue 2474. 2017-06-09
* Steam lookup repeating all the lookups because last pdate date/time wasn't saved properly. 2017-06-05
* tmux configuration adjustments for <= v1.8.
* Update PC Games support, use Steam and GiantBomb only.
* The IRCScraper code has been changed to make it properly timezone aware. As before,
predates are received as UTC/GMT time. However they are not converted using a call to the
Database server (whose timezone is essentially unknown). Instead, the timezone of the
connection to the server is used, which we are able to set as part of the bootstrap process.
By default, this timezone will be the same as the PHP code running the indexer, but it may
be set to any valid zone by the user.
Database changes: The 'predate' datetime field is replaced by a 'created' timestamp field
and a new 'updated' timestamp field is added.
***NOTE*** If you have not already done so, you MUST populate the database's timezone tables
as described in their documentation. For Debian/Ubuntu users 'mysql_tzinfo_to_sql
/usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql' should load them easily, this will require
restarting the database server.
The smarty template now displays the timezone in the Date header so that it is obvious to
users. There is also an additional field for when the entry was updated.
Additionally the pager template is switched to the newer paginate.tpl that I have been
using in the dev-move-to-models branch.
* Reworked all Anime release naming regexes.
* Problem with external yEnc decoders (hopefully). Closes issues 2383 and 2435.
* Path to bootstrap.min.js in Default theme.
* Path reference to settings.php for View Logs page. Fixes issue 2456.
* Fixed some fields in *.tsv files being processed incorrectly because it started with a
double-quote, but didn't end with one. 2017-05-04
* Updates to tmux configuration files for newer version (2.4) of tmux.
* NULL value in predb.predate for IRCScraper. Closes issue 2449. 2017-05-01
* Per poster categorising of releases.
* Logging for IRCScraper's testing for duplicates, to try to determine why it sometimes fails
to detect them. This also prevents the script from exiting because of the exception.
* Removed python module check in tmux/run.php, as python is no longer supported.
* Updates to scripts,, and to get rid of outdated
* Composer uses '--prefer-dist' for stable branches, '--prefer-source' otherwise. Part of the
move to not using the repo in production.
* SQL/Database optimisations.
* Properly categorize ANiHLS and HAiKU releases as TV > Anime (please run
'php misc/testing/Release/recategorize.php all' to recategorize releases).
* Properly categorise and rename SDCLiP releases.
* Properly populate anidb_episodes table.
* Fixes to IRCScraper class to make it more resilient for those suffing the intermittent missing
catalogue error. 2017-04-08
* Stable branches now prefer distributed version of code, instead of source. This may help
with some local configuration problems, but is primarily intended to separate stable code
from the repository meta data. 2017-04-06:
* Added missing field (collection_regexes_id) to multigroup_collections table definition. 2017-04-03
***NOTE*** This requires an update of Composer itself, to v1.4.0 or later.
`composer self-update`
* Removes conditional checking for TPG as it is no longer optional.
* Remove use cases for python backfill script.
* Remove nntpproxy support.
* Update fxp/composer-asset-plugin to v1.3.0
***NOTE*** This requires an update of Composer itself, to v1.4.0 or later.
* Increase release size floor values to -10/10 in NameFixer class uidCheck function for better
mediainfo matching.
* Improve mediainfo uniqueid matching.
* Remove git repository checks from Tmux scripts. This is an effort to remove the use of the
repository from user code. Dev code will still use it for some tasks (e.g. apply tags for
* Fix `zed update nzedb` (PR 2406).
* Redirect from index page to Install when 'install.lock' does not exist.
* Update control tool for sabnzbd v1.x API (PR 2398).
* Make NZBImport check for searchname dupes (Closes issue 2411).
* Update import predb daily batch script to handle changed layout on github. Also adds the
date of the file to successful download message.
* Gamma PC Games view doesn't display grouped by gamesinfo_id. 2017-03-06
***IMPORTANT*** If you are updating from an older version, you must update to this version and
following the steps to migrate configuration files BEFORE you continue to update to the latest
* New setting (site.main.incognito) that determines if the main page is shown to vistors, or if
they are redirected to the login page instead.
Currently there is no way to edit this in Site => edit.
* dev-mgr (MultiGroup Releases) branch. This adds new feature for matching releases spread
across several groups.
* New setting (site.main.incognito) that determines if the main page is shown to vistors, or if
they're redirected to the login page instead.
Currently there is no way to edit this in Site => edit.
* This adds logging of failed (as in errors, not zero results) regexes to the nZEDb log.
**NOTE** This supresses warning messages in the PHP log.
* Update nZEDbBase.php file to be able to return any of the 'constant' values.
* Update sequential scripts for mandatory TPG use, (PR 2379).
* Improve performance by doing poster check in PHP instead of single row MySQL queries.
* Updates to and scripts (PR 2391 and 2392).
* Move search and user menu to headermenu.tpl in Charisma theme.
* Update Charisma theme to use new bootswatch library, remove unneeded css and make it use the
bootswatch slate theme (make it darker).
* Move location of configuration files (config.php, settings.php, etc.) to .../configuration
***NOTE*** See v0.7.0.0 entry at for
additional instructions.
* Search by reqid link in predb.tpl (closes issue 2381).
* Settings issues with AniDB population preventing run.
* Default movie process quantity to 100 if not specified, else use setting (PR 2388).
* Change checks in NZB to look for false from Db lookup, instead of Traversable which does not
guarantee useful data.
* Fix for - powerline segment (PR 2397). 2017-02-06
With the next release (in March), some required changes will be made.
1) The minimum version of database we support will be raised (MariaDb 10.0/MySQL 5.6).
Additionally, we now strongly reccommend MariaDb for all users. It has all the features of
MySQL, plus additional stability and functionality (generally faster). MySQL has changed its
default settings for a number of features/modes which cause issues with nZEDb, so we will no
longer be supporting it directly. If you must use MySQL, you are expected to know what you
are doing and maintain it yourself. Check the comparison docs here:
2) Tables Per Group will become compulsory. Please convert now to avoid problems. The
.../misc/testing/DB/convert_to_tpg_alt.php script (with the truncate option) is reccommended.
* Updates to (PR 2366).
* Check for incompatible tmux versions and abort if installed (PR 2353).
* Predb page link for predb search (closes issue 2356).
* Work around to prevent some db versions using auto-increment value on an explicit 0 for
Categories Other's.
* Change leftover references to group_id in python scripts and ProcessReleases class.
* Bad settings data for yydecodepath.
* Adds releases_groups table to resetdb.php (PR 2365).
* Fixes typo in ProcessAdditional.php which prevented timeout setting being used correctly (PR 2364).
* Wrong number of parameters in removeInstallBin function sql query.
* Bring in b3s3rk's fix, from MGR branch, for the duplicate ReleasesGroups entries.
