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* li₃: the most RAD framework for PHP (
* Copyright 2009, Union of RAD. All rights reserved. This source
* code is distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
* The full license text can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
namespace lithium\storage;
use lithium\aop\Filters;
use lithium\core\ConfigException;
use lithium\security\Hash;
* The `Cache` static class provides a consistent interface to configure and utilize the different
* cache adapters included with Lithium, as well as your own adapters.
* The Cache layer of Lithium inherits from the common `Adaptable` class, which provides the generic
* configuration setting & retrieval logic, as well as the logic required to locate & instantiate
* the proper adapter class.
* In most cases, you will configure various named cache configurations in your bootstrap process,
* which will then be available to you in all other parts of your application.
* A simple example configuration:
* ```
* Cache::config([
* 'local' => [
* 'adapter' => 'Apc'
* ],
* 'distributed' => [
* 'adapter' => 'Memcached',
* 'host' => ''
* ],
* 'default' => [
* 'adapter' => 'File',
* 'strategies => ['Serializer']
* ]
* ];
* ```
* Adapter configurations can be scoped, adapters will then handle the
* namespacing of the keys transparently for you:
* ```
* Cache::config([
* 'primary' => ['adapter' => 'Apc', 'scope' => 'primary'],
* 'secondary' => ['adapter' => 'Apc', 'scope' => 'secondary']
* ];
* ```
* Cache adapters differ in the functionality they provide and how the provide it. To see
* if an adapter meets your requirement and for more information on the specifics
* (i.e. atomicity of operations), consult the documentation the adapter first.
* All adapters will provide `write`, `read`, `delete` and `increment`/`decrement` functionality. On
* top of that adapters may provide `clean` and `clear` functionality as well as direct access to
* additional methods. Which allows for a very wide range of flexibility at the cost of portability.
* ```
* Cache::adapter('default')->methodName($argument);
* ```
* @see lithium\core\Adaptable
* @see lithium\storage\cache\Adapter
* @see lithium\storage\cache\adapter
class Cache extends \lithium\core\Adaptable {
* Can be used for expiry parameters or configuration options to
* specify that a cached item should persist as long and expire as
* late as possible.
const PERSIST = 0;
* Stores configurations for cache adapters.
* @var array
protected static $_configurations = [];
* Libraries::locate() compatible path to adapters for this class.
* @var string Dot-delimited path.
protected static $_adapters = '';
* Libraries::locate() compatible path to strategies for this class.
* @var string Dot-delimited path.
protected static $_strategies = '';
* Generates one or multiple safe cache keys optionally adding a suffix
* with a hash over the provided data. The hash value is generated in
* an optimized way dependending on the type of data.
* Simple usage (in this case noop):
* ```
* Cache::key('default', 'post');
* // returns `'post'`
* Cache::key('default', ['posts', 'banners']);
* // returns `['posts', 'banners']`
* Cache::key('default', ['posts' => 'foo', 'banners' => 'bar]);
* // returns `['posts' => 'foo', 'banners' => 'bar']`
* ```
* Make a key safe to use with adapter (exact result depends
* on key constraints enforced by the selected adapter:
* ```
* Cache::key('default', 'posts for Helgi Þorbjörnsson');
* // returns `'posts_for_Helgi__orbj_rnsson_c7f8433a'`
* ```
* Using additional scalar or non-scalar data to generate key:
* ```
* Cache::key('default', 'post', 2);
* // returns `'post:1ad5be0d'`
* Cache::key('default', 'post', array(2, 'json'));
* // returns `'post:723f0e19'`
* Cache::key('default', ['posts', 'banners'], 'json');
* // returns `['posts:6b072545', 'banners:6b072545']`
* Cache::key('default', ['posts' => 'foo', 'banners' => 'bar'], 'json');
* // returns `['posts:38ec40e5' => 'foo', 'banners:38ec40e5' => 'bar']`
* ```
* Or with a resuable key generator function:
* ```
* $posts[0] = ['id' => 1];
* $posts[1] = ['id' => 2];
* $key = function($data) { return 'post:' . $data['id']};
* Cache::key('default', $key, $post[0]); // returns `'post:1'`
* Cache::key('default', $key, $post[1]); // returns `'post:2'`
* ```
* This example shows a key mutating generator function:
* ```
* $base = 'post';
* $key = function($id) use (&base) { return $base .= ":{$id}"; };
* Cache::key('default', $key, 1); // returns `'post:1'`
* Cache::key('default', $key, 2); // returns `'post:1:2'`
* ```
* @param string $name Configuration to be used for generating key/s.
* @param mixed $key String or an array of strings that will be used as the cache key/s.
