You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

713 lines
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<table border="0" width="100%">
<td align="right" class="top-nav">
<form action="#">
<option value="tmux_backfill">Backfill</option>
<option value="tmux_commentsharing">Comment Sharing</option>
<option value="tmux_decrypthashes">Decrypt Hashes</option>
<option value="tmux_fixreleasenames">Fix Release Names</option>
<option value="tmux_importnzbs">Import Nzbs</option>
<option value="tmux_misc">Miscellaneous</option>
<option value="tmux_monitor">Monitor</option>
<option value="tmux_postprocessing">Postprocessing</option>
<option value="tmux_ircscraper">PreDb IRC Scraper</option>
<option value="tmux_removecrapreleases">Remove Crap Releases</option>
<option value="tmux_sequential">Sequential</option>
<option value="tmux_servermonitors">Server Monitors</option>
<option value="tmux_updatebinaries">Update Binaries</option>
<option value="tmux_updatereleases">Update Releases</option>
<option value="tmux_updatetvtheater">Update TV/Theater</option>
<form action="{$SCRIPT_NAME}?action=submit" method="post">
{if $error != ''}
<div class="error">{$error}</div>
<fieldset id="tmux_how">
<legend>Tmux - How It Works</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="explain">Information:</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<div class="explanation">Tmux is a screen multiplexer and at least version 1.6 is required. It is used
here to allow multiple windows per session and multiple panes per window.<br/><br/>
Each script is run in its own shell environment. It is not looped, but allowed to run once and then
exit. This notifies tmux that the pane is dead and can then be respawned with another iteration of
the script in a new shell environment. <br/>
This allows for scripts that crash to be restarted without user intervention.<br/><br/>
You can run multiple tmux sessions, but they all must have an associated tmux.conf file and all
sessions must use the same tmux.conf file.
<h3><b>NOTICE:</b></h3> If "Save Tmux Settings" is the last thing you did on this page or if it is
the active element and if you have this page set to autorefresh or you refresh instead of following
a link to this page, you will set the db with the settings currently on this page, not reload from
db. This could cause tmux scripts to start while optimize or patch the database is running.
<fieldset id="tmux_monitor">
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="running">Tmux Scripts Running:</label></td>
{html_radios id="running" name='running' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->running separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">This is the shutdown, true/on, it runs, false/off and all scripts are terminated. This
will start/stop all panes without terminating the monitor pane. This is not instant, it does not
kill any panes, it simply does not allow any pane to restart if set to false.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="monitor_delay">Monitor Loop Timer:</label></td>
<input id="monitor_delay" name="monitor_delay" class="short" type="text"
<div class="hint">The time between query refreshes of monitor information, in seconds. This has no
effect on any other pane, except in regards to the kill switches. The other panes are checked every
10 seconds. The lower the number, the more often it queries the database for numbers.<br/>
<b>As the database gets larger in size, the longer this set of queries takes to process.</b><br/>
this has been mitigated by using memcache on the count queries. The will stay in cache for whatever
you have set in config.ini, default is 900 seconds.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="tmux_session">Tmux Session:</label></td>
<input id="tmux_session" name="tmux_session" class="long" type="text" value="{$ftmux->tmux_session}"/>
<div class="hint">Enter the session name to be used by tmux, no spaces allowed in the name, this can't
be changed after scripts start. If you are running multiple servers, you could put your hostname
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="monitor_path">Monitor a Ramdisk:</label></td>
<input id="monitor_path" name="monitor_path" class="long" type="text"
<input id="monitor_path_a" name="monitor_path_a" class="long" type="text"
<input id="monitor_path_b" name="monitor_path_b" class="long" type="text"
<div class="hint">Enter a path here to have Monitor monitor its usage and free space. Must be a valid
path.<br/>To use this example, add to fstab and edit path, gid and uid, then mount as user not root:<br/>tmpfs
/var/www/nZEDb/resources/tmp/unrar tmpfs
user,uid=1000,gid=33,nodev,nodiratime,nosuid,size=1G,mode=777 0 0<br/>
gid == group id == /etc/groups, uid == user id == /etc/passwd
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="explain">Information:</label></td>
<div class="explanation">
Monitor is the name of the script that monitors all of the tmux panes and windows. It starts/stops
scripts based on user settings. It queries the database to provide stats from your nZEDb
There are 2 columns of numbers, 'In Process' and 'In Database'. The 'In Process' is all releases
that need to be postprocessed. The 'In Database' is the number of releases matching that
The 'In Process' column has 2 sets of numbers, the total for each category that needs to be
postprocessed and inside the parenthesis is the difference from when the script started to what it
is now.<br/><br/>
The 'In Database' column also has 2 sets of numbers, the total releases for each category and inside
the parenthesis is the percentage that category is to the total number of releases.<br/><br/>
The Misc row means something different in both columns. The 'In Process' column is all releases that
have not had 'Additional' run on them. This includes 100% of all releases, not just the Misc
The 'In Database' Misc means the number of releases that have not been categorized in any other
The counts for parts, binaries and predb totals are estimates and can vary wildly between queries.
