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This is a library that acts as a wrapper for GiantBomb's API.


Via Composer

$ composer require dborsatto/php-giantbomb


$apiKey = 'YouApiKey';

// Create a Config object and pass it to the Client
$config = new DBorsatto\GiantBomb\Config($apiKey);
$client = new DBorsatto\GiantBomb\Client($config);

// OPTIONAL: use a cache driver
// Anything that extends Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider will work
$memcached = new Memcached();
$memcached->addServer('', 11211);
$cache = new Doctrine\Common\Cache\MemcachedCache();

// Alternatively you can pass a CacheProvider instance as the second parameter of the Client's constructor
// $client = new DBorsatto\GiantBomb\Client($config, $cache);

// If no CacheProvider is configured, Doctrine\Common\Cache\VoidCache will be used
// You can still flush the current cache by invoking
// $client->getCacheProvider()->flush();

// Standard query creation process
$games = $client->getRepository('Game')->query()
    ->addFilterBy('name', 'Uncharted')
    ->sortBy('original_release_date', 'asc')
    ->setFieldList(array('id', 'name', 'deck'))
    ->setParameter('limit', 100)
    ->setParameter('offset', 0)
echo count($games)." Game objects loaded\n";

// These options are all equivalent
$game = $client->getRepository('Game')
$game = $client->query('Game')
$game = $client->findOne('Game', '3030-22420');
echo $game->get('name')." object loaded\n";

// These options are equivalent
$results = $client->getRepository('Search')
    ->setParameter('query', 'Uncharted')
    ->setParameter('resources', 'game,franchise')
$results = $client->search('Uncharted', 'game,franchise');
echo count($results)." Search objects loaded\n";

For the full option list visit GiantBomb's API doc.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.