* Update for newer fixRelNames params (PR 2376). 2017-01-09
* Paths for script 2017-01-02
* dev-releases_groups branch. This provides the ability to have more than one group
assocciated with a release.
* Created new bash script to clone and use composer install. The script can be run from the
directory you want nZEDb installed to (usually /var/www) using:
bash <(curl -s
* Sort contents of 10-settings.tsv to make findind incorrect/missing entries easier ;-)
* Move tmux Monitor pane logging to resources/logs folder, fixes notice in monitor pane when
starting tmux.
* Disable Desura lookups for now, site has changed ownership and is not functional currently.
* Improve release renaming.
* Make match_prefiles more precise with match attempts and reduce initial memory usage.
* Updates tmux configuration for using newer versions (PR 2343).
* Move predb from frontpage to admin area.
* Verify settings_table failing for PHP 5.6 users, because of reversed list() parameter, due to
misreading the documentation (Fixes issue 2319).
* Gamma Console cover view not displaying releases grouped by Console ID.
* Fix post processing for tv shows (PR 2326).
* Books processing variable incorrect, causing only one category to run.
* postprocessing_non_amazon and postprocessing_additional PHP Notice/PHP Warning (Issue 2330).
* Update delete_release stored procedure to use separate queries and no CONCATs for the WHERE
* Correct powerline tmux config (PR 2346). 2016-12-05
* Unit test and console command to check that the settings table has all entries from
To run the tests do: ./zed test app/tests/ This runs ALL tests, although there is only
one currentyly ;-)
To use the command do: ./zed verify settings_table
This will list out any entries from 10-settings.tsv that cannot be found in your Db table.
Syntax for the latter command is tentative and may be changed in the future.
* Revamp categorySearch for cleanliness and make category determination more reliable and
* Replace with as the default server.
* Update Composer configuration to use our fork of Git.php.
* Update Removes update_theaters as Rotten Tomato's API is no longer
freely available (PR 2313).
* Broken logic in XML_Response class that lead to high response times.
* Issue with SphinxSE 2.2.11 and maximum return size in ReleaseRemover with larger DB.
* Improve site/admin site performance in a few queries in Releases and Groups.
* Change NZB Writing to use XMLWriter instead of string buffering for standardization.
* Fix advanced search and update related queries (PR 2308).
* Added some patches to fix some known setting mistakes (caused by missed or missing patches).
* Verify settings_table failing for PHP 5.6 users, because of reversed list() parameter, due
to misreading the documentation (Fixes issue #2319).
* Verify settings_table failing for PHP 5.6 users, because of reversed list() parameter, due to
misreading the documentation (Fixes issue #2319).
* Gamma Console cover view not displaying releases grouped by Console ID.
* Post processing for tv shows (PR 2326).
* Books processing variable incorrect, causing only one category to run. 2016-11-08
* Incorrect SABnzb URL setting fetch. 2016-11-08
* Fix update_releases script not using app\models\Settings class. 2016-11-07
* Option for admins to delete topics in forum.
* Search for releases by poster, by clicking on poster name in releases details page.
* Brought in dev-move-to-settings-model branch. This is expected to cause problems as we
iron out the final wrinkles. Indexing side should mostly be fine as it was previously
merged some time ago. The web side is where we expect most problems to occur. Please keep
an eye on your logs and let us know of *any* problems showing up.
* Add the Imagick PHP extension as a required dependency.
***NOTE*** If you do not already have this extension you *must* install it or PPA will
cause errors. Do:
sudo apt-get install php5.6-imagick (or php7.0-imagick, depending on your PHP version).
* Switched to using ImageMagick (from GD) for handling image thumbnails, etc. during PPA.
* Replace duplicate categorySearch function in releases and exclude leading -99 improving query
* Segfaults during PPA caused by broken sample images (fixes issue 2278).
* User and role category exclusions (fixes issue 2290).
* SQL patch to ensure the indexer, ppa, innerfileblacklist setting exists.
* Correct typo causing maxmusicprocessed setting lookup to fail.
* Fix speed and count accuracy issues with API/Browse functions (PR 2303). 2016-10-17
* Remove images/covers support from Trakt (they will no longer serve images after 31st. October).
* Switch Smarty to bootstrap through lithium instead of just the libraries. Hopefully this will
not cause more problems than it fixes.
* Advanced search link in Gamma theme.
* Group info included in Extended API output. 2016-10-13
* Switch Smarty to bootstrap through lithium instead of just the libraries. Hopefully this will
not cause more problems than it fixes. 2016-10-12
* Add caching to getPagerCount function to reduce load on indexers with many API calls.
* Issue 2263 - Out of memory issue checking RAR files. Add limit checkings to the extra options.
* Add missing setting for settings table. 2016-10-03
* TinyMCE editor support to forum and admin->content.
* Support for per role category exclusions to admin->role edit page(Closes issue #1639).
* Refactored scripts using nzedb\db\Settings class without actually using any of the class'
additional features, to use the parent nzedb\db\DB class. This is to let me work on
moving the scripts that DO need the additional features over to using app\models\Settings
instead and properly separating business logic from the way models get used.
* Updated NzedbYenc adapter to support decodeIgnore in the extension, instead of falling
back to the Php adapter.
***NOTE*** This changes the API for the function so all users of the extension will have to
upgrade to at least v1.1.0, or the code will generate errors.
* Force php-yenc to use v1.2.2 or later, which fixes some issues with multi-part.
***NOTE*** If you are using the php-yenc extensions you will have to update
* Restore reporting of total rows to API response.
* Group audio releases by album (fixes issue #2239).
* Alter NzedbYenc adapter test to also check for version > 1.0.0 as that version is no longer
compatible with the adapter's implementation.
* Refactor yydecode to use std I/O instead of files, improves performance (PR 2266).
* Wrongly named autosize script in Alpha and Charisma themes (fixes issue #2268).
* Prevent TmdbAPI constructor from exiting hard. Instead it now returns null on failure (Fixes
issue 2271). 2016-09-08
* Travis build icons on README for main three branches. Currently only the Installer are
tested but we will expand the test suite to include more.
* Content display for not logged in users in Charisma/Gamma/Gentele/Omicron themes.
* Prevent yEnc from configuring all adapters during install process, as that would require Db
access which isn't available yet. Closes issue #2257.
* Have the yEnc adapters use the PHP adapter for decodeIgnore(). Slow but it what happened before.
* Wrap $this->release['group_name'] in an isset check before assignment to avoid missing index
error reported in issue #2259. 2016-09-05
* Refactored our yEnc code to use a single class. Lithium adapters are used for the available
methods, the best available adapter is automatically configured as the default.
No user configuration should be needed, except for the path to ydecode in the settings as
before. simple_php_yen_decode can be removed from that setting for those using it, as the
extension is automatically detected if available.