It is too slow to query the db for real counts, when using InnoDB. All of the other counts are
actual counts.<br/><br/>
The 'In Process' predb is the total unmatched predb and inside the parenthesis is the 'matched'
changed since the script started. The 'In Database' is the total matched predb's you have and the
number inside the parenthesis is the percentage of total releases that you have matched to a predb
The 'In Process' NZBs are total nzbs, inside the parenthesis is distinct nzbs and 'In Database' are
nzbs that have all parts available and will be processed on next run.<br/><br/>
The 'In Process' requestID is the number waiting to be processed and inside the parenthesis is the
number changed since the script started. The 'In Database' is the total matches of releases to
requestIDs and inside the parenthesis is percentage of total releases that you have matched to a
The 'In Process' PC is the number waiting to be processed and inside the parenthesis is the
number changed since the script started. The 'In Database' is the actual count for the
The 'In Process' XXX is the number waiting to be processed and inside the parenthesis is the
number changed since the script started. The 'In Database' is the actual count for the
<fieldset id="tmux_sequential">
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="sequential">Run Sequential:</label></td>
{html_options style="width:180px;" class="siteeditstyle" id="sequential" name='sequential' values=$sequential_ids output=$sequential_names selected=$ftmux->sequential}
<div class="hint">Basic Sequential runs update_binaries, backfill and update releases_sequentially.<br/>Complete
Sequential runs to, this still runs import in its own pane.
This will allow you to reorder the script in any order you like. The idea is to get each individual
script to run at or near your desired load level.<br/>Changing requires restart.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="seq_timer">Sequential Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="seq_timer" name="seq_timer" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->seq_timer}"/>
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="explain">Information:</label></td>
<div class="explanation">I recommend using Sequential, if you are also grabbing nzbs.</div>
<fieldset id="tmux_updatebinaries">
<legend>Update Binaries</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="binaries">Update Binaries:</label></td>
{html_options style="width:180px;" class="siteeditstyle" id="binaries" name='binaries' values=$binaries_ids output=$binaries_names selected=$ftmux->binaries}
<div class="hint">Choose to run update_binaries. Update binaries gets from your last_record to now.<br/>Simple
Threaded Update runs 1 group per thread.<br/>Complete Threaded Update splits all work across
multiple threads(
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="bins_timer">Update Binaries Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="bins_timer" name="bins_timer" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->bins_timer}"/>
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<fieldset id="tmux_backfill">
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="backfill">Backfill:</label></td>
{html_options style="width:180px;" class="siteeditstyle" id="backfill" name='backfill' values=$backfill_ids output=$backfill_names selected=$ftmux->backfill}
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{html_options style="width:180px;" class="siteeditstyle" id="backfill_order" name='backfill_order' values=$backfill_group_ids output=$backfill_group selected=$ftmux->backfill_order}
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{html_options style="width:180px;" class="siteeditstyle" id="backfill_days" name='backfill_days' values=$backfill_days_ids output=$backfill_days selected=$ftmux->backfill_days}
<div class="hint">Choose to run backfill type. Backfill gets from your first_record back.<br/>
Disabled - Disables backfill from running.<br/>
Safe - Backfills 1 group by backfill days (set in admin-view groups), using the number of threads
set in admin. This downloads Backfill Quantity times the Backfill Threads, each
loop( <br \>
example: you have Backfill Threads = 10, Backfill Quantity = 20k, Max Messages = 5k: you will run 10
threads, queue of 40 and download 200k headers.<br/>
All - Backfills all enabled groups using the multiprocessing script by the number of articles (set in tmux)</br>
These settings are all per loop and does not use backfill date. Approximately every 80 minutes,
every activated backfill group will be backfilled (5k headers). This is to allow incomplete
collections to be completed and/or the 2 hour delay reset if the collection is still active. This
extra step is not necessary and is not used when using Sequential.<br/>
Newest - Sorts the group selection with the least backfill days backfilled, first.<br/>
Oldest - Sorts the group selection with the most backfill days backfilled, first.<br/>
Alphabetical - Sorts the group selection from a to z.<br/>
Alphabetical Reverse - Sorts the group selection from z to a.<br /a>
Most Posts - Sorts the group selection by the highest number of posts, first.<br /a>
Fewest Posts - Sorts the group selection by the lowest number of posts, first.<br/>
Backfill days - Days per Group from admin->view group or the Safe Backfill Date from admin->edit
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="backfill_qty">Backfill Quantity:</label></td>
<input id="backfill_qty" name="backfill_qty" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->backfill_qty}"/>
<div class="hint">When not running backfill intervals, you select the number of headers per group per
thread to download.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="backfill_groups">Backfill Groups:</label></td>
<input id="backfill_groups" name="backfill_groups" class="short" type="text"
<div class="hint">When running backfill the groups are sorted by the backfill method chosen above.