* Also accepts associative arrays where the key part will be modified, but
* the value left untouched. Also accepts a key generator function that
* is passed $data and must return a string that will be used as the key.
* @param mixed $data Additional data to use when generating key. Can be any kind of type except
* a resource. The method will calculate a hash of the data and append that to
* the key/s. When $key is a function the data is passed to it instead.
* @return string|array The generated cache key/s.
public static function key($name, $key, $data = null) {
$adapter = static::adapter($name);
if (is_callable($key)) {
return current($adapter->key([$key($data)]));
$keys = ($isMulti = is_array($key)) ? $key : [$key];
$keys = ($hasData = !is_integer(key($keys))) ? array_keys($keys) : $keys;
if ($data !== null) {
$data = Hash::calculate($data, ['type' => 'crc32b']);
$keys = array_map(function($key) use ($data) { return $key .= ":{$data}"; }, $keys);
$keys = $adapter->key($keys);
$keys = $hasData ? array_combine($keys, array_values((array) $key)) : $keys;
return $isMulti ? $keys : current($keys);
* Writes to the specified cache configuration.
* Can handle single- and multi-key writes.
* This method has two valid syntaxes depending on if you're storing
* data using a single key or multiple keys as outlined below.
* ```
* // To write data to a single-key use the following syntax.
* Cache::write('default', 'foo', 'bar', '+1 minute');
* // For multi-key writes the $data parameter's role becomes
* // the one of the $expiry parameter.
* Cache::write('default', ['foo' => 'bar', ... ], '+1 minute');
* ```
* These two calls are synonymical and demonstrate the two
* possible ways to specify the expiration time.
* ```
* Cache::write('default', 'foo', 'bar', '+1 minute');
* Cache::write('default', 'foo', 'bar', 60);
* ```
* @param string $name Configuration to be used for writing.
* @param mixed $key Key to uniquely identify the cache entry or an array of key/value pairs
* for multi-key writes mapping cache keys to the data to be cached.
* @param mixed $data Data to be cached.
* @param string|integer $expiry A `strtotime()` compatible cache time. Alternatively an integer
* denoting the seconds until the item expires (TTL). If no expiry time is
* set, then the default cache expiration time set with the cache adapter
* configuration will be used. To persist an item use `Cache::PERSIST`.
* @param array $options Options for the method and strategies.
* - `'strategies'` _boolean_: Indicates if strategies should be used,
* defaults to `true`.
* - `'conditions'` _mixed_: A function or item that must return or
* evaluate to `true` in order to continue write operation.
* @return boolean `true` on successful cache write, `false` otherwise. When writing
* multiple items and an error occurs writing any of the items the
* whole operation fails and this method will return `false`.
* @filter
public static function write($name, $key, $data = null, $expiry = null, array $options = []) {
$options += ['conditions' => null, 'strategies' => true];
if (is_callable($options['conditions']) && !$options['conditions']()) {
return false;
try {
$adapter = static::adapter($name);
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
return false;
if (is_array($key)) {
$keys = $key;
$expiry = $data;
} else {
$keys = [$key => $data];
if ($options['strategies']) {
foreach ($keys as $key => &$value) {
$value = static::applyStrategies(__FUNCTION__, $name, $value, [
'key' => $key, 'class' => __CLASS__
$params = compact('keys', 'expiry');
return Filters::run(get_called_class(), __FUNCTION__, $params, function($params) use ($adapter) {
return $adapter->write($params['keys'], $params['expiry']);
* Reads from the specified cache configuration.
* Can handle single- and multi-key reads.
* Read-through caching can be used by passing expiry and the to-be-cached value
* in the `write` option. Following three ways to achieve this.
* ```
* Cache::read('default', 'foo', [
* 'write' => ['+5 days' => 'bar']
* ]); // returns `'bar'`
* Cache::read('default', 'foo', [
* 'write' => ['+5 days' => function() { return 'bar'; }]
* ]);
* Cache::read('default', 'foo', [
* 'write' => function() { return ['+5 days' => 'bar']; }
* ]);
* ```
* @param string $name Configuration to be used for reading.
* @param mixed $key Key to uniquely identify the cache entry or an array of keys
* for multikey-reads.
* @param array $options Options for the method and strategies.
* - `'write'`: Allows for read-through caching see description for usage.
* - `'strategies'` _boolean_: Indicates if strategies should be used,
* defaults to `true`.
* - `'conditions'` _mixed_: A function or item that must return or
* evaluate to `true` in order to continue write operation.
* @return mixed For single-key reads will return the result if the cache
* key has been found otherwise returns `null`. When reading
* multiple keys a results array is returned mapping keys to
* retrieved values. Keys where the value couldn't successfully
* been read will not be contained in the results array.