For PHP 7.0 users, a new extension is available to replace simple_php_yenc_decode (which
cannot be compiled for PHP 7+). This extension is also available for PHP 5.6.
Those familiar with Zephir and able to compile the extension themselves, can do so from this
If you can not compile, and are a trusting soul, precompiled versions, in a .deb file, can be
downloaded from:
The deb package assumes that PHP 5/7 is installed with the php5.6-*/php7.0-* style of
packaging it will not work correctly with the php5-*/php7-* style (extension should install,
but the ini files to load it will be in the wrong locations, so you'll have to correct them).
* Update hint for yydecode setting in site-edit.
* Sorting arrows on admin->user-list page.
* Update isTV regex to match full season releases (PR 2244). 2016-08-24
* Change rt_attr_string to rt_attr_uint as a dummy field. As attributes are pre-cached, strings
could cause out of memory issues.
***Note*** If using sphinx search the following is required to update the index:
sudo service sphinxsearch stop
Edit /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf if you made any changes from the default
sudo mv /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf.1
sudo cp /var/www/nZEDb/misc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf
sudo service sphinxsearch start
php misc/sphinxsearch/populate_rt_indexes.php releases_rt 2016-08-15
* Fix incorrect column name in patch 447. 2016-08-08
* Make themes more lower resolution/mobile devices friendly.
* Improve JSON Response from API/RSS by basing it off of XML Response (PR 2194).
* Add required rt_att directive for sphinx v2.2.11
Note: if using sphinx search the following is required to update the index
sudo service sphinxsearch stop
sudo mv /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf.1
sudo cp /var/www/nZEDb/misc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf
sudo service sphinxsearch start
php misc/sphinxsearch/populate_rt_indexes.php releases_rt
* Undefined index genreid in Charisma/Gamma/Gentele/Omicron themes (Fixes issue 2209).
* Add missing glyphicons-halflings images to shared/img folder and adjust CSS of Gamma theme.
* Replace somehow reverted icon- with font-awesome versions in viewmoviefull and xxx tpl files in Alpha theme.
* Install's bootstrap process that prevent use of Settings table before it is created.
* User cart operations in themes.
* Adjustments to DbUpdate class to be sure Settings instance is there when needed.
* Add checks for tv attributes in XML_Response.php (Fixes issue 2225). 2016-08-01
* UHD subcategories to Movies, TV and XXX categories.
***Note*** run recategorize script to populate the new categories
php misc/testing/Release/recategorize.php all
* Update Omicron CSS/JS to AdminLTE 2.3.5
* Update profile edit pages in Charisma/Gentele/Omicron themes.
* Add group parameter support to api search function (Closes issue 2195).
* Use max headers iteration site setting if set (or max of 1,000,000 if not set) during
multiprocessing safe binaries This will ensure we don't queue too many jobs in one loop if
you are behind on updating and is consistant with other update binaries methods.
* Reset user grabs and api requests in Charisma/Gamma/Gentele/Omicron themes (Fixes issue 2206).
* Remove searchname after the guid when calling release details page in
Charisma/Gamma/Gentele/Omicron themes.
* Adding movies to my movies list from in theatre page in Charisma/Gentele/Omicron.
* Marking of new releases in Gamma theme browse page.
* Add work around for duplicate constants warning.
* Restore missing nzb download to api.php (Fixes issue 2212).
* Leftover r.group_id in (Fixes issue 2213).
* Blank screen on fresh deployment (Issue 2214).
* RSS/API usenetdate format to conform with newznab api specification.
* Blank browse pages when browsing per category.
* Display of browsing categories on browse pages of every theme.
* Add lithium libraries bootstrap for Admin pages (Fixes issue 2215).
* Wrong order of inserted values in Groups update function (Closes issue 2217). 2016-07-08
* Refactored all scripts to use the app/extensions/util/Versions class instead of the older
nzedb\utility\Versions. 2016-07-07
* Updated fxp/composer-asset-plugin dependency to v1.2.0
* Create new bootstrap file (.../bootstrap.php) to enable nzedb and lithium's app libraries
to load together. This fixes #2205.
New files should use it as the base require_once instead of indexer.php. Old files will be
converted over when it is convenient. 2016-07-06
* Other category not available on new installs, due to insert query still using 'category' table.
* Malformed RSS for my movies and my shows RSS. 2016-07-04
Fixes: Updated nzedb.xml file.
0.6.2 2016-07-04
**NOTE** we now only support PHP 5.6 and later versions.
* Feature apixmlwrite (PR 2155).
* Support for Season only searches with fast TV query.
* Multiple channel support for IRCScraper.
* Gentele theme (PR 2156).
* Unique mediainfo ID matching (PR 2153).
* Update minimum PHP requirements to 5.6.10+
* Improved RSS query times.
* Made nzb-export comments reflect a more specific date format.
* Enabled third pre channel, remove bad sources from ircscraper_settings_example and IRCScraper class.
* AniDB site query optimization and code cleanup.
* Updated version of unionofrad/lithium library.
* Switch Charisma/Omicron to iCheck checkbox style and new Pnotify style.
* Updated version of barracudanetworks/forkdaemon-php library (adds unlimited child run support).
* Make fixReleaseNames predbft deterministic to prevent useless threads.
* Remove release searchname from Gamma profile page (comments part).
* Improve RSS query times.
* Change some dates in the output to not use RSS style as they are not RSS attributes.
* Make screen simple-expanded script executable.
* Bug with TV API changes that causes unmatched Show/Sxx/Exx queries to return data.
* TV API query will wrongly return an tv_episodes_id value when no sxx/exx/airdate is passed.
* Several fixes to Capabilities handling.
* nzb-import using filenames as searchname now strips .gz as well as .nzb.
* Local lookup not working for airdates because Sxx/Exx is still being set as junk data.
* TV Processing returns alias for wrong show first instead of direct show title match.
* Fallback TV search now returns only specific episodes / also fix Season pack lookups.
* Revert Gamma to use customized utils.js and not the shared one (Closes issue 2166).
* No background images in Charisma/Omicron themes.
* Dev fixrelsinglerun (PR 2169).
* category_id not changed to categories_id for category regexes (Closes issue 2171).
* SQL injection in Movie.php (PR 2180).
* Initial default theme not set to Alpha, because of lower case first letter.
* TV menu link on Default and themes that use it as their base.
* Triggers in schema (Closes issue 2184).
* Forums on Charisma, Gamma, Gentele, and Omicron themes (Closes issue 2174).
* Fix Lithium Connections to send host:name in host field as Lithium expects (PR 2189).
* Links to colorbox images in Gamma theme.
* PreDB page layout in Gamma theme.
