You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

503 lines
13 KiB

namespace nzedb;
use app\extensions\util\Versions as li3Versions;
use app\models\Settings;
use nzedb\db\DB;
* Class for reading and writing NZB files on the hard disk,
* building folder paths to store the NZB files.
class NZB
const NZB_NONE = 0; // Release has no NZB file yet.
const NZB_ADDED = 1; // Release had an NZB file created.
const NZB_DTD_NAME = 'nzb';
const NZB_DTD_PUBLIC = '-//newzBin//DTD NZB 1.1//EN';
const NZB_DTD_EXTERNAL = '';
const NZB_XML_NS = '';
* Levels deep to store NZB files.
* @var int
protected $nzbSplitLevel;
* Path to store NZB files.
* @var string
private $siteNzbPath;
* Group ID when writing NZBs.
* @var int
* @access protected
protected $groupID;
* Instance of class db.
* @var \nzedb\db\DB
* @access public
public $pdo;
* @var \nzedb\Logger
protected $debugging;
* @var bool
protected $_debug = false;
* Current nZEDb version.
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $_nZEDbVersion;
* Base query for selecting collection data for writing NZB files.
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $_collectionsQuery;
* Base query for selecting binary data for writing NZB files.
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $_binariesQuery;
* Base query for selecting parts data for writing NZB files.
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $_partsQuery;
* String used for head in NZB XML file.
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $_nzbCommentString;
* Names of CBP tables.
* @var array [string => string]
* @access protected
protected $_tableNames;
* Default constructor.
* @param Settings $pdo
* @access public
public function __construct(&$pdo = null)
$this->pdo = ($pdo instanceof DB ? $pdo : new DB());
$nzbSplitLevel = Settings::value('nzbsplitlevel');
$this->nzbSplitLevel = (empty($nzbSplitLevel) ? 1 : (integer)$nzbSplitLevel);
$this->siteNzbPath = (string)Settings::value('nzbpath');
$this->_nzbCommentString = sprintf(
"NZB Generated by: nZEDb %s %s",
(new li3Versions())->getGitTagInFile(),
htmlspecialchars(date('F j, Y, g:i a O'), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8')
if (substr($this->siteNzbPath, -1) !== DS) {
$this->siteNzbPath .= DS;
$this->_debug = (nZEDb_DEBUG || nZEDb_LOGGING);
$this->_debug = true;
try {
$this->debugging = new Logger(['ColorCLI' => $this->pdo->log]);
} catch (LoggerException $error) {
$this->_debug = false;
* Initiate class vars when writing NZB's.
* @param int $groupID
* @access public
public function initiateForWrite($groupID)
$this->groupID = $groupID;
// Set table names
if ($this->groupID == '') {
exit("{$this->groupID} is missing\n");
$this->_tableNames = [
'cName' => 'collections_' . $this->groupID,
'bName' => 'binaries_' . $this->groupID,
'pName' => 'parts_' . $this->groupID
protected function setQueries()
$this->_collectionsQuery = "
SELECT c.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP( AS udate, AS groupname
FROM {$this->_tableNames['cName']} c
INNER JOIN groups g ON c.groups_id =
WHERE c.releases_id = ";
$this->_binariesQuery = "
SELECT,, b.totalparts
FROM {$this->_tableNames['bName']} b
WHERE b.collections_id = %d
$this->_partsQuery = "
SELECT DISTINCT(p.messageid), p.size, p.partnumber
FROM {$this->_tableNames['pName']} p
WHERE p.binaries_id = %d
ORDER BY p.partnumber ASC";
* Write an NZB to the hard drive for a single release.
* @param int $relID The ID of the release in the DB.
* @param string $relGuid The guid of the release.
* @param string $name The name of the release.
* @param string $cTitle The name of the category this release is in.
* @return bool Have we successfully written the NZB to the hard drive?
