You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
970 B

<br /><br />
{if $data}
<table style="width:100%;margin-top:10px;" class="data highlight">
<select name="logtype" id="logtype" onchange="window.location='{$smarty.const.WWW_TOP}/view-logs.php?t=' + this.value;">
{foreach $types as $newtype}
<option {if $type == $newtype}selected="selected"{/if} value="{$newtype}">
{foreach from=$data item=log}
<tr class="{cycle values=",alt"}">
<br />
<h3>Nothing found, maybe you need to turn on logging in : {$path}</h3>
<select name="logtype" id="logtype" onchange="window.location='{$smarty.const.WWW_TOP}/view-logs.php?t=' + this.value;">
{foreach $types as $newtype}
<option {if $type == $newtype}selected="selected"{/if} value="{$newtype}">