* Clean up duplicated and bad functions in Gamma theme's utils.js
* Problem introduced with TV API changes, that causes unmatched Show/Sxx/Exx queries to
return data.
* Several issues with Capabilities.
* Importing NZB, using filename as searchname, now strips .gz as well as .nzb.
* Missed occurences of categoryid in UserMovies.php (Closes issue 2191).
* Wrong path to file extension icons in Gamma theme viewfilelist.tpl. 2016-06-23
* Category_id not changed to categories_id for category regexes. (Closees issue 2171).
* Local lookup not working for airdates because Sxx/Exx is still being set as junk data.
* Initial default theme not set to Alpha, because of lower case first letter. 2016-06-08
* Renamed 10-category.tsv to 10-categories.sql
* Corrected *_Other categories to x999 in 10-categories.sql
0.6.1 2016-06-06
**NOTE** PHP v5.5 reaches its end of life 2016-07-10. This (0.6.1) will be the last release to
target it.
The next release will require PHP 5.6+
* New release name format not matched by reqid - includes updated schema/new triggers (PR 2127).
* Couch Potato icon to Gamma theme (Closes Issue 2115).
* Option to specify the minimum file size using the API? (Closes Issue 234).
* Include PREDBURL (if PREDB info exists) in extended=1 API information (Closes Issue 2035).
* More verbose output for update git, db commands.
* Search Movies (PR 2125, Closes Issue 1581).
* Asset (CSS, JS, etc.) management library to reduce duplication of these resources and allow
for multiple versions to be used.
* Numerous SQL query improvements for speed.
* Comment out max_matches (deprecated since sphinx 2.2.3) and change location to
proper /var/run/sphinxsearch/
* Changing table 'category' to 'categories' along with references to categoryid => categories_id.
**NOTE** This involves changes to your releases table. It will take some time, potentially a
very long time, depending on the number of releases you have.
* Other changes to tables to bring them inline with lithium conventions. Shouldn't take as long.
* Broken NZB files are now detected in clean NZB script.
* NZBImport now sets the nzb_guid during the import.
* Removed autopatcher script functionality.
* Some of Alpha's icons to use font-awesome equivalents.
* MySQL connect ignored unix socket if host/port were supplied. Now the socket takes precedent.
* Reinstated the LINES TERMINATED BY clause to loading data files to override default. This
prevented some data files being correctly loaded into the database.
* Update collection regex in
* Yahoo search fix (PR 2121).
* TV categorization mismatches.
** NOTE *** - you will need to do the following to fix the categorization:
`php /var/www/nZEDb/misc/testing/Release/recategorize.php all`
this will take a while to complete.
* Reference to configuration file/location for IRC Scraper in tmux-edit.tpl.
* Fix Recaptcha settings (PR 2135).
* Prevent deadlocks on binaries and releases updates.
* WEB-DL shows as option in My TV shows when not used as a category (Closes Issue 2110).
* Remove derefferer use from CouchPotato url links in Gamma theme.
* PostProcess Additional tmux query not accurate with PP add queue.
* Profile edit included non theme names in its dropdown list.
* Buffer nzb creation fixes (Closes Issue 2139).
* Add 'artist - title' display to Gamma music page (Closes Issue 2149).
* Restore 'None' to themes drop-down list, in profile edit, so site default theme can be used.
* Couch Potato should send IMDB ID from page request not release guid. 2016-05-07
* Db entries in settings for ReCaptcha.
0.6.0 2016-05-02 updated 2016-05-03
* Support for Composer to handle the project and its dependencies (third party libraries).
In particular this means after this update you will no longer use git pull to updates then
have to manually run update_db (that script has been removed). Instead you will have to install
Composer (one time only)
We recommend the global method, as we do not provide the composer.phar file in our repo.
Then in nZEDb root dir run:
composer install
Once that is done (and in the future) run:
./zed update nzedb
This will check and install all dependencies and then run the Db updater automatically.
You may have to set permissions on .../app/libraries and .../resources/smarty/templates_c
* We are now using the lithium (li3) framework to handle a number of tasks. The ./zed
command is an alias to the frameworks li3 console command added in the nZEDb directory for
convenience (always use this directory to run such commands in your shell).
I hope to replace many of our cli scripts with more console commands, to make them more
useful and easier to remember ;-)
* Console commands to replace some scripts. Usage: ./zed <command> <options> (without options
to get help text).
* Screen script. This is an updated version of the standard screen script
with common options already enabled (PR 2113, Thanks to Wally73).
* 'gn' case to nfo retrieval in api, to be in line with newznab api spec.
* Move location of Smarty's additional directories (cache, compile, and config) to the resources
directory. These may need you to set the permissions to 777.
* Moved nZEDb from .../nzedb/build to .../build/nzedb.xml Notice the filename case has changed.
* Removed some scripts:
.../misc/testing/DB/autopatcher.php ... use './zed update nzedb' instead.
.../cli/update_db.php ... use './zed update nzedb' instead.
.../cli/versions.php ... use './zed version <option> instead.
* Broken links for NFO display on Charisma/Omicron cover pages (Issue 2099).
* Prevent undefined index 'isadmin' on forumpost page in Gamma template.
* NFO display on coverpages in Light/Default themes (ssue #2099).
* Division by zero error when viewing filelist in Alpha and Default themes.
* Filelist display in all of the themes, reduce overhead in NZB class related to segments array.
* Links to detail pages in Gamma theme (remove release name).
* Update sphinx releases_rt index when release files are added.
*** NOTE *** - you will need to do the following to update the sphinx index:
1) stop sphinxsearch - `sudo service sphinxsearch stop`
2) clear old index - `sudo rm /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/*`
3) start sphinxsearch - `sudo service sphinxsearch start`
4) populate the index - `php /var/www/nZEDb/misc/sphinxsearch/populate_rt_indexes.php releases_rt`
* Check for SD movies before HD ones, to prevent some being falsey matched (PR 2120).
* Update Scrutinizer file to hopefully fix 'failed install' errors.
* Reinstate the LINES TERMINATED BY clause to loading data files to override default behaviour
of only using '\n' instead of '\r\n' that we need (Issue 2104).
0.5.5 2016-04-04
**IMPORTANT** Be aware that for the this update (April) the stable branch will no longer be the
master branch. It has been renamed to 0.x. You HAVE to run the following commands to stay on
stable code:
git checkout master
git branch -m 0.x
git fetch -p
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/0.x
* Themes have been updated to use Category constants instead of number constants. Theme
designers should never use the numbers directly, they are subject to change at any time.
* Charisma/Omicron themes - Move group browsing from user to left side menu.
* Move rss, rssdesc and search-filter.tpl files to themes/shared folder. Themes designers
need not implement these templates. In fact for most, they SHOULD not implement them.
* Charisma/Gamma/Omicron themes - Replace custom filtering code with search-filter.
