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* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 1.3.0
* @license MIT License
namespace Cake\Log\Engine;
use Cake\Core\Configure;
use Cake\Utility\Text;
* File Storage stream for Logging. Writes logs to different files
* based on the level of log it is.
class FileLog extends BaseLog
* Default config for this class
* - `levels` string or array, levels the engine is interested in
* - `scopes` string or array, scopes the engine is interested in
* - `file` Log file name
* - `path` The path to save logs on.
* - `size` Used to implement basic log file rotation. If log file size
* reaches specified size the existing file is renamed by appending timestamp
* to filename and new log file is created. Can be integer bytes value or
* human readable string values like '10MB', '100KB' etc.
* - `rotate` Log files are rotated specified times before being removed.
* If value is 0, old versions are removed rather then rotated.
* - `mask` A mask is applied when log files are created. Left empty no chmod
* is made.
* @var array
protected $_defaultConfig = [
'path' => null,
'file' => null,
'types' => null,
'levels' => [],
'scopes' => [],
'rotate' => 10,
'size' => 10485760, // 10MB
'mask' => null,
* Path to save log files on.
* @var string|null
protected $_path;
* The name of the file to save logs into.
* @var string|null
protected $_file;
* Max file size, used for log file rotation.
* @var int|null
protected $_size;
* Sets protected properties based on config provided
* @param array $config Configuration array
public function __construct(array $config = [])
if (!empty($this->_config['path'])) {
$this->_path = $this->_config['path'];
if (
$this->_path !== null &&
Configure::read('debug') &&
) {
mkdir($this->_path, 0775, true);
if (!empty($this->_config['file'])) {
$this->_file = $this->_config['file'];
if (substr($this->_file, -4) !== '.log') {
$this->_file .= '.log';
if (!empty($this->_config['size'])) {
if (is_numeric($this->_config['size'])) {
$this->_size = (int)$this->_config['size'];
} else {
$this->_size = Text::parseFileSize($this->_config['size']);
* Implements writing to log files.
* @param string $level The severity level of the message being written.
* See Cake\Log\Log::$_levels for list of possible levels.
* @param string $message The message you want to log.
* @param array $context Additional information about the logged message
* @return bool success of write.
public function log($level, $message, array $context = [])
$message = $this->_format($message, $context);
$output = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . ucfirst($level) . ': ' . $message . "\n";
$filename = $this->_getFilename($level);
if ($this->_size) {
$pathname = $this->_path . $filename;
$mask = $this->_config['mask'];
if (!$mask) {
return file_put_contents($pathname, $output, FILE_APPEND);
$exists = file_exists($pathname);
$result = file_put_contents($pathname, $output, FILE_APPEND);
static $selfError = false;
if (!$selfError && !$exists && !chmod($pathname, (int)$mask)) {
$selfError = true;
'Could not apply permission mask "%s" on log file "%s"',
[$mask, $pathname]
$selfError = false;
return $result;
* Get filename
* @param string $level The level of log.
* @return string File name
protected function _getFilename($level)
$debugTypes = ['notice', 'info', 'debug'];
if ($this->_file) {
$filename = $this->_file;
} elseif ($level === 'error' || $level === 'warning') {
$filename = 'error.log';
} elseif (in_array($level, $debugTypes)) {
$filename = 'debug.log';
} else {
$filename = $level . '.log';
return $filename;
* Rotate log file if size specified in config is reached.
* Also if `rotate` count is reached oldest file is removed.
* @param string $filename Log file name
* @return bool|null True if rotated successfully or false in case of error.
* Null if file doesn't need to be rotated.
protected function _rotateFile($filename)
$filePath = $this->_path . $filename;
clearstatcache(true, $filePath);
if (
!file_exists($filePath) ||
filesize($filePath) < $this->_size
) {
return null;
$rotate = $this->_config['rotate'];
if ($rotate === 0) {
$result = unlink($filePath);
} else {
$result = rename($filePath, $filePath . '.' . time());
$files = glob($filePath . '.*');
if ($files) {
$filesToDelete = count($files) - $rotate;
while ($filesToDelete > 0) {
return $result;