You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

73 lines
2.6 KiB

{if $error != ''}
<div class="error">{$error}</div>
<form action="{$SCRIPT_NAME}?action=submit" method="POST">
<table class="input">
<td><label for="group_regex">Group:</label></td>
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$}" />
<input type="text" id="group_regex" name="group_regex" value="{$regex.group_regex|escape:html}" />
<div class="hint">
Regex to match against a group or multiple groups.<br />
Delimiters are already added, and PCRE_CASELESS is added after for case insensitivity.
An example of matching a single group: alt\.binaries\.example<br />
An example of matching multiple groups: alt\.binaries.*
<td><label for="regex">Regex:</label></td>
<textarea id="regex" name="regex" >{$regex.regex|escape:html}</textarea>
<div class="hint">
Regex to use when categorizing releases.<br />
The regex delimiters are not added, you MUST add them. See <a href="">this</a> page.<br />
To make the regex case insensitive, add i after the last delimiter.<br />
<td><label for="description">Description:</label></td>
<textarea id="description" name="description" >{$regex.description|escape:html}</textarea>
<div class="hint">
Description for this regex.<br />
You can include an example usenet subject this regex would match on.
<td><label for="ordinal">Ordinal:</label></td>
<input class="ordinal" id="ordinal" name="ordinal" type="text" value="{$regex.ordinal}" />
<div class="hint">
The order to run this regex in.<br />
Must be a number, 0 or higher.<br />
If multiple regex have the same ordinal, MySQL will randomly sort them.
<td><label for="status">Active:</label></td>
{html_radios id="status" name='status' values=$status_ids output=$status_names selected=$regex.status separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Only active regex are used during the collection matching process.</div>
<td><label for="categories_id">Category:</label></td>
{html_options id="categories_id" name='categories_id' values=$category_ids output=$category_names selected=$regex.categories_id}
<div class="hint">Select a category which releases matched to this regex will go into.</div>
<input type="submit" value="Save" />