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* li₃: the most RAD framework for PHP (
* Copyright 2009, Union of RAD. All rights reserved. This source
* code is distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
* The full license text can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
namespace lithium\action;
use lithium\util\Text;
use lithium\util\Inflector;
use lithium\core\Libraries;
use lithium\aop\Filters;
use lithium\action\DispatchException;
use lithium\core\ClassNotFoundException;
* `Dispatcher` is the outermost layer of the framework, responsible for both receiving the initial
* HTTP request and sending back a response at the end of the request's life cycle.
* After either receiving or instantiating a `Request` object instance, the `Dispatcher` passes that
* instance to the `Router`, which produces the parameters necessary to dispatch the request
* (unless no route matches, in which case an exception is thrown).
* Using these parameters, the `Dispatcher` loads and instantiates the correct `Controller` object,
* and passes it the `Request` object instance. The `Controller` returns a `Response` object to the
* `Dispatcher`, where the headers and content are rendered and sent to the browser.
* @see lithium\net\http\Router
* @see lithium\action\Request
* @see lithium\action\Response
* @see lithium\action\Controller
class Dispatcher extends \lithium\core\StaticObjectDeprecated {
* Fully-namespaced router class reference. Class must implement a `parse()` method,
* which must return an array with (at a minimum) 'controller' and 'action' keys.
* @see lithium\net\http\Router::parse()
* @var array
protected static $_classes = [
'router' => 'lithium\net\http\Router'
* Contains pre-process format strings for changing Dispatcher's behavior based on `'rules'`.
* Each key in the array represents a 'rule'; if a key that matches the rule is present
* (and not empty) in a route, (i.e. the result of `Router::parse()`) then the rule's
* value will be applied to the route before it is dispatched. When applying a rule, any
* array elements of the flag which are present in the route will be modified using a
* `Text::insert()`-formatted string. Alternatively, a callback can be used to do custom
* transformations other than the default `Text::insert()`.
* For example, to implement action prefixes (i.e. `admin_index`), set a rule named
* `'admin'`, with a value array containing a modifier key for the `action` element of
* a route, i.e.: `array('action' => 'admin_{:action}')`. Now, if the `'admin'` key is
* present and not empty in the parameters returned from routing, the value of `'action'`
* will be rewritten per the settings in the rule:
* ```
* Dispatcher::config([
* 'rules' => [
* 'admin' => 'admin_{:action}'
* ]
* ]);
* ```
* The following example shows two rules that continuously or independently transform the
* action parameter in order to allow any variations i.e. `'admin_index'`, `'api_index'`
* and `'admin_api_index'`.
* ```
* // ...
* 'api' => 'api_{:action}',
* 'admin' => 'admin_{:action}'
* // ...
* ```
* Here's another example. To support normalizing actions, set a rule named `'action'` with
* a value array containing a callback that uses `Inflector` to camelize the
* action:
* ```
* // ...
* 'action' => ['action' => function($params) {
* return Inflector::camelize(strtolower($params['action']), false);
* }]
* // ...
* ```
* The entires rules can become a callback as well:
* ```
* Dispatcher::config([
* 'rules' => function($params) {
* // ...
* }
* ]);
* ```
* @see lithium\action\Dispatcher::config()
* @see lithium\util\Text::insert()
* @see lithium\util\Inflector
* @var array
protected static $_rules = [];
* Used to set configuration parameters for the `Dispatcher`.
* @see lithium\action\Dispatcher::$_rules
* @param array $config Possible key settings are `'classes'` which sets the class dependencies
* for `Dispatcher` (i.e. `'request'` or `'router'`) and `'rules'`, which sets the
* pre-processing rules for routing parameters. For more information on the
* `'rules'` setting, see the `$_rules` property.
* @return array If no parameters are passed, returns an associative array with the current
* configuration, otherwise returns `null`.
public static function config(array $config = []) {
if (!$config) {
return ['rules' => static::$_rules];
foreach ($config as $key => $val) {
$key = "_{$key}";
if (!is_array($val)) {
static::${$key} = $val;
if (isset(static::${$key})) {
static::${$key} = $val + static::${$key};
* Dispatches a request based on a request object (an instance or subclass of
* `lithium\net\http\Request`).
