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Use this page to manage movies added to your personal list. If the movie becomes available it will be added to an <a href="{$smarty.const.WWW_TOP}/rss?t=-4&amp;dl=1&amp;i={$}&amp;r={$userdata.rsstoken}">Rss Feed</a> you can use to automatically download. To add more movies use the <a href="{$smarty.const.WWW_TOP}/mymovies">My Movies</a> search feature.
{if $movies|@count > 0}
<table class="data highlight Sortable" id="browsetable">
<th class="mid">options</th>
{foreach $movies as $movie}
<tr class="{cycle values=",alt"}">
<td class="mid">
<div class="movcover">
<img class="shadow" src="{$smarty.const.WWW_TOP}/covers/movies/{if $movie.cover == 1}{$movie.imdbid}-cover.jpg{else}no-cover.jpg{/if}" width="120" border="0" alt="{$movie.title|escape:"htmlall"}" />
<div class="movextra">
<a class="rndbtn" target="_blank" href="{$site->dereferrer_link}{$movie.imdbid}" title="View IMDB">IMDB</a>
<h2>{$movie.title|escape:"htmlall"} ({$movie.year})</h2>
{if $movie.tagline != ''}<b>{$movie.tagline}</b><br />{/if}
{if $movie.plot != ''}{$movie.plot}<br /><br />{/if}
{if $movie.genre != ''}<b>Genre:</b> {$movie.genre}<br />{/if}
{if $movie.director != ''}<b>Director:</b> {$movie.director}<br />{/if}
{if $movie.actors != ''}<b>Starring:</b> {$movie.actors}<br /><br />{/if}
<td class="less">{if $movie.categoryNames != ''}{$movie.categoryNames|escape:"htmlall"}{else}All{/if}</td>
<td class="less" title="Added on {$movie.createddate}">{$movie.createddate|date_format}</td>
<td class="mid"><a href="{$smarty.const.WWW_TOP}/mymoviesedit?del={$movie.imdbid}" rel="remove" title="Remove from my movies">Remove</a></td>