Select the number of groups to backfill per loop.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="back_timer">Backfill Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="back_timer" name="back_timer" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->back_timer}"/>
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="progressive">Variable Sleep Timer:</label></td>
{html_radios id="progressive" name='progressive' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->progressive separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">This will vary the backfill sleep depending on how many collections you have.<br/>ie
50k collections would make sleep timer 100 seconds and 20k releases would make sleep timer 40
<fieldset id="tmux_importnzbs">
<legend>Import nzbs</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="import">Import nzbs:</label></td>
{html_options style="width:180px;" class="siteeditstyle" id="import" name='import' values=$import_ids output=$import_names selected=$ftmux->import}
<div class="hint">Choose to run import nzb script true/false. This can point to a single folder with
multiple subfolders on just the one folder. If you run this threaded, it will run 1 folder per
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="nzbs">Nzbs Folder:</label></td>
<input id="nzbs" class="long" name="nzbs" type="text" value="{$ftmux->nzbs}"/>
<div class="hint">Set the path to the nzb dump you downloaded from torrents, this is the path to bulk
files folder of nzbs. This is by default, recursive and threaded. You set the threads in edit site,
Advanced Settings.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="import_count">Import nzbs per process:</label></td>
<input id="import_count" name="import_count" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->import_count}"/>
<div class="hint">How many NZB files to import per process.</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="import_timer">Import nzbs Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="import_timer" name="import_timer" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->import_timer}"/>
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="explain">Information:</label></td>
<div class="explanation">This will import all nzbs in the given path. If in your path you have nzbs in
the root folder and subfolders(regardless of nzbs inside), threaded scripts will ignore all nzbs in
the root path. Then each subfolder is threaded.
<fieldset id="tmux_updatereleases">
<legend>Update Releases</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="releases">Update Releases:</label></td>
{html_options style="width:180px;" class="siteeditstyle" id="releases" name='releases' values=$releases_ids output=$releases_names selected=$ftmux->releases}
<div class="hint">Create releases, this is really only necessary to turn off when you only want to post
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="rel_timer">Update Releases Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="rel_timer" name="rel_timer" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->rel_timer}"/>
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<fieldset id="tmux_postprocessing">
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="post">Postprocess Additional:</label></td>
{html_options style="width:180px;" class="siteeditstyle" id="post" name='post' values=$post_ids output=$post_names selected=$ftmux->post}
<div class="hint">Choose to do deep rar inspection, preview and sample creation and/or nfo processing.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="post_timer">Postprocess Additional Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="post_timer" name="post_timer" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->post_timer}"/>
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="post_kill_timer">Postprocess Kill Timer:</label></td>
<input id="post_kill_timer" name="post_kill_timer" class="short" type="text"
<div class="hint">The time postprocess is allowed to run with no updates to the screen. Activity is
detected when the history for the pane changes. The clock is restarted every time activity is
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="post_amazon">Postprocess Amazon:</label></td>
{html_radios id="post_amazon" name='post_amazon' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->post_amazon separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Choose to do books, music and games lookups true/false</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="post_timer_amazon">Postprocess Amazon Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="post_timer_amazon" name="post_timer_amazon" class="short" type="text"
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="post_non">Postprocess Non-Amazon:</label></td>
{html_radios id="post_non" name='post_non' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->post_non separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Choose to do movies, anime and tv lookups. true/false</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="post_timer">Postprocess Non-Amazon Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="post_timer_non" name="post_timer_non" class="short" type="text"
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<fieldset id="tmux_commentsharing">