* @access public
public function writeNZBforReleaseId($relID, $relGuid, $name, $cTitle)
$collections = $this->pdo->queryDirect($this->_collectionsQuery . $relID);
if (!$collections instanceof \Traversable) {
return false;
$XMLWriter = new \XMLWriter();
$XMLWriter->setIndentString(' ');
$nzb_guid = '';
$XMLWriter->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$XMLWriter->startDtd(self::NZB_DTD_NAME, self::NZB_DTD_PUBLIC, self::NZB_DTD_EXTERNAL);
$XMLWriter->writeAttribute('xmlns', self::NZB_XML_NS);
$XMLWriter->writeAttribute('type', 'category');
$XMLWriter->writeAttribute('type', 'name');
$XMLWriter->endElement(); //head
foreach ($collections as $collection) {
$binaries = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf($this->_binariesQuery, $collection['id']));
if ($binaries === false) {
return false;
$poster = $collection['fromname'];
foreach ($binaries as $binary) {
$parts = $this->pdo->queryDirect(sprintf($this->_partsQuery, $binary['id']));
if ($parts === false) {
return false;
$subject = $binary['name'] . '(1/' . $binary['totalparts'] . ')';
$XMLWriter->writeAttribute('poster', $poster);
$XMLWriter->writeAttribute('date', $collection['udate']);
$XMLWriter->writeAttribute('subject', $subject);
if (preg_match_all('#(\S+):\S+#', $collection['xref'], $matches)) {
$matches = array_unique($matches[1]);
foreach ($matches as $group) {
$XMLWriter->writeElement('group', $group);
} else {
return false;
$XMLWriter->endElement(); //groups
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ($nzb_guid === '') {
$nzb_guid = $part['messageid'];
$XMLWriter->writeAttribute('bytes', $part['size']);
$XMLWriter->writeAttribute('number', $part['partnumber']);
$XMLWriter->endElement(); //segments
$XMLWriter->endElement(); //file
$XMLWriter->endElement(); //nzb
$path = ($this->buildNZBPath($relGuid, $this->nzbSplitLevel, true) . $relGuid . '.nzb.gz');
$fp = gzopen($path, 'wb7');
if (!$fp) {
return false;
gzwrite($fp, $XMLWriter->outputMemory());
if (!is_file($path)) {
echo "ERROR: $path does not exist.\n";
return false;
// Mark release as having NZB.
UPDATE releases SET nzbstatus = %d %s WHERE id = %d',
NZB::NZB_ADDED, ($nzb_guid === '' ? '' : ', nzb_guid = UNHEX( ' . $this->pdo->escapeString(md5($nzb_guid)) . ' )'),
// Delete CBP for release that has its NZB created.
DELETE c, b, p FROM %s c JOIN %s b ON( STRAIGHT_JOIN %s p ON( WHERE c.releases_id = %d',
$this->_tableNames['cName'], $this->_tableNames['bName'], $this->_tableNames['pName'], $relID
// Chmod to fix issues some users have with file permissions.
chmod($path, 0777);
return true;
* Build a folder path on the hard drive where the NZB file will be stored.
* @param string $releaseGuid The guid of the release.
* @param int $levelsToSplit How many sub-paths the folder will be in.
* @param bool $createIfNotExist Create the folder if it doesn't exist.
* @return string $nzbpath The path to store the NZB file.
* @access public
protected function buildNZBPath($releaseGuid, $levelsToSplit, $createIfNotExist)
$nzbPath = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $levelsToSplit && $i < 32; $i++) {
$nzbPath .= substr($releaseGuid, $i, 1) . DS;
$nzbPath = $this->siteNzbPath . $nzbPath;
if ($createIfNotExist === true && !is_dir($nzbPath)) {
mkdir($nzbPath, 0777, true);
return $nzbPath;
* Retrieve path + filename of the NZB to be stored.
* @param string $releaseGuid The guid of the release.
* @param int $levelsToSplit How many sub-paths the folder will be in. (optional)
* @param bool $createIfNotExist Create the folder if it doesn't exist. (optional)
* @return string Path+filename.
* @access public
public function getNZBPath($releaseGuid, $levelsToSplit = 0, $createIfNotExist = false)
if ($levelsToSplit === 0) {
$levelsToSplit = $this->nzbSplitLevel;
return ($this->buildNZBPath($releaseGuid, $levelsToSplit, $createIfNotExist) . $releaseGuid . '.nzb.gz');
* Determine is an NZB exists, returning the path+filename, if not return false.