* Removing extraneous container tags from Alpha theme for Bootstrap v3 (PR 2074).
* Update jQuery to version 2.2.1, use jQuery migrate 1.4.0
* Gamma theme - Made menus dropdown on hover.
* Gamma theme - Bootstrap 3 compatible now.
* We now force each users' saburl entry to have a trailing slash.
* Rename the ID for posterwall's select dropdown to be more unique and move its style
definition to the posterwall.css file.
* Change semantics for failed downloads.
* Prevent unkown index '0' for null pagertotalitems result and force a zero value if missing.
* Gamma theme headermenu when not using coverviews.
* Some issues in the Default template (Issue 2011).
* Alpha theme. The Audio menu item does not work as intended (Issue 2026).
* "too few arguments" error in Tmux class.
* Charisma/Gamma/Omicron themes - Prevent undefined index userdata notice in headermenu.
* Gamma theme - RSS issues.
* Alpha theme - Console page, rows going outside the grey box element.
* Alpha theme - Positioning of View/Admin buttons on category browse pages (Closes PR 2063).
* Alpha theme - Replace form-search with proper form-inline.
* Charisma/Omicron themes - Replace form-search with proper form-inline.
* Admin - Incorrect constant name PC_GAME in predb.tpl, to correct PC_GAMES.
* Replaced Genres::CONSOLE_TYPE causing Console.php to fail.
* Alpha theme - View NZB comments block from spilling beyond its wrapping grey box.
* Book categories in Site Edit "type of books to lookup".
***NOTE*** You may need to reselect these to pp them correctly.
* Alpha theme - Posterwall had white on white characters in the dropdown list for category.
* NZBGet url error warning on empty NZBGet url on profile edit page.
* Wrong name for failed releases in template.
* Add back TV processing to NFO files processing (Issue 2080).
* Undefined index $covgroup in Alpha theme preventing cover|list view (Issue 2082).
* Default theme menus for cover/list views
* Alpha theme menus when coverview is not enabled
* Releases' table videos_id and tv_episodes_id need to default to 0 (Closes issue 2084).
* Mismatched braces in api which caused search problems (PR 2087, Closes issue 2069).
0.5.4 2016-02-29
* Created second directory for Smarty plugins (.../www/plugins) where we will keep our added
plugins, to avoid issues when updating Smarty.
* Updated Smarty to version 3.1.29
* Change references of releasetitle to title in myshows-add page of Charisma/Omicron theme (PR 2054).
* Disable API access for disabled users (PR 2062).
* Remove unneccessary MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND from PDO dsn options array. This was only
needed before PHP 5.3.6 as 'charset' was ignored.
* Prevent undefined index notices in full series and movies view, remove references to
nzbvortex and nzbgetintegration (PR 2039).
* myshows-add.tpl (PR 2051, PR 2054).
* Missing jquery.qtip2.js in themes/shared/script.
* profileedit pages in Charisma/Gamma/Omicron templates
* Wrong paths to scripts in Omicron theme
* Regression that remove WWW_THEMES definition from Page class.
* Fix paths in Charisma theme (PR 2055).
* Replace deprecated HTML tag <center> with proper CSS (PR 2056).
* Correct path for images on opening page of Install.
* Long running queries for RemoveCrap WMV
* Update isISO categorization (PR 2040).
* Juggle Book category values so they match the existing ones of newznab's published API.
0.5.3 2016-02-01
* A function to return the CAT_OTHERS_GROUP, as array constants are not supported for PHP 5.5.
When 5.5 reaches EOL in July we can revisit this.
* Bring in dev-git-hooks changes. Adds whitespace checking/fixing to pre-commit hook (for
devs only).
* Update getID3 library to version 1.9.11.
* Moved Other cats to 0000 range, books cat to 7000 range. This will allow 3rd. party apps to
use the newznab category values with the API.
* Fixed paths in Charisma/Omicron themes (PR 2012).
* Added missing template file, to Default theme, which caused 500 error when clicking on movie
title in covers view.
* Remove duplicate menu items for Login and Register in menu_items.tsv.
* In some cases, when not logged in, no theme is defined and certain links are broken with
themes//style... appearing instead of a proper link.
* Several bad URLs in Charisma/Gamma/Omicron themes (missing '/' after the smarty constants).
* Fix wrong path to shared folder in Gamma theme.
0.5.2 2016-01-04
* Add Gamma template made by RickDB (adapted by Darius) (PR 1987).
* Adding noscript support to recaptcha (Default theme only, update custom themes that do not
use it) (PR 2005).
* Add Trakt Support (PR 1985)
* TVDB and TVMaze scripts now support Airdate lookup.
* Change COUNT(*) queries to count the primary key columns to improve query performance.
* Re-work the count querying in PreDB class.
* Greatly improve CodecPoster accuracy and query speed.
* DNZB failures shouldn't send an easily corrupted searchname. Now retrieves it from the DB by sent guid instead.
* Refactored our themes. This moves the themes_shared directory to themes/shared.
More importantly it now assumes a convention that themes should use Title cased names or
they are not presented as available selections.
Admins may rename the directory of any theme they want to omit from user choice to be
fully lower-case (the change must be commited to prevent overwriting by next update).
This change will be the basis for further improvements in time.
* Change grabs and group browse ordering in Gamma theme (PR 2007).
* Column genre_id in gamesinfo table, not patched when schema was updated around patch 278.
* Omicron/Charisma movie cover links.
* Wrong paths in Omicron/Charisma templates (PR 1995).
* Paths to scripts in Charisma/Omicron themes (PR 1996).
* Provide a DNZB response code when no alternate match is found in DNZB query instead of just showing 404
* Attempt to fix issue with releases that have parts counters in the searchname not being sent to Sab properly
* Declare $client property in nzedb/processing/tv/TMDB.php (PR 1998).
* Fix wrong video sample extension in Gamma template (PR 2006).
* update_releases.php -> Call to undefined method finfo::close() (PR 2001).
* Fix missing table reference from queries in NameFixer (PR 2010).
0.5.1 2015-12-07
* Regexes for korean newsgroups (PR 1868).
* Regexes from request thread (PR 1948).
* French flag to "multi" releases (PR 1949).
* Add TVMaze and TMDB Scrapers (PR 1953).
* IMDB Icon to TV new poster wall.
* Make NFO file retrievable for a release via the API and update documentation.
* include NFOURL (if NFO exists) in extended=1 API information (Issue 1962).
* Add changes for API and pager to charisma and omicron templates (PR 1965).
* Improve games cover view query time.
* Improve movies cover view query time
* Releases that fail to parse for TV proc go into their own queue for review.
* SmartyTV class abstract errors / fix a few template issues.
* Cache counts for Movies, Music, Games.