* @see lithium\action\Request
* @see lithium\action\Response
* @param object $request An instance of a request object (usually `lithium\action\Request`)
* with HTTP request information.
* @param array $options
* @return mixed Returns the value returned from the callable object retrieved from
* `Dispatcher::_callable()`, which is either a string or an instance of
* `lithium\action\Response`.
* @filter Allows to perform actions very early or late in the request.
public static function run($request, array $options = []) {
$params = compact('request', 'options');
return Filters::run(get_called_class(), __FUNCTION__, $params, function($params) {
$router = static::$_classes['router'];
$request = $params['request'];
$options = $params['options'];
if (($result = $router::process($request)) instanceof Response) {
return $result;
$params = static::applyRules($result->params);
if (!$params) {
throw new DispatchException('Could not route request.');
$callable = static::_callable($result, $params, $options);
return static::_call($callable, $result, $params);
* Attempts to apply a set of formatting rules from `$_rules` to a `$params` array, where each
* formatting rule is applied if the key of the rule in `$_rules` is present and not empty in
* `$params`. Also performs sanity checking against `$params` to ensure that no value
* matching a rule is present unless the rule check passes.
* @param array $params An array of route parameters to which rules will be applied.
* @return array Returns the `$params` array with formatting rules applied to array values.
public static function applyRules(&$params) {
$values = [];
$rules = static::$_rules;
if (!$params) {
return false;
if (isset($params['controller']) && is_string($params['controller'])) {
$controller = $params['controller'];
if (strpos($controller, '.') !== false) {
list($library, $controller) = explode('.', $controller);
$controller = $library . '.' . Inflector::camelize($controller);
$params += compact('library');
} elseif (strpos($controller, '\\') === false) {
$controller = Inflector::camelize($controller);
if (isset($params['library'])) {
$controller = "{$params['library']}.{$controller}";
$values = compact('controller');
$values += $params;
if (is_callable($rules)) {
$rules = $rules($params);
foreach ($rules as $rule => $value) {
if (!isset($values[$rule])) {
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
if (is_callable($v)) {
$values[$k] = $v($values);
$match = preg_replace('/\{:\w+\}/', '@', $v);
$match = preg_replace('/@/', '.+', preg_quote($match, '/'));
if (preg_match('/' . $match . '/i', $values[$k])) {
$values[$k] = Text::insert($v, $values);
return $values;
* Accepts parameters generated by the `Router` class in `Dispatcher::run()`, and produces a
* callable controller object. By default, this method uses the `'controller'` path lookup
* configuration in `Libraries::locate()` to return a callable object.
* @param object $request The instance of the `Request` class either passed into or generated by
* `Dispatcher::run()`.
* @param array $params The parameter array generated by routing the request.
* @param array $options Not currently implemented.
* @return object Returns a callable object which the request will be routed to.
* @filter
protected static function _callable($request, $params, $options) {
$params = compact('request', 'params', 'options');
return Filters::run(get_called_class(), __FUNCTION__, $params, function($params) {
$options = ['request' => $params['request']] + $params['options'];
$controller = $params['params']['controller'];
try {
return Libraries::instance('controllers', $controller, $options);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException $e) {
throw new DispatchException("Controller `{$controller}` not found.", null, $e);
* Invokes the callable object returned by `_callable()`, and returns the results, usually a
* `Response` object instance.
* @see lithium\action
* @param object $callable Typically a closure or instance of `lithium\action\Controller`.
* @param object $request An instance of `lithium\action\Request`.
* @param array $params An array of parameters to pass to `$callable`, along with `$request`.
* @return mixed Returns the return value of `$callable`, usually an instance of
* `lithium\action\Response`.
* @throws lithium\action\DispatchException Throws an exception if `$callable` is not a
* `Closure`, or does not declare the PHP magic `__invoke()` method.
* @filter
protected static function _call($callable, $request, $params) {
$params = compact('callable', 'request', 'params');
return Filters::run(get_called_class(), __FUNCTION__, $params, function($params) {
if (is_callable($callable = $params['callable'])) {
return $callable($params['request'], $params['params']);
throw new DispatchException('Result not callable.');