You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

320 lines
8.8 KiB

namespace nzedb;
use app\models\Groups as Group;
use app\models\Settings;
use nzedb\utility\Misc;
* Attempts to find a PRE name for a release using a request ID from our local pre database,
* or internet request id database.
* Class RequestIDWeb
class RequestIDWeb extends RequestID
const MAX_WEB_LOOKUPS = 75; // Please don't exceed this, not to be to harsh on the Request ID server.
* The ID of the PRE entry the found request ID belongs to.
* @var bool|int
protected $_preDbID = false;
* @var int
protected $_request_hours;
* Construct.
* @param array $options Class instances / Echo to cli?
public function __construct(array $options = [])
$dummy = Settings::value('..request_hours');
$this->_request_hours = ($dummy != '') ? (int)$dummy : 1;
* Get all results from the releases table that have request ID's to be processed.
protected function _getReleases()
$this->_releases = $this->pdo->queryDirect(
SELECT,, r.searchname, AS groupname, r.groups_id, r.categories_id
FROM releases r
LEFT JOIN groups g ON r.groups_id =
WHERE r.nzbstatus = 1
AND r.predb_id = 0
AND r.isrequestid = 1
r.reqidstatus = %d
OR (r.reqidstatus = %d AND r.adddate < NOW() - INTERVAL %d HOUR)
%s %s %s
ORDER BY r.postdate DESC
LIMIT %d',
(empty($this->_groupID) ? '' : ('AND r.groups_id = ' . $this->_groupID)),
($this->_maxTime === 0 ? '' : sprintf(' AND r.adddate > NOW() - INTERVAL %d HOUR', $this->_maxTime)),
(empty($this->_limit) || $this->_limit > 1000 ? 1000 : $this->_limit)
* Create "AND" part of query for request ID groups.
* Less load on the request ID web server, by limiting results.
* @return string
protected function _getReqIdGroups()
return (
'alt.binaries.warez'," .
// Extra groups we will need to remap later, etc is teevee for example.
* Process releases for requestID's.
* @return int How many did we rename?
protected function _processReleases()
// Array to store results.
$requestArray = [];
if ($this->_releases instanceof \Traversable) {
// Loop all the results.
foreach ($this->_releases as $release) {
$this->_release['name'] = $release['name'];
// Try to find a request ID for the release.
$requestId = $this->_siftReqId();
// If there's none, update the release and continue.
if ($requestId === self::REQID_ZERO) {
$this->_requestIdNotFound($release['id'], self::REQID_NONE);
if ($this->echoOutput) {
echo '-';
// Change etc to teevee.
if ($release['groupname'] === 'alt.binaries.etc') {
$release['groupname'] = 'alt.binaries.teevee';
// Send the release ID so we can track the return data.
$requestArray[$release['id']] = [
'reqid' => $requestId,
'ident' => $release['id'],
'group' => $release['groupname'],
'sname' => $release['searchname']
// Check if we requests to send to the web.
if (count($requestArray) < 1) {
return 0;
// Mock array for isset check on server.
$requestArray[0] = ['ident' => 0, 'group' => 'none', 'reqid' => 0];
// Do a web lookup.
$returnXml = Misc::getUrl([
'url' => Settings::value('..request_url'),
'method' => 'post',
'postdata' => 'data=' . serialize($requestArray),
'verifycert' => false,
$renamed = 0;
// Change the release titles and insert the PRE's if they don't exist.
if ($returnXml !== false) {
$returnXml = @simplexml_load_string($returnXml);
if ($returnXml !== false) {
// Store the returned identifiers so we can check which releases we didn't find a request id.
$returnedIdentifiers = [];
$groupIDArray = [];
foreach ($returnXml->request as $result) {
if (isset($result['name']) && isset($result['ident']) && (int)$result['ident'] > 0) {
$this->_newTitle['title'] = (string)$result['name'];
$this->_requestID = (int)$result['reqid'];
$this->_release['id'] = (int)$result['ident'];
// Buffer groupID queries.
$this->_release['groupname'] = $requestArray[(int)$result['ident']]['group'];
if (isset($groupIDarray[$this->_release['groupname']])) {
$this->_release['groups_id'] = $groupIDArray[$this->_release['groupname']];
} else {
$this->_release['groups_id'] = Group::getIDByName($this->_release['groupname']);
$groupIDArray[$this->_release['groupname']] = $this->_release['groups_id'];
$this->_release['gid'] = $this->_release['groups_id'];
$this->_release['searchname'] = $requestArray[(int)$result['ident']]['sname'];
if ($this->_preDbID === false) {
$this->_preDbID = 0;
$this->_newTitle['id'] = $this->_preDbID;
if ($this->echoOutput) {
echo '+';
$returnedIdentifiers[] = (string)$result['ident'];
// Check if the WEB didn't send back some titles, update the release.
if (count($returnedIdentifiers) > 0) {
foreach ($returnedIdentifiers as $identifier) {
if (array_key_exists($identifier, $requestArray)) {
foreach ($requestArray as $request) {
$addDate = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(
'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(adddate) AS adddate FROM releases WHERE id = %d', $request['ident']
$status = self::REQID_NONE;
if ($addDate !== false && !empty($addDate['adddate'])) {
if ((bool)(intval((time() - (int)$addDate['adddate']) / 3600) > $this->_request_hours)) {
$status = self::REQID_OLD;
} else {
$status = self::REQID_OLD;
if ($this->echoOutput) {
echo '-';
return $renamed;
* If we found a request ID on the internet, check if our PRE database has it, insert it if not.
protected function _insertIntoPreDB()
$dupeCheck = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(
SELECT id AS predb_id, requestid, groups_id
FROM predb
WHERE title = %s',
if ($dupeCheck === false) {
$this->_preDbID = (int)$this->pdo->queryInsert(
INSERT INTO predb (title, source, requestid, groups_id, created)
VALUES (%s, %s, %d, %d, NOW())",
} else {
$this->_preDbID = $dupeCheck['predb_id'];
UPDATE predb
SET requestid = %d, groups_id = %d
WHERE id = %d',
* If we found a PRE name, update the releases name and reset post processing.
protected function _updateRelease()
$determinedCategory = $this->category->determineCategory($this->_release['groups_id'], $this->_newTitle['title']);
$newTitle = $this->pdo->escapeString($this->_newTitle['title']);
UPDATE releases
SET videos_id = 0, tv_episodes_id = 0, imdbid = NULL, musicinfo_id = NULL, consoleinfo_id = NULL, bookinfo_id = NULL,
anidbid = NULL, reqidstatus = %d, isrenamed = 1, proc_files = 1, searchname = %s, categories_id = %d, predb_id = %d
WHERE id = %d',
$this->sphinx->updateRelease($this->_release['id'], $this->pdo);
if ($this->echoOutput) {
'new_name' => $this->_newTitle['title'],
'old_name' => $this->_release['searchname'],
'new_category' => $this->category->getNameByID($determinedCategory),
'old_category' => '',
'group' => $this->_release['groupname'],
'release_id' => $this->_release['id'],
'method' => 'RequestID->updateRelease<web>'