You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

452 lines
12 KiB

namespace nzedb;
use app\models\Groups as Group;
use app\models\Settings;
use nzedb\db\DB;
use nzedb\processing\PostProcess;
use nzedb\utility\Misc;
//use nzedb\processing\tv\TvRage;
* Class Nfo
* Class for handling fetching/storing of NFO files.
class Nfo
* Instance of class DB
* @var \nzedb\db\Settings
* @access public
public $pdo;
* How many nfo's to process per run.
* @var int
* @access private
private $nzbs;
* Max NFO size to process.
* @var string|int
* @access private
private $maxsize;
* Max amount of times to retry to download a Nfo.
* @var string|int
* @access private
private $maxRetries;
* Min NFO size to process.
* @var string|int
* @access private
private $minsize;
* Path to temporarily store files.
* @var string
* @access private
private $tmpPath;
* Echo to cli?
* @var bool
* @access protected
protected $echo;
const NFO_FAILED = -9; // We failed to get a NFO after admin set max retries.
const NFO_UNPROC = -1; // Release has not been processed yet.
const NFO_NONFO = 0; // Release has no NFO.
const NFO_FOUND = 1; // Release has an NFO.
* Default constructor.
* @param array $options Class instance / echo to cli.
* @access public
public function __construct(array $options = [])
$defaults = [
'Echo' => false,
'Settings' => null,
$options += $defaults;
$this->echo = ($options['Echo'] && nZEDb_ECHOCLI);
$this->pdo = ($options['Settings'] instanceof DB ? $options['Settings'] : new DB());
$dummy = Settings::value('..maxnfoprocessed');
$this->nzbs = ($dummy != '') ? (int)$dummy : 100;
$dummy = Settings::value('..maxsizetoprocessnfo');
$this->maxsize = ($dummy != '') ? (int)$dummy : 100;
$this->maxsize = ($this->maxsize > 0 ? ('AND size < ' . ($this->maxsize * 1073741824)) : '');
$dummy = Settings::value('..minsizetoprocessnfo');
$this->minsize = ($dummy != '') ? (int)$dummy : 100;
$this->minsize = ($this->minsize > 0 ? ('AND size > ' . ($this->minsize * 1048576)) : '');
$dummy = Settings::value('..maxnforetries');
$this->maxRetries = ((int)$dummy >= 0 ? -((int)$dummy + 1) : self::NFO_UNPROC);
$this->maxRetries = ($this->maxRetries < -8 ? -8 : $this->maxRetries);
$this->tmpPath = (string)Settings::value('..tmpunrarpath');
if (!preg_match('/[\/\\\\]$/', $this->tmpPath)) {
$this->tmpPath .= DS;
* Look for a TV Show ID in a string. TODO: Add other scrape sources
* @param string $str The string with a Show ID.
* @return array|bool Return array with show ID and site source or false on failure.
* @access public
public function parseShowId($str)
$return = false;
if (preg_match('/tvrage\.com\/shows\/id-(\d{1,6})/i', $str, $matches)) {
$return = (
'showid' => trim($matches[1]),
'site' => 'tvrage'
return $return;
* Confirm this is an NFO file.
* @param string $possibleNFO The nfo.
* @param string $guid The guid of the release.
* @return bool True on success, False on failure.
* @access public
public function isNFO(&$possibleNFO, $guid)
if ($possibleNFO === false) {
return false;
// Make sure it's not too big or small, size needs to be at least 12 bytes for header checking. Ignore common file types.
$size = strlen($possibleNFO);
if ($size < 65535 && $size > 11 && !preg_match(
, $possibleNFO)) {
// File/GetId3 work with files, so save to disk.
$tmpPath = $this->tmpPath . $guid . '.nfo';
file_put_contents($tmpPath, $possibleNFO);
$result = Misc::fileInfo($tmpPath);
if (!empty($result)) {
// Check if it's text.
if (preg_match('/(ASCII|ISO-8859|UTF-(8|16|32).*?)\s*text/', $result)) {
return true;
// Or binary.