* Speedup Music Cover Views and cleanup a lot of the queries.
* Speed up Books, Console, and XXX cover views.
* If TVDB cannot reach the API, catch the error and force local lookup.
* Improvement to Releases' queries.
* Re-work books cover view queries to improve performance.
* Re-work movies cover view queries to improve performance.
* Improve error reporting for API NFO.
* Update the alpha API description for NFO. Fixing bad copy paste.
* Improve NFO joining operations and reduce overhead.
* Remove option to postprocess [only] properly renamed releases from tmux (PR 1964).
* Update templates to font-awesome 4.5.0 (PR 1971).
* More speed ups to Music, Games, and XXX cover views.
* Alter Screen scripts to default to PHP rather than Python scripts (PR 1980).
* Remove update TV schedule from screen script (PR 1979).
* Remerged Darius' original charisma/omicron themes into next-master. Hopefully this will fix the issues for master, but may need more work yet.
* Attempt to fix AEBN / ADM lookups (Issue 1914).
* Schema data for countries table using invalid column for private key.
* Collection regex errors (Issue 1954).
* Fix book related problems due to wrong var used (PR 1952).
* Bad logic for airdate shows after cleanup of TV parsing.
* First TV name processing Regex not enforcing the start of the string.
* Undefined offset and foreach errors in TMDB.
* TraktTv abstract errors from missing functions.
* Duplicate Alias Errors and cache alias lookups.
* Season Packs not showing up correctly in View Series.
* Handle XmlException for try/catch on TVDB lookup.
* Bad merge broke regex again.
* TV name parsing regex.
* If episode airdate not set insert null.
* Pager template should not round down. Using ceil round up for the last page is a better choice.
* Don't cache failed TV lookups when the Episode didn't find a match but the show did.
* Fix the dnzb failures part of search query in Releases.php (PR 1968).
* Security issues with DnzbFailures.
* Queries in DnzbFailures not working properly.
* XmlException errors in TVDB not being caught.
* Broken DF queries in Releases.
* Fix count of failed releases.
* Failed counts for cover views being lumped together instead of group_concat.
* Fix the full movie view in omicron/charisma templates (PR 1977).
0.5.0-1 2015-11-03
* Move My Shows to account menu, remove links to calendar and add Anime Series link to charisma template. (PR 1928).
* Remove totalrows count from functions, api and templates. (PR 1930).
* Speed up series list view query by removing releases join.
* Change patch 391 to drop and recreate user_series table due to unknown issue on InnoDB.
* Anime pages in omicron/charisma. (PR 1925).
* Release Browse Queries not respecting table position on larger Databases with MariaDB.
* Tmux counters not accurately reflecting TV work (still off until new scrapers are finished).
* SCR in ReleaseRemover and improve query times for all release_files operations on larger databases.
* Attempt to fix Issue 1844, Pager counts not reflecting release availability.
* Index name on user series.
* Release-edit redirecting to wrong page (Issue 1940).
* Collection regex errors.
0.5.0 2015-11-02
* Statistical info for grabbed/failed releases to cover, browse and search pages. (PR 1885).
* Automatically generate comment on failed download. (PR 1889).
* text_hash column, triggers, and index to release_comments to prevent insertion of duplicated comments originating from automated messages, sharing etc. (PR 1891).
* List of releases failed to download reported by X-DNZB-Failure headers to admin area. (PR 1892).
* Script to extract TV covers from the database and save them to the tvrage directory in covers. .../misc/testing/PostProcess/extractTVCovers.php
* Anime new poster wall view. (PR 1897).
* updateTvRage.php in misc/testing/PostProc will now run in check mode to reconcile image files against the DB if you imported.
* Add view release option to failed releases list. Do not post comment for user, if that user already posted the failure automated comment.
* Completely refactored TV processing to use multiple sites instead of just TVRage.
* Replace TVRage Processing with TVDB
*** Note: We found a bug dating back to the beginning that caused bad titles to be inserted into the TvRage table
As such, we decided not to incorporate the title data by migrating it to the new videos schema. We are not dropping the tables yet,
as there is still promise in joining the tables at a later date to populate some fields.
* Set TV cover images to pull from /covers/tvrage/ ***NOTE*** Run the extractTVCovers script in misc/testing/PostProcess/ ***
* Removed getimage.php as it was only used for displaying TV images... TV now adopts the standard cover method.
* updateTvRage script now looks for hascover = 0 instead... which still won't work because TVR is down.
* Change TVDB client class call. (PR 1894).
* Adjust templates for tvrage images change.
* Add deletion of dnzb_failures to deleteSingle. (1901).
* Improve Codec Poster removal query times by incorporating Sphinx FT if enabled.
* Lots more love for Sphinx FT in ReleaseRemover. Greatly improves query times on big databases.
* Update parseTraktTv function, as it was occasionally inserting covers with tt prefix. (PR 1904).
* Update the search page in omicron/charisma templates. (PR 1907).
* Move all the TV related classes so nzedb/processing/tv folder. Move the processTvReleases function into main TV class. (PR 1910).
* Remove text_hash column, trigger and index from release_comments. (PR 1911).
* Change the order of removal in Patch 385. (PR 1912).
* Invalid icon links in omicron / charisma themes.
* Host column misplacement in admin comments list when user ip tracking is enabled. (PR 1890).
* Error in extract script and a query error for new poster wall for TV.
* Forgot to add untracked anidb icon for poster wall.
* AniDB poster wall query not grouping by release.
* Attempt to fix AniDB icon not showing in multiple themes.
* Omicron poster wall typo, wrong script name in patch file 384.
* Alpha TV New Poster Wall missing div tag.
* ReleaseRemover not honoring LIKE search types causing blacklist removal issues and not producing enough matches in SPHINX mode.
* Undefined index error in updateTvRage.php (Issue 1900).
* Layout of tv->anime page. (PR 1905).
* Extend episodeSummary function with extended type switch for future use. (PR 1906).
* No covers shown on XXX /details pages. (PR 1918).
* Incorrect usage of date function (missing strtotime for int value).
* View TV Series query speedup caused incorrect join placement (2nd Attempt).
* Some local lookups were passing with invalid information causing them to show up as season 0.
0.4.26-1 2015-10-07
* Bug in ReleaseRemover which forced a Full Text search. This caused blacklist removal issues and not producing enough matches in SPHINX mode.
0.4.26 2015-10-05
* Xdebug and PHP settings to nzedb\config\settings.example.php
Changed default value of PHPMAILER_ENABLED constant to 'false' instead of undefined (it was commented out).
Changed error reporting level to not exclude any messages, as our code should run clean and therefore *any* messages should be investigated.
Update your settings.php if you want these.
**NOTE** Generating messages slows down the running code and hiding them does not stop them being generated, just displayed.
