You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

174 lines
5.3 KiB

* Script to generate test fixture files. This should be run before starting tests
* and again after each update with the -r option to regenerate.
* Command options:
* -t <type> The type of fixture to generate: rar, srr, par2, zip (default is all)
* -r Regenerate existing fixture files (default is to create only missing ones)
* -p Run in pretend mode, output debug info without making changes
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 'on');
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
$opts = getopt('prt:');
$pretend = isset($opts['p']) ? true : false;
$refresh = isset($opts['r']) ? true : false;
if ($pretend) {echo "*** Running in pretend mode ***\n";}
if (!isset($opts['t']) || $opts['t'] == 'rar') makeRarFixtures($pretend, $refresh);
if (!isset($opts['t']) || $opts['t'] == 'srr') makeSrrFixtures($pretend, $refresh);
if (!isset($opts['t']) || $opts['t'] == 'par2') makePar2Fixtures($pretend, $refresh);
if (!isset($opts['t']) || $opts['t'] == 'zip') makeZipFixtures($pretend, $refresh);
if (!isset($opts['t']) || $opts['t'] == 'szip') makeSzipFixtures($pretend, $refresh);
* Generates test fixtures from RAR sample files.
* @param boolean $pretend debug output only?
* @param boolean $refresh regenerate existing files?
* @return void
function makeRarFixtures($pretend=false, $refresh=true)
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../rarinfo.php';
$rar = new RarInfo;
foreach(glob(dirname(__FILE__).'/rar/*.rar') as $rarfile) {
$fname = pathinfo($rarfile, PATHINFO_BASENAME).'.blocks';
$file = dirname(__FILE__)."/rar/$fname";
if (!$refresh && file_exists($file)) {continue;}
echo "Generating for $rarfile:\n";
$rar->open($rarfile, true);
if ($rar->error) {
echo "Error: {$rar->error}\n";
$data = $rar->getBlocks();
if (!$pretend) {
$data = "<?php\nreturn ".var_export($data, true).";\n";
file_put_contents($file, $data);
echo "-- $fname\n";
* Generates test fixtures from SRR sample files.
* @param boolean $pretend debug output only?
* @param boolean $refresh regenerate existing files?
* @return void
function makeSrrFixtures($pretend=false, $refresh=true)
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../srrinfo.php';
$srr = new SrrInfo;
foreach(glob(dirname(__FILE__).'/srr/*.srr') as $srrfile) {
$fname = pathinfo($srrfile, PATHINFO_BASENAME).'.blocks';
$file = dirname(__FILE__)."/srr/$fname";
if (!$refresh && file_exists($file)) {continue;}
echo "Generating for $srrfile:\n";
if ($srr->error) {
echo "Error: {$srr->error}\n";
$data = $srr->getBlocks();
if (!$pretend) {
$data = "<?php\nreturn ".var_export($data, true).";\n";
file_put_contents($file, $data);
echo "-- $fname\n";
* Generates test fixtures from PAR2 sample files.
* @param boolean $pretend debug output only?
* @param boolean $refresh regenerate existing files?
* @return void
function makePar2Fixtures($pretend=false, $refresh=true)
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../par2info.php';
$par2 = new Par2Info;
foreach(glob(dirname(__FILE__).'/par2/*.par2') as $par2file) {
$fname = pathinfo($par2file, PATHINFO_BASENAME).'.packets';
$file = dirname(__FILE__)."/par2/$fname";
if (!$refresh && file_exists($file)) {continue;}
echo "Generating for $par2file:\n";
if ($par2->error) {
echo "Error: {$par2->error}\n";
$data = $par2->getPackets(true);
if (!$pretend) {
$data = "<?php\nreturn ".var_export($data, true).";\n";
file_put_contents($file, $data);
echo "-- $fname\n";
* Generates test fixtures from ZIP sample files.
* @param boolean $pretend debug output only?
* @param boolean $refresh regenerate existing files?
* @return void
function makeZipFixtures($pretend=false, $refresh=true)
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../zipinfo.php';
$zip = new ZipInfo;
foreach(glob(dirname(__FILE__).'/zip/*.zip') as $zipfile) {
$fname = pathinfo($zipfile, PATHINFO_BASENAME).'.records';
$file = dirname(__FILE__)."/zip/$fname";
if (!$refresh && file_exists($file)) {continue;}
echo "Generating for $zipfile:\n";
if ($zip->error) {
echo "Error: {$zip->error}\n";
$data = $zip->getRecords();
if (!$pretend) {
$data = "<?php\nreturn ".var_export($data, true).";\n";
file_put_contents($file, $data);
echo "-- $fname\n";
* Generates test fixtures from 7z sample files.
* @param boolean $pretend debug output only?
* @param boolean $refresh regenerate existing files?
* @return void
function makeSzipFixtures($pretend=false, $refresh=true)
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../szipinfo.php';
$szip = new SzipInfo;
foreach(glob(dirname(__FILE__).'/szip/*.{7z,001,002}', GLOB_BRACE) as $szipfile) {
$fname = pathinfo($szipfile, PATHINFO_BASENAME).'.headers';
$file = dirname(__FILE__)."/szip/$fname";
if (!$refresh && file_exists($file)) {continue;}
echo "Generating for $szipfile:\n";
$szip->open($szipfile, true);
if ($szip->error) {
echo "Error: {$szip->error}\n";
$data = $szip->getHeaders();
if (!$pretend) {
$data = "<?php\nreturn ".var_export($data, true).";\n";
file_put_contents($file, $data);
echo "-- $fname\n";