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* li₃: the most RAD framework for PHP (
* Copyright 2015, Union of RAD. All rights reserved. This source
* code is distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
* The full license text can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
namespace lithium\security;
use COM;
use LogicException;
* A cryptographically-strong random number generator, which allows to generate arbritrary
* length strings of bytes, usable for i.e. password salts, UUIDs, keys or initialization
* vectors (IVs). Random byte strings can be encoded using the base64-encoder for use with
* DES and XDES.
class Random {
* Option flag for the encoder.
* @see lithium\security\Random::generate()
const ENCODE_BASE_64 = 1;
* A callable which, given a number of bytes, returns that
* amount of random bytes.
* @see lithium\security\Random::_source()
* @var callable
protected static $_source;
* Generates random bytes for use in UUIDs and password salts, using
* a cryptographically strong random number generator source.
* ```
* $bits = Random::generate(8); // 64 bits
* $hex = bin2hex($bits); // [0-9a-f]+
* ```
* Optionally base64-encodes the resulting random string per the following. The
* alphabet used by `base64_encode()` is different than the one we should be using.
* When considering the meaty part of the resulting string, however, a bijection
* allows to go the from one to another. Given that we're working on random bytes, we
* can use safely use `base64_encode()` without losing any entropy.
* @param integer $bytes The number of random bytes to generate.
* @param array $options The options used when generating random bytes:
* - `'encode'` _integer_: If specified, and set to `Random::ENCODE_BASE_64`, the
* resulting value will be base64-encoded, per the note above.
* @return string Returns (an encoded) string of random bytes.
public static function generate($bytes, array $options = []) {
$defaults = ['encode' => null];
$options += $defaults;
$source = static::$_source ?: (static::$_source = static::_source());
$result = $source($bytes);
if ($options['encode'] !== static::ENCODE_BASE_64) {
return $result;
return strtr(rtrim(base64_encode($result), '='), '+', '.');
* Returns the best available random number generator source.
* The source of randomness used are as follows:
* 1. `random_bytes()`, available in PHP >=7.0
* 2. `random_bytes()`, available if the openssl extension is installed
* 3. `mcrypt_create_iv()`, available if the mcrypt extensions is installed
* 4. `/dev/urandom`, available on *nix
* 5. `GetRandom()` through COM, available on Windows
* Note: Users restricting path access through the `open_basedir` INI setting,
* will need to include `/dev/urandom` into the list of allowed paths, as this
* method might read from it.
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @see lithium\util\Random::$_source
* @return callable Returns a closure containing a random number generator.
protected static function _source() {
if (function_exists('random_bytes')) {
return function($bytes) {
return random_bytes($bytes);
if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
return function($bytes) {
return openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($bytes);
if (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) {
return function($bytes) {
return mcrypt_create_iv($bytes, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
if (is_readable('/dev/urandom')) {
return function($bytes) {
$stream = fopen('/dev/urandom', 'rb');
$result = fread($stream, $bytes);
return $result;
if (class_exists('COM', false)) {
$com = new COM('CAPICOM.Utilities.1');
return function($bytes) use ($com) {
return base64_decode($com->GetRandom($bytes, 0));
throw new LogicException('No suitable strong random number generator source found.');