} else if (preg_match('/^(JPE?G|Parity|PNG|RAR|XML|(7-)?[Zz]ip)/', $result) ||
preg_match('/[\x00-\x08\x12-\x1F\x0B\x0E\x0F]/', $possibleNFO)) {
return false;
// If above checks couldn't make a categorical identification, Use GetId3 to check if it's an image/video/rar/zip etc..
$check = (new \getID3())->analyze($tmpPath);
if (isset($check['error'])) {
// Check if it's a par2.
$par2info = new \Par2Info();
if ($par2info->error) {
// Check if it's an SFV.
$sfv = new \SfvInfo();
if ($sfv->error) {
return true;
return false;
* Add an NFO from alternate sources. ex.: PreDB, rar, zip, etc...
* @param string $nfo The nfo.
* @param array $release The SQL row for this release.
* @param \nzedb\NNTP $nntp Instance of class NNTP.
* @return boolean True on success, False on failure.
* @access public
public function addAlternateNfo(&$nfo, $release, $nntp)
if ($release['id'] > 0 && $this->isNFO($nfo, $release['guid'])) {
$check = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(
SELECT releases_id
FROM release_nfos
WHERE releases_id = %d',
if ($check === false) {
INSERT INTO release_nfos (nfo, releases_id)
VALUES (compress(%s), %d)',
UPDATE releases
SET nfostatus = %d
WHERE id = %d',
if (!isset($release['completion'])) {
$release['completion'] = 0;
if ($release['completion'] == 0) {
$nzbContents = new NZBContents(
'Echo' => $this->echo,
'NNTP' => $nntp,
'Nfo' => $this,
'Settings' => $this->pdo,
'PostProcess' => new PostProcess(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Settings' => $this->pdo, 'Nfo' => $this])
$nzbContents->parseNZB($release['guid'], $release['id'], $release['groups_id']);
return true;
return false;
* Get a string like this:
* "AND r.nzbstatus = 1 AND r.nfostatus BETWEEN -8 AND -1 AND r.size < 1073741824 AND r.size > 1048576"
* To use in a query.
* @return string
* @access public
* @static
public static function NfoQueryString()
$maxSize = Settings::value('..maxsizetoprocessnfo');
$minSize = Settings::value('..minsizetoprocessnfo');
$dummy = Settings::value('..maxnforetries');
$maxRetries = (int)($dummy >= 0 ? -((int)$dummy + 1) : self::NFO_UNPROC);
return (
'AND r.nzbstatus = %d AND r.nfostatus BETWEEN %d AND %d %s %s',
($maxRetries < -8 ? -8 : $maxRetries),
(($maxSize != '' && $maxSize > 0) ? ('AND r.size < ' . ($maxSize * 1073741824)) : ''),
(($minSize != '' && $minSize > 0) ? ('AND r.size > ' . ($minSize * 1048576)) : '')
* Attempt to find NFO files inside the NZB's of releases.
* @param \NNTP $nntp Instance of class NNTP.
* @param string $groupID (optional) Group ID.
* @param string $guidChar (optional) First character of the release GUID (used for multi-processing).
* @param int $processImdb (optional) Attempt to find IMDB id's in the NZB?
* @param int $processTv (optional) Attempt to find Tv id's in the NZB?
* @return int How many NFO's were processed?
* @access public
public function processNfoFiles($nntp, $groupID = '', $guidChar = '', $processImdb = 1, $processTv = 1)
$ret = 0;
$guidCharQuery = ($guidChar === '' ? '' : 'AND r.leftguid = ' . $this->pdo->escapeString($guidChar));
$groupIDQuery = ($groupID === '' ? '' : 'AND r.groups_id = ' . $groupID);
$optionsQuery = self::NfoQueryString($this->pdo);
$res = $this->pdo->query(
SELECT, r.guid, r.groups_id,
FROM releases r
WHERE 1=1 %s %s %s
ORDER BY r.nfostatus ASC, r.postdate DESC
LIMIT %d',
$nfoCount = count($res);
if ($nfoCount > 0) {
($guidChar === '' ? '' : '[' . $guidChar . '] ') .