* @param string $releaseGuid The guid of the release.
* @return string|false On success: (string) Path + file name of the nzb.
* On failure: (bool) False.
* @access public
public function NZBPath($releaseGuid)
$nzbFile = $this->getNZBPath($releaseGuid);
return (is_file($nzbFile) ? $nzbFile : false);
* Retrieve various information on a NZB file (the subject, # of pars,
* file extensions, file sizes, file completion, group names, # of parts).
* @param string $nzb The NZB contents in a string.
* @param array $options
* 'no-file-key' => True - use numeric array key; False - Use filename as array key.
* 'strip-count' => True - Strip file/part count from file name to make the array key; False - Leave file name as is.
* @return array $result Empty if not an NZB or the contents of the NZB.
* @access public
public function nzbFileList($nzb, array $options = [])
$defaults = [
'no-file-key' => true,
'strip-count' => false,
$options += $defaults;
$num_pars = $i = 0;
$result = [];
if (!$nzb) {
return $result;
$xml = @simplexml_load_string(str_replace("\x0F", '', $nzb));
if (!$xml || strtolower($xml->getName()) !== 'nzb') {
return $result;
foreach ($xml->file as $file) {
// Subject.
$title = (string)$file->attributes()->subject;
// Amount of pars.
if (stripos($title, '.par2')) {
if ($options['no-file-key'] == false) {
$i = $title;
if ($options['strip-count']) {
// Strip file / part count to get proper sorting.
$i = preg_replace('#\d+[- ._]?(/|\||[o0]f)[- ._]?\d+?(?![- ._]\d)#i', '', $i);
// Change .rar and .par2 to be sorted before .part0x.rar and .volxxx+xxx.par2
if (strpos($i, '.par2') !== false && !preg_match('#\.vol\d+\+\d+\.par2#i', $i)) {
$i = str_replace('.par2', '.vol0.par2', $i);
} else if (preg_match('#\.rar[^a-z0-9]#i', $i) && !preg_match('#\.part\d+\.rar#i', $i)) {
$i = preg_replace('#\.rar(?:[^a-z0-9])#i', '.part0.rar', $i);
$result[$i]['title'] = $title;
// Extensions.
if (preg_match(
. 'c|cfc|cfm|chm|class|conf|cpp|cs|css|csv|cue|deb|divx|doc|dot|'
. 'eml|enc|exe|file|gif|gz|hlp|htm|html|image|iso|jar|java|jpeg|'
. 'jpg|js|lua|m|m3u|mkv|mm|mov|mp3|mp4|mpg|nfo|nzb|odc|odf|odg|odi|odp|'
. 'ods|odt|ogg|par2|parity|pdf|pgp|php|pl|png|ppt|ps|py|r\d{2,3}|'
. 'ram|rar|rb|rm|rpm|rtf|sfv|sig|sql|srs|swf|sxc|sxd|sxi|sxw|tar|'
. 'tex|tgz|txt|vcf|video|vsd|wav|wma|wmv|xls|xml|xpi|xvid|zip|7zip)'
. '[" ](?!(\)|\-))/i',
$title, $ext
) {
if (preg_match('/\.r\d{2,3}/i', $ext[0])) {
$ext[1] = 'rar';
$result[$i]['ext'] = strtolower($ext[1]);
} else {
$result[$i]['ext'] = '';
$fileSize = $numSegments = 0;
// Parts.
if (!isset($result[$i]['segments'])) {
$result[$i]['segments'] = [];
// File size.
foreach ($file->segments->segment as $segment) {
$result[$i]['segments'][] = (string)$segment;
$fileSize += $segment->attributes()->bytes;
$result[$i]['size'] = $fileSize;
// File completion.
if (preg_match('/(\d+)\)$/', $title, $parts)) {
$result[$i]['partstotal'] = $parts[1];
$result[$i]['partsactual'] = $numSegments;
// Groups.
if (!isset($result[$i]['groups'])) {
$result[$i]['groups'] = [];
foreach ($file->groups->group as $g) {
array_push($result[$i]['groups'], (string)$g);
if ($options['no-file-key']) {
return $result;