* Sphinx Full-Text Search for Filenames.
*** NOTE *** - you will need to do the following to update the sphinx index:
0) Minimum Sphinx v2.2.9
1) stop sphinxsearch - `sudo service sphinxsearch stop`
2) clear old index - `sudo rm /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/*`
3) copy updated conf file - `sudo cp /var/www/nZEDb/misc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf`
4) If you had previously edited the conf file - you will need to re-edit again.
5) start sphinxsearch - `sudo service sphinxsearch start`
6) recreate the tables - `php /var/www/nZEDb/misc/sphinxsearch/create_se_tables.php 0 9312`
7) populate the index - `php /var/www/nZEDb/misc/sphinxsearch/populate_rt_indexes.php releases_rt`
* Predb export script now has a default filename (predb_export_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.tsv) if only a path is specified.
* Display the date which a binary black list was last used (PR 1871).
* Base TV Class to make the addition of a new TV scraper easier (Still a WIP).
* Add filters to cover pages (PR 1883).
* More SQL fixes and optimisations (including PR 1871).
* Change sidebar menu XXX into Adult to match headermenu, change the icon (PR 1870).
* Three Arrows when viewing movie upper right corner (Issue 1850; PR 1854).
* Change font used in omicron and charisma templates, adjust layout of coverview pages (PR 1870).
* Re-organize and trim some fat out of TvRage.php in preparation for its *glorious* return.
* Stopped PreDb import script from creating new groups with quotes around them.
* Reverted word-wrap change that caused a space to appear in release titles (alpha theme) Issue 1846 - clear your smarty cache.
* API search broken because of missing parameter.
* Sphinx Search broken for MariaDB installs (re-run create_se_tables script).
* Fix RSS Content Length Response (PR 1849).
* Collection regex edit page not showing the result.
* Display of api/download hits, in omicron and charisma templates, in last 24 hours (PR 1856).
* Background colors on profile and profile edit pages (PR 1857).
* Adjustments and fixes in charisma and omicron templates (PR 1858).
* Add back missing invites in profile page of charisma/omicron templates (PR 1869).
* Fix api json output (PR 1878).
* Updated predb insert trigger that got missed for new installs, (Issue 1875).
0.4.25 2015-09-07
* Two new templates from Darius: Charisma and Omicron.
* New Ubuntu 14.04.02 install instructions (PR 1784).
* Movie trailer configurable settings to Admin section of site.
* Wide spread changes to Database indexes and queries, to improve overall performance.
*** MUST RUN *** TPG Script to DROP old collections TRIGGERS after Patch 374 /nzedb/build/_runonce/tpg_delete_triggers_2015-08-14.php
***NOTE*** if using sphinxsearch then run 'php misc/sphinxsearch/toggle_search_type.php sphinx' to remove unnecessary release_search_data triggers.
* Parse most of the TraktTV details for movies.
* Add default values for movieinfo table.
* Tmux no longer analyses InnoDb tables on start up, as InnoDb uses online analasis (No change for MyISAM tables).
* Updates to Categorizing.
* Updates to Alpha theme.
* Console Processing Local now requires an exact platform match just like the Amazon lookups to prevent incorrect platform matches
* Problem during install not loading settings.php from configuration.
* Delete collections that are broken after a timeout period (Issue 1791 + PR 1793).
* Error causing details and getnzb pages to intermiiently not load (Issue 1782).
* Issue where YouTube trailer URL's would get overwritten with the wrong URL.
* Issue where API NZB downloads would fail.
* Predb export scripts had a typo which prevented it working correctly.
* Display of movie trailers (Issue 1811).
* a.b.moovee collection regex, that was splitting subs out separately.
* PHP error if rowCount() is null (Issue 1834).
* predb_import_daily_batch script to properly calculate last timestamp for progress mode.
* Console Processing failing to validate Amazon API Return (Issue 1819).
* Invalid date-time format when updating consoleinfo if releasedate is blank.
* Issue with NZBDrone/Sonarr not having content-length header set on API calls.
0.4.24 2015-08-03
* Pick up additional RAR names (PR 1716).
* Support for downloading last rar/zip file when post processing (PR 1726).
* Matching for hyphenated music scene release names (PR 1719).
* Ordering comments by created date. Showing newest on top (PR 1712).
* Support for APCu or APC for caching (PR 1722).
* Adding a limit to the maximum number of headers a single group can grab per iteration of the main loop (default 1,000,000).
* All configuration files should now reside in .../nzedb/config.
*** IMPORTANT *** This will require manually moving some files, such as .../www/config.php and .../www/settings.php Keving has written a script to handle this for those that are too lazy ;-)
You will also have to remove the require_once line from the bottom of config.php (handled by the script also).
* Query caching changes.
* Updated Smarty to v3.1.27
* Improvement in NNTP compression handling (Issue 1735).
* Returned user signups by month view, back to site-stats (PR 1740).
* Update ReleaseRemover with new variant of codec installer file (PR 1759).
* Select All and Delete, in Advanced Search, not working (Issues 1713 1715).
* IRCScraper script (scrape.php) now looks in the correct location for its configuration file.
* Various Error Notices/Warnings (Issue 1714, 1737; PR 1742).
* Support for API v2 (PR 1728 and PR 1730).
* Issue if nZEDb_SSL_CAFILE is empty (PR 1729).
* API regarding JSON-Output (PR 1747).
* Updated regex for predb_import_daily_batch script to account for Dropbox's changes to link HTML.
0.4.23 2015-07-06
* Created a config directory under .../nzedb to contain configuration/settings files, so they are all together and don't need paths changing when code moves. I'll gradually move older config/settings files here, with some exceptions TBD.
* Matching for hyphenated music scene release names. (PR 1719)
* Support for APCu or APC for caching. (PR 1722)
* Option to show non-passworded releases AND unprocessed releases.
* Adding a limit to the maximum number of headers a single group can grab per iteration of the main loop. This allows for a reasonably safe catchup ability on out of date groups, without completely choking the database with one group's headers ;-)
***NOTE*** this may slow things down for some users of *very* active groups.
There is an entry in the Settings table (max=>headers=>iteration) to set the value (default 1,000,000), an entry in admin => Edit Site to make this easier will come when someone can be coerced into doing smarty work ;-)
* Support for post-prossessing to download the last RAR/Zip file, in order to find filenames.
* Add support for API v2. (PR 1728)
* Updated Smarty to v3.1.27
* Moved IRCScraper example settings file to the .../nzedb/config directory
* Ordering comments by created date. Showing newest on top. (PR 1712)
* Improvements to query caching.
* NZBImport now adds groups if they don't exist in the database instead of skipping the release.
* Avoid MySQL caching on transient content. This prevents useless data from filling the cache in place of useful data. (PR 1738)
* Allow NNTP to retry if compression fails to initialise.