* @filter
public static function read($name, $key, array $options = []) {
$options += ['conditions' => null, 'strategies' => true, 'write' => null];
if (is_callable($options['conditions']) && !$options['conditions']()) {
return false;
try {
$adapter = static::adapter($name);
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
return false;
if ($isMulti = is_array($key)) {
$keys = $key;
} else {
$keys = [$key];
$params = compact('keys');
$results = Filters::run(get_called_class(), __FUNCTION__, $params, function($params) use ($adapter) {
return $adapter->read($params['keys']);
if ($write = $options['write']) {
$isEvaluated = false;
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (isset($results[$key])) {
if (!$isEvaluated) {
$write = is_callable($write) ? $write() : $write;
$expiry = key($write);
$value = current($write);
$value = is_callable($value) ? $value() : $value;
$isEvaluated = true;
if (!static::write($name, $key, $value, $expiry)) {
return false;
$results[$key] = static::applyStrategies('write', $name, $value, [
'key' => $key, 'mode' => 'LIFO', 'class' => __CLASS__
if ($options['strategies']) {
foreach ($results as $key => &$result) {
$result = static::applyStrategies(__FUNCTION__, $name, $result, [
'key' => $key, 'mode' => 'LIFO', 'class' => __CLASS__
return $isMulti ? $results : ($results ? reset($results) : null);
* Deletes using the specified cache configuration.
* Can handle single- and multi-key deletes.
* @param string $name The cache configuration to delete from.
* @param mixed $key Key to be deleted or an array of keys to delete.
* @param array $options Options for the method and strategies.
* - `'conditions'` _mixed_: A function or item that must return or
* evaluate to `true` in order to continue write operation.
* @return boolean `true` on successful cache delete, `false` otherwise. When deleting
* multiple items and an error occurs deleting any of the items the
* whole operation fails and this method will return `false`.
* @filter
public static function delete($name, $key, array $options = []) {
$options += ['conditions' => null, 'strategies' => true];
if (is_callable($options['conditions']) && !$options['conditions']()) {
return false;
try {
$adapter = static::adapter($name);
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
return false;
if (is_array($key)) {
$keys = $key;
} else {
$keys = [$key];
$params = compact('keys');
return Filters::run(get_called_class(), __FUNCTION__, $params, function($params) use ($adapter) {
return $adapter->delete($params['keys']);
* Performs a increment operation on specified numeric cache item
* from the given cache configuration.
* @param string $name Name of the cache configuration to use.
* @param string $key Key of numeric cache item to increment
* @param integer $offset Offset to increment - defaults to 1.
* @param array $options Options for this method.
* - `'conditions'`: A function or item that must return or evaluate to
* `true` in order to continue operation.
* @return integer|boolean Item's new value on successful increment, false otherwise.
* @filter
public static function increment($name, $key, $offset = 1, array $options = []) {
$options += ['conditions' => null];
if (is_callable($options['conditions']) && !$options['conditions']()) {
return false;
try {
$adapter = static::adapter($name);
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
return false;
$params = compact('key', 'offset');
return Filters::run(get_called_class(), __FUNCTION__, $params, function($params) use ($adapter) {
return $adapter->increment($params['key'], $params['offset']);
* Performs a decrement operation on specified numeric cache item
* from the given cache configuration.
* @param string $name Name of the cache configuration to use.
* @param string $key Key of numeric cache item to decrement
* @param integer $offset Offset to decrement - defaults to 1.
* @param array $options Options for this method.
* - `'conditions'`: A function or item that must return or evaluate to
* `true` in order to continue operation.
* @return integer|boolean Item's new value on successful decrement, false otherwise.
* @filter
public static function decrement($name, $key, $offset = 1, array $options = []) {
$options += ['conditions' => null];
if (is_callable($options['conditions']) && !$options['conditions']()) {
return false;
try {
$adapter = static::adapter($name);
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
return false;
$params = compact('key', 'offset');
return Filters::run(get_called_class(), __FUNCTION__, $params, function($params) use ($adapter) {
return $adapter->decrement($params['key'], $params['offset']);
* Perform garbage collection on specified cache configuration. All invalidated cache
* keys - *without* honoring a configured scope - from the specified configuration are
* removed.
* @param string $name The cache configuration to be cleaned.
* @return boolean `true` on successful cleaning, `false` if failed partially or entirely.
public static function clean($name) {
try {
return static::adapter($name)->clean();
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
return false;
* Clears entire cache by flushing it. All cache keys - *without* honoring
* a configured scope - from the specified configuration are removed.
* @param string $name The cache configuration to be cleared.
* @return boolean `true` on successful clearing, `false` if failed partially or entirely.
public static function clear($name) {
try {
return static::adapter($name)->clear();
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
return false;