<legend>Comment Sharing</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="run_sharing">Comment Sharing :</label></td>
{html_radios id="run_sharing" name='run_sharing' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names
selected=$ftmux->run_sharing separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Run Comment Sharing from within tmux if you have it enabled in Admin->Sharing
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="sharing_timer">Comments Sharing Timer:</label></td>
<input class="short" id="sharing_timer" name="sharing_timer" type="text"
<div class="hint">Set the sleep time between updates</div>
<fieldset id="tmux_fixreleasenames">
<legend>Fix Release Names</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="fix_names">Fix Release Names:</label></td>
{html_radios id="fix_names" name='fix_names' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->fix_names separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Choose to try to fix Releases Names using NFOs, par2 files, filenames, md5 and misc
sorter. true/false
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="fix_timer">Fix Release Names Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="fix_timer" name="fix_timer" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->fix_timer}"/>
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<fieldset id="tmux_removecrapreleases">
<legend>Remove Crap Releases</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="fix_crap">Remove Crap Releases:</label></td>
{html_radios id="fix_crap_opt" name='fix_crap_opt' onchange="enableFixCrapCustom()" values=$fix_crap_radio_names output=$fix_crap_radio_names selected=$ftmux->fix_crap_opt separator='<br />'}
<div class="checkbox-grid">
{if $ftmux->fix_crap_opt == "Custom"}
{html_checkboxes id="fix_crap" name='fix_crap' values=$fix_crap_check_names output=$fix_crap_check_names selected=explode(', ', $ftmux->fix_crap)}
{html_checkboxes id="fix_crap" name='fix_crap' disabled="true" readonly="true" values=$fix_crap_check_names output=$fix_crap_check_names selected=explode(', ', $ftmux->fix_crap)}
<div class="hint">Choose to run Remove Crap Releases. You can enable all or some.</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="crap_timer">Remove Crap Releases Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="crap_timer" name="crap_timer" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->crap_timer}"/>
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<fieldset id="tmux_decrypthashes">
<legend>Decrypt Hashes</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="dehash">Decrypt Hash Based Release Names:</label></td>
{html_options style="width:180px;" class="siteeditstyle" id="dehash" name='dehash' values=$dehash_ids output=$dehash_names selected=$ftmux->dehash}
<div class="hint">Choose to run Decrypt Hashes true/false</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="dehash_timer">Decrypt Hashes Sleep Timer:</label></td>
<input id="dehash_timer" name="dehash_timer" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->dehash_timer}"/>
<div class="hint">The time to sleep from the time the loop ends until it is restarted, in seconds.</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="explain">Information:</label></td>
<div class="explanation">Decrypt hashes works by matching a hashed release to the md5 of a release in
the predb.<br/>
Included in the same pane is Update Predb. This scrapes several predb sites and then tries to match
against releases.<br/>
This should be run along with fixReleasenames.php, this is faster, but only looks at releases.names.
fixReleasenames.php goes further and looks at
<fieldset id="tmux_updatetvtheater">
<legend>Update TV/Theater</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="update_tv">Update TV and Theater Schedules:</label></td>
{html_radios id="update_tv" name='update_tv' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->update_tv separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Choose to run Update TV and Theater Schedules true/false</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="tv_timer">Update TV and Theater Start Timer:</label></td>
<input id="tv_timer" name="tv_timer" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->tv_timer}"/>
<div class="hint">This is a start timer. The default is 12 hours. This means that if enabled, is will
start/run every 12 hours, no matter how long it runs for.
<fieldset id="tmux_ircscraper">
<legend>PreDb IRC Scraper</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="run_ircscraper">Enable IRCScraper:</label></td>
{html_radios id="run_ircscraper" name='run_ircscraper' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names
selected=$ftmux->run_ircscraper separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Enable IRCScraper. The pane for this can not be created after tmux starts.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="explain">Information:</label></td>
<div class="explanation">IRC Scraper will scrape nZEDb's own pre channel on synIRC for pre info.<br/>
Copy ircscraper_settings_example.php to ircscraper_settings.php in {$smarty.const.nZEDb_CONFIGS} and change the settings.<br/>
As a minimum you should set the username and make sure it is unique.