* Autoloading for Smarty framework uses its Autoloader. Web pages now use a streamlined version of the previous autoloader, which is now removed from the Smarty tree. (Install process hasn't been tested yet. Let us know of any problems).
* Issues 1713 and 1715. Select all + delete in advanced search.
* Problems with users being unable to log in due to double quoting in the db lookup query.
* Undefined offset: 1 in MiscSorter.php - Issue 1714.
* Fix the nzbFileList function. (PR 1727)
* Fix for changes in Trakt API v2. (PR 1730)
* Fix issues if nZEDb_SSL_CAFILE is empty. (PR 1729)
* Various Error Notices/Warning from PHP. (Issue #1737) and others.
* Users by month restored to site stats.
* API capabilites in JSON format.
* Installation file requiring corrected.
0.4.22 2015-06-01
* Captcha feature.
* Collection regexes from issue 1668 (part 1).
* Temporary caching for Amazon lookup failures. This prevents a title being repeatedly checked during the same loop.
* New cleanup script .../misc/testing/PostProcess/check_previews.php Run without parameters to see usage info.
* Matching for "release" and "author" when finding audio name. PR 1686.
* Additional audiobook regexes. PR 1689.
* DEViANCE and PLAZA to PC Game categorisation.
* Thumbnail creation setting.
* Update documentation.
* Removed obsolete files.
* Deprecated predb_dump script from the misc tree. Use the predb import and export scripts in .../cli/data instead.
* Altered ProcessReleases to better process the set limit. Addresses Issue 1630.
* settings.php.example
***NOTE*** Update your settings.php file to add the new settings.
* Changes to DB.
* Removed Rotten Tomatoes quality settings as they are no longer required.
* Corrected the RottenTomatoes image url - fixes Issue 1649.
* Move files around in misc/testing folder.
***NOTE*** this may break any custom scripts you have written.
* Refactored all files previously in the .../nzedb/controllers directory (which were NOT namespaced) to be in the /nzedb/ name-space.
This allows the namespace autoloader to be simplified and moves us closer to compliance with PSR standards.
* Improvements to the way Collections/Binaries/Parts are deleted, which should speed thingsup for some users.
* Updated .../cli/data/populate_tvrage.php. PR 1682.
* Updated the audioNFO regex to be slightly less rubbish. PR 1685.
* Improved release creation loop.
* Updated collection regex.
* Improvements to daytopost accuracy and speed. PR 1698
* Renamed $pdo to $predb that was missed in refactoring.
* 2 issues with regexes relating to Issues 1635 and 1647.
* Fix issues with collection regexes relating to issue 1647.
***NOTE*** see for details.
* Genre display in music pages
***NOTE*** Clear your smarty cache to correct.
* Popporn error causing XXX to not post process - also fixes Issue 1655.
* Notices in various web pages.
* Do urldecode before working on category to avoid possible errors. - PR 1669
* SABnzbd integration for 'verifycert' behaviour.
* An issue where the wrong cookie could be destroyed. PR 1671.
* Broken pager on search page. PR 1673.
* Some issues with the install process.
* Issues with IRCScraper. PR 1681.
* Error with GiantBomb API if empty result was returned.
* Fix typo in "Admin Home". PR 1688.
* Alternate USP not being set in config.php on install. Issue 1695. PR 1696.
* Incorrect php opening tag in anime page. PR 1703.
* Logged in users can view others profiles. PR 1705 and PR 1709.
0.4.21 2015-05-04
* X-DNZB-Failure header support.
* PR 1636 - Added admin menu state changes.
* Improved TV Posterwall query.
* Increase column sizes for bookinfo.overview, and due to truncation.
* PR 1620 - Switch to v3 api
* PR 1623 - Fix oversized fanart images when viewing movie info popup.
* Class not found error in Movie.php.
* PR 1634 - Fix typo that caused : PHP Notice: Undefined variable: in Binaries.php line 543.
* PR 1637 - Call to releases::search missing one parameter for basic searches in search.php
* Corrected 'see more' link on TV posterwall to point to /series.
* API query issue raised in comments for Issue 1637.
* PR 1638 - Fix the wrong table name in Regexes.php. Was using release naming regexes to create collections.
* Fix issues with web RequestID lookups failing.
* Undefined offset in ProcessAdditional.
* Adding a check to see if the sqlpatch file was previously committed, before trying to update the commit.
* Problem behaviour when min/max sizes are both zero.
0.4.20 2015-04-06
* List of licenses used by nZEDb.
* Support for in DB collections (grouping) regex.
* "regex" sub-menu to admin menu.
* A "collections" menu item to the new regex menu.
* Support for category regexes in the DB.
* Support for alt.binaries.b4e.erotica.
* FULLTEXT indexes on bookinfo, consoleinfo, and musicinfo for better existing title matching.
* Move the blacklist menu into new "Regex" menu item.
* Convert collections regex to db.
* Better handling of .vol in regex extensions.
* Improvements to parsing nfo files for source.
* Switch to v3 api
* Correcting tmp_pre table references to predb_imports in dump_predb script.
* Fixes for compressed NZB reading and return.
* Don't ignore renamed releases for local requestID lookup.
* Fix oversized fanart images when viewing movie info popup.
* Fix Class not found error in Movie.php.
0.4.19 2015-03-02
* XXX WEB-DL category to XXX releases.
* XXX-SD category.
***NOTE*** run "php /misc/testing/Dev/recategorize.php all" to re-categorize existing releases.
* New XXX categories to posterwall.
* Make ReleaseRemover more informative of the type it is processing.
* Ignore PC > Mac category for removeExecutable (Core Releases include their exe file for some reason).
* Changing defaults for 'show passworded releases' (now shows potentially passworded) and 'NZB split level' (now 4) for new installs.
* Regex updates / categorize fixes for SD XXX
* Update sphinxsearch RT index when manually editing release searchname.
* Optimize queries for new release posterwall.
* Changes to install templates.
* Updated regex for codec poster.
* RottenTomatoes high-res images - clear your smarty cache.
* Group XXX pack releases in a.b.erotica correctly.
* Missing binaries from releases due to collection_id not being set.
Suggest that you run reset_truncate after this update.
NB: IMPORTANT - TPG users (that means you McFuzz) must run "php /nzedb/build/_runonce/tpg_add_collections_column_205-02-20.php"
* Issue 1594 - Fix word wrap on alpha theme.
* Reading a corrupt nzb would hang on 100% cpu.
* Dupecheck when inserting tvrage titles.
* Issues with mysqldump_tables.php when using socket.
0.4.0 2014-09-08 niel
NOTE: This version forward targets PHP 5.5 and later.
0.3.13 2014-09-01
NOTE: This is the last version of nZEDb to target PHP 5.4 which has reached its EOL.