($groupID === '' ? '' : '[' . $groupID . '] ') .
'Processing ' . $nfoCount .
' NFO(s), starting at ' . $this->nzbs .
' * = hidden NFO, + = NFO, - = no NFO, f = download failed.'
if ($this->echo) {
// Get count of releases per nfo status
$nfoStats = $this->pdo->queryDirect(
SELECT r.nfostatus AS status, COUNT( AS count
FROM releases r
WHERE 1=1 %s %s %s
GROUP BY r.nfostatus
ORDER BY r.nfostatus ASC',
if ($nfoStats instanceof \Traversable) {
$outString = PHP_EOL . 'Available to process';
foreach ($nfoStats as $row) {
$outString .= ', ' . $row['status'] . ' = ' . number_format($row['count']);
$this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header($outString . '.'));
$nzbContents = new NZBContents(
'Echo' => $this->echo,
'NNTP' => $nntp,
'Nfo' => $this,
'Settings' => $this->pdo,
'PostProcess' => new PostProcess(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Nfo' => $this, 'Settings' => $this->pdo])
$movie = new Movie(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]);
foreach ($res as $arr) {
$fetchedBinary = $nzbContents->getNfoFromNZB($arr['guid'], $arr['id'], $arr['groups_id'], Group::getNameByID($arr['groups_id']));
if ($fetchedBinary !== false) {
// Insert nfo into database.
$cp = 'COMPRESS(%s)';
$nc = $this->pdo->escapeString(/** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ $fetchedBinary);
$ckreleaseid = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT releases_id FROM release_nfos WHERE releases_id = %d', $arr['id']));
if (!isset($ckreleaseid['releases_id'])) {
$this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf('INSERT INTO release_nfos (nfo, releases_id) VALUES (' . $cp . ', %d)', $nc, $arr['id']));
$this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET nfostatus = %d WHERE id = %d', self::NFO_FOUND, $arr['id']));
$movie->doMovieUpdate(/** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ $fetchedBinary,
$arr['id'], $processImdb
// If set scan for tv info.
if ($processTv == 1) {
(new PostProcess(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]))->processTv($groupID, $guidChar, $processTv);
/*$tvRage = new TvRage(['Echo' => $this->echo, 'Settings' => $this->pdo]);
$showId = $this->parseShowId($fetchedBinary);
if ($showId !== false) {
$show = $tvRage->parseNameEpSeason($arr['name']);
if (is_array($show) && $show['name'] != '') {
// Update release with season, ep, and air date info (if available) from release title.
$tvRage->updateEpInfo($show, $arr['id']);
$rid = $tvRage->getByRageID($rageId);
if (!$rid) {
$tvrShow = $tvRage->getRageInfoFromService($rageId);
$tvRage->updateRageInfo($rageId, $show, $tvrShow, $arr['id']);
// Remove nfo that we cant fetch after 5 attempts.
$releases = $this->pdo->queryDirect(
FROM releases r
WHERE r.nzbstatus = %d
AND r.nfostatus < %d AND r.nfostatus > %d %s %s',
if ($releases instanceof \Traversable) {
foreach ($releases as $release) {
// remove any release_nfos for failed
DELETE FROM release_nfos WHERE nfo IS NULL AND releases_id = %d',
// set release.nfostatus to failed
UPDATE releases r SET r.nfostatus = %d WHERE = %d',
if ($this->echo) {
if ($nfoCount > 0) {
echo PHP_EOL;
if ($ret > 0) {
$this->pdo->log->doEcho($ret . ' NFO file(s) found/processed.', true);
return $ret;