<fieldset id="tmux_misc">
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="niceness">Niceness:</label></td>
<input id="niceness" name="niceness" class="short" type="text" value="{$ftmux->niceness}"/>
<div class="hint">This sets the 'nice'ness of each script, default is 19, the lowest, the highest is -20
anything between -1 and -20 require root/sudo to run
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="collections_kill">Maximum Collections:</label></td>
<input id="collections_kill" name="collections_kill" class="short" type="text"
<div class="hint">Set this to any number above 0 and when it is exceeded, backfill and update binaries
will be terminated. 0 disables.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="postprocess_kill">Maximum Postprocess:</label></td>
<input id="postprocess_kill" name="postprocess_kill" class="short" type="text"
<div class="hint">Set this to any number above 0 and when it is exceeded, import, backfill and update
binaries will be terminated. 0 disables.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="write_logs">Logging:</label></td>
{html_radios id="write_logs" name='write_logs' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->write_logs separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Set this to write each panes output to a per pane per day log file. This adds GMT date
to the filename.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="powerline">Powerline Status Bar:</label></td>
{html_radios id="powerline" name='powerline' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->powerline separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Choose to use the Powerline tmux status bar. To make this pretty, you need to install
a patched font. This can be found on <a href="">my
fork</a> or <a href="">the original git</a><br \>You
will need to copy the default theme located at powerline/powerline/themes/ to
powerline/powerline/themes/ and edit that file for what is displayed, colors, etc.
<fieldset id="tmux_servermonitors">
<legend>Server Monitors</legend>
<table class="input">
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="showquery">Display Query Times:</label></td>
{html_radios id="showquery" name='showquery' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->showquery separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Choose to display the query times for each set of queries. true/false.</div>
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="htop">htop:</label></td>
{html_radios id="htop" name='htop' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->htop separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">htop - an interactive process viewer for Linux. The pane for this can not be created
after tmux starts.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="nmon">nmon:</label></td>
{html_radios id="nmon" name='nmon' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->nmon separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">nmon is short for Nigel's performance Monitor for Linux. The pane for this can not be
created after tmux starts.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="vnstat">vnstat:</label></td>
{html_radios id="vnstat" name='vnstat' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->vnstat separator='<br />'}
<input id="vnstat_ARGS" name="vnstat_ARGS" class="text" type="text" value="{$ftmux->vnstat_ARGS}"/>
<div class="hint">vnStat is a console-based network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD that keeps a log
of network traffic for the selected interface(s). Any additional arguments should be placed in the
text box. The pane for this can not be created after tmux starts.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="tcptrack">tcptrack:</label></td>
{html_radios id="tcptrack" name='tcptrack' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->tcptrack separator='<br />'}
<input id="tcptrack_args" name="tcptrack_args" class="text" type="text"
<div class="hint">tcptrack displays the status of TCP connections that it sees on a given network
interface. tcptrack monitors their state and displays information such as state, source/destination
addresses and bandwidth usage in a sorted, updated list very much like the top(1) command. <br/>Any
additional arguments should be placed in the text box. <br/>You may need to run "sudo setcap
cap_net_raw+ep /usr/bin/tcptrack", to be able to run as user. The pane for this can not be created
after tmux starts.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="bwmng">bwm-ng:</label></td>
{html_radios id="bwmng" name='bwmng' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->bwmng separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">bwm-ng can be used to monitor the current bandwidth of all or some specific network
interfaces or disks (or partitions). The pane for this can not be created after tmux starts.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="mytop">mytop:</label></td>
{html_radios id="mytop" name='mytop' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->mytop separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">mytop - display MySQL server performance info like `top'. <br/>You will need to create
~/.mytop, an example can be found in 'perldoc mytop'. The pane for this can not be created after
tmux starts.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="showprocesslist">Show Process List:</label></td>
{html_radios id="showprocesslist" name='showprocesslist' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->showprocesslist separator='<br />'}
<input id="processupdate" name="processupdate" class="short" type="text"
<div class="hint">This runs the watch command in its own pane. This could be used for a live 'slow query
monitor'. Just set the time above and only the queries that exceed it will be displayed.<br/>mysql
-e "SELECT time, state, rows_examined, info FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE command !=
\"Sleep\" AND time >= .5 ORDER BY time DESC \G"<br/>This shows a grid like layout with the full test
of the running queries.<br/>You will need to create a ~/.my.cnf for this to work properlly. The pane
for this can not be created after tmux starts and modifying the time above will have no effect until
a restart occurs.
<td style="width:180px;"><label for="console">Console:</label></td>
{html_radios id="console" name='console' values=$yesno_ids output=$yesno_names selected=$ftmux->console separator='<br />'}
<div class="hint">Open an empty bash shell. The pane for this can not be created after tmux starts.
<input type="submit" value="Save Tmux Settings"/>